[quote=@Carlyle] I just don't want to lean hard into Mad Max Pokémon: the RP or the like. I don't want it to be full on goofy just because it's Pokémon. [/quote] Oi, I'll have you know those buff biker dudes were a [i]Fist of the North Star[/i] reference, thank you! So players will need to create their own narratives, then? I feel like things would probably work better if there was at least some form of overarching conflict besides just the need to survive... Do you have a plan for some villainous Team to be at work? Or maybe Groudon and Kyogre are still occasionally kaiju-ing it up in the remnants of a city and the Players could have the long-term goal of defeating/capturing/sealing them? Or maybe just finding some way to call Rayquaza back so that he can do his job? Full on sandboxes, in my experience, tend to work less well in RPs than they would in, say, a videogame.