[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ngXB6GX.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/jNXEkfa.png[/img][/center][color=gray][h3]A Phone Call[/h3][/color][sub][b]Mentions:[/b] Ezra, Emily, the Thorned Roses [color=gray]||[/color] [b]Interactions:[/b] Poppy (in collaboration with [@evierose])[/sub] [hr] As the morning grew longer Adel learned that his initial thoughts on the day were, unfortunately, correct. Nearly every gang in Nocturnia, from society’s lowest scum to the city’s would-be protectors, was mobilizing. The coincidence was pretty crazy, but at this time that was all it was. It meant busy days were ahead for the Silver Canary, on both his personal and business fronts. Currently he was pursuing the former; or at least that was his intention when the secure line finally connected and one of his employees handed the phone over to him. He waved the woman off and stuck the device between his cheek and his shoulder, his hands occupied with sorting out photos, paper reports, and digital files on the computer in front of him. [color=silver]”Pops? What the hell have you got going on over there?”[/color] he inquired. It had taken much too long to get through to Omakase, and considering everything else happening in the city it wasn’t a stretch to think they were involved in something too. Poppy rushed back to the Penny Stakes hideout where her team kept watch on Thorned Roses’ movements. She called off the personnels after the three Thorned rose vehicles have each reached their destinations. She was surprised to hear the phone rang once more. [color=salmon]“Wait, Addy? I wasn’t expecting a call from you, but this is the perfect time. It’s a long story, but I’ve got quite the situation going on here. It’s something I need a bit of help with too. But first, you obviously didn’t call because you miss me. Tell me what you need.” [/color] Poppy spoke a bit faster than she normally would’ve, still high on the adrenaline of her son’s kidnapping. She now knew the edge she’d been feeling was something akin to a mother’s instinct. Her mind was racing on formulating plans to bring down the corrupt cop named Emily despite having very little information so far. She needed to calm herself and restart properly if she wanted to get anywhere with it. Maybe the call with Adel could do just that. She shared a closeness with the silver-tongued young man, being from similar backgrounds and all. He felt as much her sibling as any of her men. Perhaps more so since Adel wasn’t solely dependent on her as the others were (and thus, who felt more like her children). While he can be sly, Poppy knew she could depend on him in desperate times. Desperate times like these. There was a brief moment of silence as Adel mulled something over. He had a lot of shit going on at the moment, but if Poppy needed help then he'd find a way to fit that in. She was, after all, one of the few people he might call a friend, and he could sense her anxiety through the phone. [i]Something serious, then,[/i] he thought. But as she requested, he'd get his thing out of the way first so she could reorient herself. [color=silver]"I was in the Stakes this morning. Not willingly. Had a little meeting with the Dark Aces,"[/color] he began. [color=silver]"I was actually going to call and complain at you, ask why how they could move around so freely on your watch down there, but I can put the pieces together."[/color] Ezra had just happened to strike when Omakase was otherwise engaged. Or, more likely, he might have known they would be preoccupied. [color=silver]"You've got someone dangerous sneaking around your turf. Did you have a run in with them too, or was it something else?"[/color] The mysterious Dark Aces wasn’t a name Poppy had heard often. If anything, they were more like an urban legend floating amongst those on the street. [color=salmon]“No, my own less-than-savoury encounter was with the Thorned Roses. They wanted a job from me and took a child for insurance. You know how I feel about involving children.”[/color] She exhaled audibly. Adel didn’t even know her more personal connection to Noah and he was the information broker. It must’ve just been a coincidence, she convinced herself. [color=salmon]“I’m sorry you also seemed to be dragged into something awful. On my territory, no less. I didn’t even know the Dark Aces was active around here…”[/color] Poppy gave a brief pause as something crossed her mind. [color=salmon]“Actually, I might have something on them. I didn’t connect the dots before, but now it makes sense. We’ve noticed a number of offices, warehouses, and homes around the Stakes, owned by some Ig Notus. That name is obviously a falsie – apparently Latin for 'unknown' or something? My people haven’t really looked into them, since their business seemed clean. Well, as clean as shady businesses go.”[/color] Poppy sighed. [i]God, now she has the underground creep in her area as well? Can this day get any harder?[/i] Coffee might be a bad idea for her state, but she had one made anyway. Triple cream and sugar with a double shot of Bailey’s, perfect for any headaches. Inhaling the sweet fumes, she asked, [color=salmon]“Do you want me to make contact?”[/color] [color=silver]"No,"[/color] Adel answered immediately. The last thing he wanted to do was get Poppy caught up with Ezra Blackheart. The Canary hadn't even asked the police Commissioner for help. He'd deal with this himself, like he usually did. He noted down the information to look into later, and as a bit of catharsis wrote [i]PRETENTIOUS[/i] in block letters next to the alias. [color=silver]"You've got bigger things to worry about. What's the job?"[/color] Poppy was grateful that he declined. All she wanted was a peaceful life, but that, she never got. The best she could do was to stay as uninvolved as possible. [color=salmon]“Yes, I do. The Thorned Roses wants to put a cop behind bars. The name’s Emily Newport. Some corrupt cop in Gold Rim, they said. Gotta get something on her in a week. You know how I keep to my areas. Thought you might have some information I need.”