[center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/SjG6p6d.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/11gAoSU.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/lxCQK9s.png[/img][hr][/center][hr][center][hider=Kingdom Hearts 2 - The Corrupted][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAQDh4OT2T0[/youtube][/hider][/center][hr] The castle shuddered violently as Yoko and Ella were flung out, landing hard outside its collapsing gates. A grotesque squelch echoed through the air as the structure caved in on itself, stone and steel folding inward like peeling skin. From the ruins emerged a gargantuan, centipede-like monstrosity. Its pulsating flesh twisted unnaturally beneath the jagged stone and slick steel that formed a grotesque shell. Hundreds of bone-like legs twitched and clawed at the ground. Atop its back, seated on a throne of fused flesh and metal, was the King of the Pit. Her face was still hidden behind the mask as she held the large metal spear. Yoko momentarily pushed herself up, dusting her bloody jacket before stopping and shaking her head. She looked up at the monster and aimed the flaming katana at the creature's grin. [color=fce420]”... I’m unsure if Otten and Turner are alive right now.”[/color] [i]…?...?...They are…?...?...?[/] [color=fce420]”Dead or alive, I’m not leaving without them,”[/color] Yoko kept her eyes locked on the King before she shouted. [color=fce420]”Can you hear me, you obese bastard!? I will cleave you, your monster, and everything else you built apart and tear our friends from the gut of your abomination!”[/color] [i]...?...?...?... careful. That…?...?...[b]Oblivion[/b]. An [b]ultimate[/b] artifact…?...?... erases whatever…?...blasts.[/i] [color=e77fbf]"I don’t care what it can do, I won’t leave Saskia and Lisa behind! Never!"[/color] Ella declared. She pointed at the King with the katana she’d picked up. [color=e77fbf]"Evil like you can’t stand in the way of my burning love!"[/color] She drew the katana. It [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ba/a4/90/baa490d16966cd95d94be345c10150b6.jpg]shimmered like a rainbow[/url] for a moment before turning a bright, glowing orange. She had absolutely no idea what that meant or what it did! But it had to be good, right? She sliced it in front of her as a test… and sent out a powerful wind slash towards the centipede creature. And blasting the surrounding area with shirt ripping off winds. The massive centipede monster let out a guttural, bone-rattling screech as the wind slash collided with its armored hide. Sparks and chunks of stone flew from the impact point, but the creature barely staggered, its hundreds of legs twitching menacingly as it began to advance. The King of the Pit tilted her head slightly before she raised her metal spear and slammed it into the monster's hide. It let out another screech of pain into the sky before it grounded itself and charged at the two. Yoko disappeared in a burst of speed, hoping Ella would do the thing. [color=e77fbf]"Well that didn’t really work!"[/color] Ella shouted, legs beginning to shine with rainbow light as she leapt to the side. Her shoulder hit the ground and she rolled, hopping back to her feet. This sword was useless! She resheathed it, shoving it in the holster she had for the Ice Scepter and going back to what she knew- her own magic. A pink fireball formed in her hands, and she threw it directly at the King of the Pit instead of leading the shot. However, since she was on top of a moving creature, it missed completely. The castle monster circled the two as the King of the Pit aimed her spear at the two, and a wave of blurry air - static-y, rippled, and disjointed - flew directly at the two. Anything in its path was erased from reality completely. With an ear piercing scream, Ella dodged again. With her movement a pastel purple ribbon fell from her hair- hit by the beam and disappearing immediately. She really didn't like the look at that. More fire formed on her hands, this time thrown at the monster. It practically bounced off its armored carapace and kept going. Yoko appeared on an adjacent building, [color=fce420]”Disciple! We can not win by just throwing magic at it!”[/color] Yoko shouted, [color=fce420]”We need to find a weakpoint or get s clear shot at the King…”[/color] Yoko trailed off before she said, [color=fce420]”Orb. Now!”[/color] [color=e77fbf]"O-okay!"