[center][h2]Dredge II[/h2] Edward, [color=BC8DBF]Therion[/color], [color=ec008c][b]Juri[/b][/color], Snake [b]Word Count:[/b]1887 +3[/center] Juri’s shouting drew the attention of Therion, his ears flicking towards the noise. It sounded like she couldn't be too far off. He'd found a generator of his own fairly fast, but once he was in front of it the thief's hands hovered above the various wires and plugs. There were lights indicating what was working and what wasn't, and some kind of plunger with a knob jutting out of the side of the machine. Rather than slap around at it with limited success, he abandoned it to race in Juri's direction. Through a mess of tangled growths he spotted her, and the monster after her. That she'd taken such a bad wound already perturbed the thief, though he kept his caution. At least until it looked like the Dredge was about to catch up to her, at which point he couldn't wait and observe any longer. Therion burst from the brush and went in with a vicious dagger strike designed to tear through magical barriers, on the off chance that this thing had some kind of invisible shield. But that wasn't the case - and the weapon didn't so much as scratch the hideous creature. It lurched and swung its hooked arm out wide, narrowly missing the thief as he ducked and backpedaled away from it. Juri took the opportunity to put a lot of distance between her and the Dredge. Not that she would, but shouting ‘thank you’ would undermine the distraction anyway. Juri rounded a couple corners and peered around to make sure it wasn’t following her. Then she put her back against a wall and slid down, clutching her wound. [b][color=ec008c]”Grr…what the hell?!”[/color][/b] She groaned through clenched teeth. [b][color=ec008c]”Ugly bastard is playing his own rules…gotta get those generators running and get outta here. Bet that’s it’s weakness. Since when do I talk to myself? Since I gotta frickin’ two inch gash in me, that’s when!”[/color][/b] Juri ran a hand down her face. There was a massive meathook on a stick in front of her, causing Juri to frown. She had a feeling Mr. Hooky Hands had nasty intentions for whoever it caught. She spotted a nearby crate and started to rummage around in it. Inside was unfortunately not a medkit, but instead a toolbox. That’d make fixing the generators a lot faster, though one of the fantasy bozos could probably make better use of it than she could. Juri put her hand on a nearby wall and peeked over it, making sure the coast was clear. In the mist she spotted a light, and decided to move over to it, staying low and slow. Back in the small clearing she'd hurried to leave behind, Therion was having a hell of a time losing the monster now that its attention was on him. He had avoided any hits so far by running and ducking behind the weird trees, but how long he could manage that for he didn't know - it almost seemed like the thing was getting faster the longer it gave chase for. A glint of something metallic caught his eye and the thief made a sharp turn, barely avoiding the Dredge's hook as it slammed it down overhead in the space he'd just been. Therion sprinted toward what turned out to be one of the copper golems, grabbed its shoulder and threw it behind him as he vaulted over it. The golem collided with the Dredge, and though it didn't hold the creature up for very long it was enough time for Therion to assume his beast form. Faster and better suited to a crazy alien jungle hollow like this as a large white cat, he escaped the terror's radius for the moment. Elsewhere Edward sprinted through the undergrowth, flames licking around him singing the plants that he didn't hack out of his way with a machete, till he suddenly burst out of the foliage and into a clearing housing a large [url=https://i.imgur.com/eJumHat.jpeg]futaristic structure[/url] of some kind. While he would have loved to investigate the building itself, atop it he saw the flickering lights perched atop a pole that his golems had seen before, specifically perched atop the generator Juri had found. Speaking of those, the golems had lost sight of the creature, and were now scattered throughout the forest, trying to find it once more. Still, while [color=ea590c]”Concerning”[/color] it was also [color=ea590c]”all the more reason to prioritize the generator”[/color], something he did by hurrying up the stairs, and then using the banister and a singular large flap of his wings to reach the roof, avoiding the [url=https://i.imgur.com/PIQBTPC.jpeg]distractions[/url] found within. There was plenty of one found up top, namely the generator in question, which the man crouched down to inspect, and immediately became engrossed in attempting to understand the workings off, very much overanalyzing the entire device rather than getting to the root of the problem. This, combined with his slash and burned trail, ment that down beneath his feet, within the base a locker popped open, and the horror slipped free, scent upon him. Moment’s later it ascended to the roof the proper way, and approached the man tinkering with the generator. He was not so blind as to be caught entirely unaware however, as as the hook came down Edward spun and raised his buckler to meet it, only for his arm to be effortlessly forced down and the Dredge’s grotesque weapon to be driven into his shoulder. [color=ea590c]”Blast it”[/color] the man cursed, stumbling back towards the edge of the room, and then dropping off it, wings unfurling as he dropped, preventing the fall from breaking his ankles upon landing. He still stumbled to his knees, hand gripping