[/color] [color=silver]"The captain of the Blue Bloods, huh... never knew Vincent had such an interest in keeping our local police clean."[/color] Adel scoffed. He was actually sort of surprised that 'The Boss' had correctly pegged Newport as a crooked cop. Most people didn't, and wouldn't even consider it. She was good at keeping up her act, on top of being aggressively good at her job, but Adel knew a fellow liar when he saw one. He'd never brought it up with Commissioner Franchesca, since all that would accomplish would be to put himself on Newport's hit list and possibly deprive the woman of a competent detective. [color=silver]"I'll be straight with you - she's good. Covers her tracks. And her vocal gyft is dangerous. I'll see if I can dig anything else up for you, but for now... she's based in Gold Rim, but just recently took over the old station in Ragged Gravel. If you go looking for her, start there. The Commissioner has her looking into The Iron Rose, so I expect it won't be long before she tries making a move on Highfair."[/color] He thought about suggesting that Poppy reach out to The Iron Rose, but the uncertainty of it all made him reconsider. [color=silver]"If I find out she's left a loose end somewhere with all her moving around, you'll know about it."[/color] It was all he could offer her at the moment. He had his own hands full with looking into Del Guarde for Matthias, and into Matthias for both The Commissioner and the leader of the Dark Aces. As expected, the Silver Canary was a wealth of information. Poppy jotted down the names Adel had mentioned, drawing arrows between them that flew in all directions. Her pen tapped absent-mindedly next to one name in particular: Ragged Gravel. Digesting the intel, Poppy spoke again, [color=salmon]“Thank you, that’s more than I could ask for. You’ve given me plenty, I’m sure I’m bound to find something following one of them. I can always play dirty if nothing’s solid enough. I appreciate your help, as always.”[/color] [color=silver]"...do you happen to know where they're holding the kid?"[/color] Adel asked hesitantly. Poppy debated whether or not she should tell him. Dinero’s threat lingered in her mind. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust he had her best interests in mind, because of course she trusted him. So… [color=salmon]“My men tracked the kidnappers until they split off three-way. One to Ivory Tower, one to Heavy Crossguard, and one to Jeweled Bank.”[/color] It was an interesting selection for sure, especially now that Iron Roses was somehow implicated too. Maybe she should reach out and make some new friends. One more note was added to her page. [color=salmon]“As much as I’d love to storm all three right now, I would rather not risk the hostage. It didn’t turn out so well last time I did.”[/color] Her thoughts drifted to an ancient memory. One filled with regret. Snapping back to the present, [color=salmon]“I can give you the addresses. You’re the information man and all. But promise me no one else hears of them until I get my kid back.”[/color] Surely, there was no guarantee that Thorned Roses would uphold their end of the bargain. That was what happened so many years ago, where Poppy’s mistrust of ‘adults’ was ironed into her entire being. She would secure Noah’s safety herself. [color=silver]"It'll stay between us,"[/color] Adel told her. He knew that Pops could and would take care of her own, but some insurance was always good. If he found himself in those areas he'd take a peek for her. Poppy hummed in acknowledgement. A lull in the heavy conversation came up. Adel's phone shifted as he moved, digging out what was probably his fourth cigarette of the morning. [color=silver]"I'll let you get a move on, then. Let me know what happens."[/color] [color=salmon]“Of course. You’re also quite the busy man yourself,”[/color] she teased. [color=salmon]“Let me know if you need anything as well. I might not have much, but I can always spare a few hands for you.”[/color] With that, their call ended. [hr][color=gray][h3]Front Office, Silverside[/h3][/color][sub][b]Mentions:[/b] none specifically [color=gray]||[/color] [b]Interactions:[/b] none[/sub] [hr] Adel snapped the phone shut and let it fall where it clattered onto the desk. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the dark wood and dipping his head. With one hand he massaged his temples, the other holding his cigarette to his mouth. He breathed the smoke in deep and held it in his lungs for as long as he could. After letting it out he took another drag almost immediately and repeated the process. He took a moment to consider his position and everything he knew at the moment. There were a [i]lot[/i] of moving pieces, interlocked with each other, and he sorted through what he would handle and what he could delegate. Dealing with Ezra meant getting close to Matthias, and since he was currently hired by Matthias to look into Del Guarde, that was his priority. If getting closer to the smoke-headed man got him any info on the single lead Commissioner Franchesca had (which he still doubted it would, it was a cold case for a reason) he'd let her know, but as usual his own well being was his number one concern. As for Pops' missing kid... considering Ivory Tower was Red Rose Syndicate territory and Jeweled Bank was the headquarters of the police, it would be really fucking stupid to hold a hostage in one of those places unless Vincent was trying to frame someone else. Which he wasn't, apparently. Adel didn't put it past the man to do it anyway, but out of the three of them Crossguard seemed the most likely place. [color=silver]"Haa..."[/color] Adel sighed. When his cigarette was reduced to just the filter he pressed it into the ornate ashtray on his desk. Then he stood, scooping his glasses up from beside the growing pile of folders. [color=silver]"Team meeting,"[/color] he said, then once more louder to gather up the employees running around. [color=silver]"Team meeting!"