As they talked, the Khajiit wandered through the group before passing Alexios. He prodded his cuirass with a claw, not-so-gently, and Alexios stood against. The Khajiit then flopped on one of the pews. [color=f7941d]"That one... Thinks ill of us. Kiffar thinks that one is wise,"[/color] he commented. Alexios listened as Kiffar went on to discuss the 'fancy ideas' they all had, before boiling it down simply to meeting with the diplomats and killing whatever tries to kill them. If anything, Alexios was grateful for the simplification. He showed it just to Kiffar by bowing his head to him by the end, whether he noticed or not. Next, the Redguard spoke up and introduced herself as Khaliya al-Rihad. An Alik'r far from home. Like the the others before her, she also went through each of the ideas with a comb. She circled back to the merchant suggestion and offered her experience in working with merchants. She added that the Legionaries could remain a safe but discreet distance behind. She went through the logistics in detail, and Alexios nodded thoughtfully. He was waiting for some further discussion when the Confessor piped up once more. [b]"Indeed; it would be good for this motley fellowship to decide on a leader. As you do not seem to be offering yourself for that position, who would you suggest? I will be blunt - Most of the group have disadvantages; Meen-La is a planner but is a condemned criminal, while Alexios is too obviously tied to the Imperial Legion."[/b] Alexios scoffed, somewhat annoyed the Confessor even bothered to mention him. [color=ed1c24]'To be clear: I'm no more part of this "Militia" any more than one of you being a decorated legionary.'[/color] The Confessor then continued undeterred and outlined the depth of the plan. She then suggested the Nord named Arnvidr to be the leader of the Militia. But then she asked for the Militia's thoughts. Meen-La was first to pipe up among them, and Alexios gave her the time to say her piece before deciding he'd heard enough. [color=ed1c24]'Thank you for your time, esteemed Confessor,'[/color] he said promptly, [color=ed1c24]'I'll leave the good Militia to figure out what they please. My boys will need to rest before we move out at dawn. Good night.'[/color] Alexios then took his leave from the Priory, stepping out into the cool evening air. He muttered a small prayer to Akatosh under his breath.