[/color] Ella swung her massive rucksack round to her front as she ran towards some kind of shelter… a broken down wall, it'd do! Thankfully the orb was at the top of her bag, so she pulled it out. Channel anger… anger… fuck the King for kidnapping her friends! Torrential downpour and intense winds buffeted the entire area. Thunderous booms were followed by cracks of lightning focusing in on the King of the Pit and the creature she was riding. The King of the Pit raised her spear, planting it firmly into her throne to steady herself. The lightning strikes lashed out, several bolts slamming into the creature’s metallic shell. Sparks flew, and chunks of fused flesh and stone cracked under the barrage, but the beast continued its relentless circling, seemingly unphased by the storm’s wrath. The castle creature let out another ear-splitting roar, and it adjusted to the storm’s onslaught. The King of the Pit let out a feral, bestial yell into the sky as she raised Oblivion into the air, before she pointed it at Ella’s hiding space and let out another blast of matter destruction. One that had the potential to eliminate Ella if Yoko hadn’t moved her out of the way in a blur of motion. They settled some distance away in another hiding spot. [color=fce420]”We need more… you need to get [i]angrier.[/i]”[/color] Yoko sighed. [color=fce420]” [i]Picture it[/i] Friends. Horse creatures. [i]Making [b]love[/b][/i].”[/color] [color=e77fbf]”[b][I]Noooooo![/I][/b]"[/color] Ella screamed. She didn't want to picture it. But she could… so easily! Because they kept trying to do it!! [color=e77fbf]"It could be happening right now!"[/color] The storm intensified. Howling winds picked up large pieces of debris, forming a swirling tornado centred on the creature. The rain was almost blinding. The lightning intensified, strong arcs cracking down from the sky right at the King of the Pit and the creature she was riding. The King of the Pit braced herself as the storm raged on, the monster digging its countless legs into the ground to resist the violent winds. Lightning cracked again, this time striking dangerously close to her throne of flesh and metal. Sparks illuminated her mask briefly, revealing an almost mocking grin beneath it. She raised Oblivion once more, its tip glowing with an ominous light, and unleashed another ripple of reality-erasing energy. Yoko shoved Ella down behind their cover just in time, the blast carving a gaping void through the tornado as it tore through the storm itself. [color=fce420]“She’s adapting!”[/color] Yoko growled. [color=fce420]“We need to immobilize it! Can you focus the storm lower, around its base?”[/color] [color=e77fbf]"I can try!"[/color] Ella didn’t like feeling angry- but she [i]needed[/i] to. She needed to save Saskia and Lisa. Her expression scrunched up, hands holding the orb shaking slightly. The tornado tightened, reforming where it had been erased. It lowered right to the ground. With it came focused lightning strikes at the base of the storm… she put everything into doing what Yoko suggested. The King of the Pit’s beast roared, legs scraping against the earth as the tightening storm bore down on it. Lightning strikes hammered the creature’s base, scorching its flesh and forcing it to stagger. The storm’s intensity seemed to throw the King off balance, her grip on Oblivion slipping as she tried to steady herself atop the throne of writhing flesh and metal. The winds howled louder, debris slicing through the air in chaotic spirals. The storm’s focus shifted lower, forcing the beast to fight for every inch of ground it could hold. The King snarled behind her mask, her grin fading into a snarl as she slammed Oblivion into the beast’s back. The reality-erasing weapon glowed ominously as she readied another blast, this time aimed directly into the heart of the storm. But the winds closed in faster than she could react, and the beast’s legs began to buckle under the relentless onslaught. [color=fce420]”We just need a little bit more!”[/color] Yoko shouted over the raging winds and rain. [color=fce420]”Um, picture… Oh, [i]Lord[/i]…”[/color] Yoko facepalmed at the ridiculousness of what she was about to say. [color=fce420]”... Picture your friends bringing the horse creatures to [i]completion.