[/color] The Silver Canary's offices were quite literally offices. The usually didn't host information seekers there, but every now and then it happened. Mostly it was just for organization's sake. Adel had his own office, everyone else shared a few, and there was even a break room with a coffee maker and vending machine. As far as info trading with mafia groups went, it was a pretty clean and professional space. In the meeting room, Adel gathered his group. Some remained at their posts, others were still out in the city, but he could easily work with who he had currently. As the last of them shuffled in, one of them handed Adel a sheet of paper. His eyes skimmed the page quickly. It was only what he'd already inferred, that the terrorist currently on the loose wasn't connected to his target. [color=silver]"Did you need to print this out. How much paper waste have we gone through since last month,"[/color] he complained. The woman who'd handed it to him gave him a sheepish smile. "It's so weird what you get stingy about, boss. You're fucking rich," another woman chuckled from around one side of the long table. Adel let out a loud sigh from his nose. [color=silver]"I'm not getting into this again."[/color] It was crazy how many of them didn't know how much capital it took to do their business, protect their borough, and fund payroll on top of that. [color=silver]"We're going into full collection mode, putting eyes and ears everywhere in Nocturnia. Everything you learn, no matter how small, comes back here. The majority of us are going to focus on everything West of the river."[/color] Every one of them was expected to have memorized the city's layout at this point, but Adel pointed out districts as he mentioned them anyway. While his group would be spread out over the entire city, in particular were Waterfront Vale, White Pine, Gold Rim, Nickel, Highfair, and the swath controlled by Del Guarde running from Merryland up through 93rd - which is where he would be. There they'd meet up with moles eager for cash, on top of what they could all find themselves. Those that would be stationed East of the river would hold the fort so to speak while they did their job, and look into "Ig Notus" at the same time they were feeding information to relevant parties. [color=silver]"Swift, you're going to join the crew at Heavy Crossguard. Look for anything... well, more suspicious than usual."[/color] The brunette woman nodded, but after a moment she spoke up. Her voice was quiet. "It's a big place. Do you have a starting place in mind?" Adel rubbed the back of his neck. [color=silver]"The usual places. Warehouses, garages. I'm sure you can handle it."[/color] "What about me?" Another voice piped up. It was the same woman who'd teased him at the start of the meeting about money, a golden eyed troublemaker. "You're assigning everyone else but you didn't mention me!" [color=silver]"Because you [i]know[/i] your assignment isn't changing,"[/color] he all but snapped back at her. He was justified when she threw her hands up in complaint like he knew she would. "I'm a glorified bouncer at this point man," she said a touch dramatically. Griffon might not like the fact that she was relegated guard duty, but the peace of mind it granted those employed by the Canary (and the citizens of Silverside, though unbeknownst to them as they assumed the protection of the Commissioner next door extended to them) was important. Almost as important as the job itself, since the rest of them could move around in Nocturnia and know they had a relatively secure place to come back to. "Don't you think its about time we made a move too? Its the perfect chance with everything else going on. We could take Lougham no problem!" [color=silver]"No,"[/color] Adel vetoed simply. If they did that it would jeopardize their relationship with the Order of Enlightenment. "Then what about Pennystakes? We could probably overrun them. Or the Brewer--" [color=silver]"[i]No.[/i]"[/color] He raised a hand to stop Griffon, and she closed her mouth with a frown. Of course none of his staff knew about the ties between himself and Poppy, and as much as he'd like to get more wiggle room by taking a new district he had to think about the big picture. He couldn't make himself, or his group, a bigger target than they already were. The time wasn't right. [color=silver]"We're hunkering down, doing our jobs, and making money. Everyone good with that?"[/color] He swept his eyes over the group as they answered with affirmatives. Griffon crossed her arms petulantly, but she relented, putting on a grin. "Yes, boss." The meeting adjourned, and everyone flew to get a move on with their assignments. In years past when things had gotten serious the Silver Canary had awarded generous bonuses to those who managed to bring back the biggest pieces of information - of course since Adel included himself in the running, and his gyft gave him an unfair advantage, anyone that wanted a chance at a bigger payday would have to be quick. Adel got a move on himself after speaking briefly with a few people. Griffon dragged her feet slightly, but she couldn't actually be upset. Even as a 'glorified bouncer' she was making more now than at any other job she'd had in her life. Just before leaving the room she felt a touch on her shoulder, blinking down to find the shorter Swift. "Mr. Dawson said to be on standby in case I need you. Is that alright?" "Of course. Gonna be waiting around anyway." "Hm. Maybe Mr. Levine will come by and you can try and get him to join up with us again." Griffon laughed, lacing her fingers together and turning her palms out to crack her knuckles. "No way is he gonna risk coming around Silverside again. But I hope he does, I've been practicing my persuasion skills~" [hr][center][code]Unleash the spies![/code][/center][hr]