his bleeding wound, but he had a single life line for that, his feather staff striker appearing beside him to deliver a burst of healing. At that moment, several things happened in quick succession. The Dredge appeared, looming at the precipice he’d just dropped down from and then, as the healing touched him, held up its unarmed hand which glowed with a pestilent aura that just as suddenly surrounded him instead. Yet rather than take effect, a barrier flashed around Edward as the Mirror Weakness passive skill he’d gained from a feather shield reflected the debuff back at the Dredge instead. Initially this seemed to have had no effect, the Dredge hurling itself off of the roof and coming at him, but as the man rolled to the side to avoid it, the monstrosity charged on, blind to his presence as he pulled himself to his feet. It then began to swing its weapon around wildly, only for a summoned set of copper golems to arrive just in the nick of time to distract it. Spears were banged together, prompting the Dredge to lunge towards and start tearing the golems apart while Edward used his wings to leap back up the way he’d come and perform a quick rather than clever repair job of the generator. Wires where put where they made sense, jams were cleared, and just in the nick of the time, as the now able to see again Dredge emerged back to the roof, having had to take the circuitous root back up, the engine purred to life. Job done, the Dreadnaught did not dain to stick around, leaping off the roof and taking flight one more time. He didn’t go too far however, and instead made for a nearby tree that could support his weight, landing within it. Then, when the Dredge came and started to rip that tree down, he took wing for another, doing his best to look unwinded while hanging from his new perch. He did a little too well at that act perhaps, as rather than continue to hunt him, the monstrosity departed into the foliage. [color=ea590c]”Looking for easier prey, or worried about the generators, I wonder?”[/color] the Dreadnought asked the creature’s back, though naturally it did not answer. With the generator repaired, and the monstrosity gone after the others, Edward stuck around only a little longer, specifically to catch his breath and to investigate the Base interior for anything of value, finding two chests containing a medkit and a near dead flashlight for his efforts. Through the window he would catch a glimpse of Juri and her toolbox as she was ducked down at an angle to obscure herself from the Dredge. Noting her wounds, the man waited for the Dredge to leave the area, and only then approached, not trusting himself to not give her away by mistake, or wanting to find out what the blighting curse he’d reflected would do to a living person. He offered her the freshly discovered medical kit without a word rather than deal with any predicted stubbornness that offering to help treat her might cause, and instead simply enquired quietly [color=ea590c]”How are we faring?”[/color] with regards to their progress. Juri snatched up the medkit and eagerly applied it to her wounds, stemming the bleeding. SHe concentrated on that, gritting her teeth as she wrapped the gauze around her side. Then she set the toolbox in front of Edward. [b][color=ec008c]”This toolbox’ll stop your medieval ass from zapping yourself on a generator.”[/color][/b] She said. [color=ea590c]”Appreciated”[/color] Edward replied with more than a hint of sardonicism in his tone at the barely veiled insult, but he took the kit anyway and took a moment to pursue its contents regardless. [b][color=ec008c]”I managed to get one. Somehow the ugly bastard snuck up on me. I think it can teleport somehow. Maybe through doors?”[/color][/b] She theorized, thinking of the open locker behind it. [color=ea590c]”It did seem to enter that structure without going through the main entrance”[/color] Edward replied, adding to the data point, before thinking back and, with Juri’s theory in mind, coming to a conclusion [color=ea590c]”Hmm, and one of the metal cupboards where open within … which explains the otherwise pointless seeming external latches they sport …. As if to seal it inside?”[/color] [color=ea590c]”It also attempted to inflict some sort of curse when I healed myself nearby, one that left it blind when I reflected the effect back at it”[/color] he added, only now after Juri’s self medication had proven that it couldn’t simply do so from anywhere in the arena, and that proximity matter. Juri looked down at her bandages and then at Edward. [b][color=ec008c]”Eh? Healing curse?”[/color][/b] She got back into a crouching position and went to grab his head and squeeze. [b][color=ec008c]”Bastard! Usin’ me as a damn guinea pig, huh?!”[/color][/b] She said in a harsh whisper. [color=ea590c]”Preferable to find out what it does now rather than when it is on top of us”[/color] he replied calmly from within the squeeze, even as he prodded her gut with his (unloaded) flintlock, before suggesting [color=ea590c]”now let’s not have it go to waste. You can chew me out to your heart's content after we are no longer in danger”[/color] Juri pushed his head to the side and lightly smacked the gun in the same direction. [b][color=ec008c]”Like I’m afraid of some 1700’s peashooter. Whatever, gramps. I’ll kick your ass later.”[/color][/b] She got back into a crouch and leaned around the side. [b][color=ec008c]”Coast is clear. Try to keep up.”[/color][/b] She crawled forward and away at a rapid pace. After a moment the man sighed, holstered the empty threat, crouched down and followed after her.