[/i]”[/color] [h3][color=e77fbf]"[b][i]No I don’t want to, no no no![/i][/b]"[/color][/h3] Ella screamed at the top of her lungs. But it was there now. The image. She wanted to kill it. The picture, all of the horse creatures in existence- anything to keep her friends safe! The winds grew even more powerful, forming into an almost uncontrollable tornado of electricity. As the storm raged, The King of the Pit raised Oblivion high, slamming it into the creature beneath her. Its body convulsed violently, the legs collapsing inward as it fused with the ground. The castle monstrosity grew larger, sinking into the earth as its form twisted into a grotesque, immobile mass. Massive tentacles erupted from its sides, lashing out in all directions. Each one was thick and jagged, tearing through debris and smashing into the ground near Ella and Yoko. The creature let out a deep, rumbling groan as more tendrils sprouted, forming a near-impenetrable forest. The King of the Pit snarled and slammed Oblivion into the creature again, sending a shockwave through its massive body. The twisted, immobile mass groaned, and its transformation escalated. From its core, waves of tentacles erupted outward in all directions, cascading across the battlefield like living avalanches. The sheer force of their emergence smashed through nearby buildings, crumbling walls and shattering rooftops. Entire structures were uprooted as the tendrils lashed out violently. [color=e77fbf]"What do we do now?!”[/color] Ella asked Yoko over all the noise. She was still pissed off and desperate, trying to keep the storm going focused on the monstrosity- but that meant she couldn’t do anything about the tentacles. Should she try and hit the tentacles? She could barely see through them now! Yoko paused for a moment as she sheathed Kaji no Kokoro… [color=fce420]”... I don’t like it - and I know [i]Otten[/i] wouldn’t - but you’re gonna have to be a distraction for a moment.,”[/color] Yoko sighed, [color=fce420]”I’m going to try to get up there and take that bastard’s head off. You’re not fast or agile enough to get up there before she catches on.”[/color] [color=e77fbf]"That’s fine! I don't need coddled or protected… I’ll always take the hit for my friends! It’ll take more than this to kill me!"[/color] Ella declared. She shifted the orb to one hand, storm still raging… but it was reducing. Her legs started to glow with a rainbow light and colour drained from the heart clips in her braids as she boosted herself further. [color=e77fbf]"Being flashy and distracting is what I’m best at! Do I need to stop the storm?"[/color] Yoko glanced at Ella, then up at the King of the Pit. [color=fce420]"No. Let the storm rage,"[/color] Yoko said firmly, her face stony. [color=fce420]"Make it look like you're unleashing everything you've got. She won't notice me if she thinks you're the bigger threat."[/color] [color=e77fbf]"Alright."[/color] Ella nodded. Making herself look like she was about to unleash everything… that was easy. Holding the orb, with the storm still raging, Ella started to [i]glow[/i]. Her whole body lit up with a bright light that penetrated the increasing storm. Pink electricity started to spark off her body wildly. And she screamed at the top of her lungs like she was going to a Super Saiyan transformation. Yoko exhaled, centering herself. She took several deep breaths in a rhythmic motion as she activated [i]Bolster[/i] and felt the power surge overtake her. Preparing to spring into action. [color=fce420][i]One shot at this.[/i][/color] Yoko crouched low, her hand resting on the hilt of Kaji no Kokoro. She whispered under her breath, [color=fce420]"Flash."[/color] The spell activated, Orange-Lux surging through her as her body blurred into motion. She instantly closed the distance to the towering creature, her speed allowing her to dodge a lashing tail and evade the molten sprays from its mouth. She reappeared moments later at the creature’s grotesque leg and leaped onto it, using the momentum to propel herself higher. She landed on a protruding piece of concrete before she activated Swifted and hopped from platform to platform until she reached a spot that gave her a perfect opportunity to attack the King of the Pit. She breathed deeply, and then the sword exploded into fire. [color=fce420][i]Time to finish this.[/i][/color] The King of the Pit roared, her voice reverberating as she turned toward her. But Yoko was already in motion. With a whispered [color=fce420]"Flash,"[/color] her body disappeared in a blur of motion, leaving a trail of fire in her wake. Yoko appeared on the other side of the King of the Pit, one hand on her sheathe, the other on the hilt of Kaji No Kokoro as she slowly sheathed the sword. Oblivion hit the ground. Followed by the King of the Pit’s head. Kaji No Kokoro was sheathed with a click. [center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/heYA9B7.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/XUvv02U.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/L4GDi1Q.png[/img][hr][/center] Lisa coughed. The air was suffocating, so smelly and thick with the stench of blood and decay. The walls pulsed like beating hearts, slick with ichor and flesh. At the center of the room stood a massive, glowing orange orb pulsing with energy. It cast a sickly light over the chamber…. Lisa wiped her bloody hands on her pants before wiping her eyes clean from the blood. She sighed as she coughed again and looked at Saskia. [color=764820]”... We’ve been vored.”[/color] [color=DC143C]"I thought getting vored would be more fun,"[/color] Saskia sighed, rubbing their eyes to remove the blood. [color=DC143C]"I’m not even slightly aroused."[/color] [color=764820]”Well, maybe when we get back, I can make a-”[/color] [i]…?...?...Focus.[/i] The mysterious voice said. [i]...?...?...you need…?...?...?...there.[/i] [color=764820]”Okay, right, an escape,”[/color] Lisa rubbed her chin as she looked around. [color=764820]”Maybe we can crawl out through its ass?”[/color] The orb pulsed brighter, and the room shuddered violently. Dozens of tentacles shot toward them from every direction, Lisa quickly raised her hands, and the Chitin Spears appeared and impaled a few of them. [color=DC143C]"Oh, now things are getting kinky,"[/color] Saskia intoned. Blood blades formed on both hands and they sliced through any tentacles that got close to them, and they fended more off with the sharp tips of their wings. [color=DC143C]"Let’s destroy that orb."[/color] Lisa tilted her head as summoned spiders crawled up the tentacles, then exploded into acid that dissolved the tentacles with a sizzle. [color=764820]”Can we even destroy that thing?!”[/color] [color=DC143C]"We won't know until we try,"[/color] Saskia shrugged one shoulder, hand jerking up to slice a stray tentacle coming for them. They started to move towards the orb. [color=DC143C]"What's the worst that can happen?"[/color] The orb pulsed violently as if responding to their intent, sending a shockwave rippling through the room. The fleshy walls quivered, and more tentacles emerged from the floor and ceiling, converging on Lisa and Saskia… [color=DC143C]"Ooo, it sure is kinky,"[/color] Saskia intoned. Their wings came up to cover both of them from above, tanking the tentacle blows. The ones from the floor were more of a pain… bone spears shoved through their legs to destroy as much as they could even as the tentacles curled around them. But they didn't need to get close to get it. Saskia raised a hand and shot a blood bullet at the orb. The blood bullet hurtled toward the glowing orb, striking it dead center. The impact sent ripples of energy across its surface, and the orb let out a deep, resonant hum that vibrated through the chamber. For a moment, it dimmed, as if weakened. But the reprieve was short-lived. The orb suddenly flared brighter, releasing a surge of energy that blasted outward, throwing both Lisa and Saskia backward. The tentacles paused their assault momentarily, twitching as if reinvigorated by the orb’s burst. The orb began to pulse faster, and the walls trembled as cracks formed along the chamber. Small, glowing orange fragments started falling from the ceiling, each one sizzling as it hit the ground and melted into the floor. [color=DC143C]"Interesting,"[/color] Saskia said, as if they weren’t in a seemingly melting room. They switched focus, avoiding the sizzling orange fragments to move towards one of the cracks. [color=DC143C]"Maybe we can get through here."[/color] The cracks along the chamber walls widened with each pulse from the orb, glowing with an ominous orange light. The sizzling fragments continued to rain, melting the floor into an unstable, bubbling mess. Tentacles writhed erratically, their movements more frantic. Lisa staggered to her feet, wiping blood from a cut on her cheek. She glanced toward Saskia. The walls groaned as another pulse shook the chamber, sending a large chunk of the ceiling crashing down. A massive tentacle erupted from the debris, slamming into the ground between Lisa and Saskia, forcing them apart. More tentacles surged toward Lisa, and she summoned another swarm of explosive spiders to intercept them. Acid splattered across the tendrils, sizzling and slowing their advance. The orb pulsed again, brighter and faster, as if sensing their attempt. The chamber lurched, and the ground beneath them began to split. [color=DC143C]"Oh shit."[/color] Saskia sliced away tentacles, crushing one underneath their foot with a bone spear that shoved into the fleshy floor. This wasn’t good. Or was it? If they fell through maybe they’d get out… Or they’d die, horribly. But getting the orb seemed like the right move. A long blood tendril formed on Saskia’s back, their face paling. They shoved it into the ground, using it to propel them over the splitting ground and large tentacle. Back over to Lisa. Their wings spread and started moving back and forth slowly. Not enough room to fly, but it should be enough to stop them falling to their death. [color=DC143C]"I’m hitting it again."[/color] Saskia said, before shooting another blood bullet at the orb. The blood bullet streaked toward the orb, striking its glowing surface with a sharp crack. This time, the impact created a visible fracture, thin and jagged, running across the orb’s surface. The pulsing light flickered, momentarily dimming, but the effect was short-lived. The orb retaliated. A surge of energy erupted outward, triggering a cascade of tentacles from the walls, ceiling, and floor. The chamber filled with them, writhing and thrashing. Lisa barely had time to react as one massive tentacle swept toward her, and she dove off to the side and landed on her stomach with a thud. [color=764820]”... We’re not making a dent in this thing!”[/color] Lisa shouted.[color=764820]”What can that gay guitar do?!”[/color] The orb pulsed again, sending out another wave of tentacles. This time, they moved faster, smashing through walls and slicing through the chamber. [color=DC143C]"No fucking clue-”[/color] Saskia grunted as a tentacle pierced their leg, bending over to slice it off. There wasn’t the time to think about it anyway. She pulled the guitar- no, it was a bass, thank fuck- out of the case. [color=DC143C]"Let’s see.”[/color] They started playing a C minor chord, switching to a melody they’d been thinking of before they died. As they played the bass glowed with an eerie light before shifting in Saskia’s hand to a mace. It was lighter than they expected… but otherwise seemed normal. Whatever, a mace was a mace. Saskia swung it towards a massive tentacle with the magically sharp edges. The mace sliced clean through the tentacle, sending a spray of black ichor splattering across the chamber. The severed piece writhed on the ground for a moment before dissolving into a pool of bubbling sludge. The remaining tentacles recoiled slightly, but the orb pulsed brighter, sending another wave of energy through the walls. Lisa scrambled to her feet, summoning another swarm of spiders. They scuttled toward the tentacles, detonating in small bursts of acid that slowed their advance. Her eyes darted to the orb, still cracked but glowing…. [color=764820]”... We need more [i]bass![/i]”[/color] Lisa shouted as she sidestepped a tentactle. The chamber trembled again, the cracks in the walls widened further. Glowing orange liquid seeped from the fissures, hissing as it hit the floor. Lisa took a deep breath and extended her arms dramatically, and the room trembled again as she forced her Horde to spell throughout the room, boosted by Yoko. The room trembled more violently as the spiders burst through the fleshy walls like a geyser and slowly filled the room. The orb pulsed violently, its glow now erratic as if reacting to the overwhelming presence of the summoned creatures. Tentacles flailed in every direction, smashing blindly at the oncoming swarm, but for every spider crushed, dozens more surged forward. [color=764820]”... There’s your fucking opening!”[/color] Saskia grinned. Their bones lightened as they propelled themselves forward in a burst of speed. They weaved through the tentacles, erratically destroying spiders, their wings pulling back into their back. The mace swung up to smash into the orb and hit the most extensive fracture in the orb’s surface. The impact was deafening. The chamber shuddered violently as the mace connected, sending a shockwave rippling through the room. A massive crack split across the orb’s surface, jagged and deep, glowing with an intense, unstable light. The orb’s glow faltered, stuttering, before it emitted a deafening, high-pitched screech. Fissures spread rapidly from the point of impact, leaking streams of molten orange liquid that hissed and bubbled as they hit the floor. The tentacles writhed in agony, their movements becoming erratic and disjointed as the orb’s energy waned. Lisa’s voice cut through the chaos. [color=764820]“Holy shit, you did it!”[/color] She waved her arms, commanding Horde to pull back. The chamber began to collapse. Massive chunks of fleshy walls and stone rained down as the orb’s energy destabilized the entire structure… … And soon enough, the red sky of the Pit was revealed. [color=DC143C]"Most boring tentacle vore ever,"[/color] Saskia intoned. Their wings pushed back out again as they darted over to Lisa. They hugged her tightly… so that they wouldn’t drop her. It wasn’t as comfortable as a flying spider, but there wasn’t exactly time to make one of them. A second later their wings were formed enough, and with a powerful flap they flew both of them out of the chamber.