[h3]Below Rebirth's Rise, Eastern outskirts of Yharnam – Farren and Torquil (Collab)[/h3] Bizarrely, Farren would feel the thrown body hit him even when he was still quickstepping to intercept it, only to feel it again half a second later when the body actually hit. The first sensation only gave a vague impression of a floaty [I]something[/I] hitting him, but the second, real impact had the actual force of the body behind it. But between the dual impacts of the body, Farren also felt another two more focused floaty impacts; one against the left side of his abdomen, right about where he knew his kidney was, and on top of his right shoulder. His awkward slash with his the left half of the Blades of Mercy, guided by this half-second warning of the impending hit, somehow managed to catch and ward off the fist weapon coming to embed its bone blades into his body. Skinner's left hand, however, went unimpeded as it slapped down on top of Farren's right shoulder, surprisingly hitting him even harder than the dead body he had just caught, and immediately sank its bestial claws deep into his flesh. Caught in the moment, only a distant part of his mind managed to associate those preemptive sensations with the Rune engraved upon his mind. Then the sharp heat of Skinner's claws slammed downwards into his shoulder with incredible force and weight. Farren gritted his teeth, grunting, his breath exploding out in a pained hiss, but he kept moving, his blade already inside the man's guard. From that position he shifted the angle of its edge and essentially 'punched' upwards, allowing the edge to slam into Skinner's arm even as Farren used his right arm to thrust the other half of the Blade of Mercy towards Skinner's heart. Skinner's face, now only inches from Farren's, twisted into a broad, manic grin showing off yellowed teeth with sharp, elongated canines, though his equally wide and frenzied eyes lacked any of the raggedness that came with the scourge of beasts. Pressing down heavily on Farren's right shoulder with all of his strength and weight, Skinner pulled himself forward - at once incidentally displacing himself enough that Farren's thrust at his chest would miss the heart, while at the same time just allowing Farren to do so - , leaned in and opened his mouth. Farren would feel the floaty hit of something on the side of his neck warning him that he was about to get hurt. Simultaneously, Skinner did nothing to stop Farren from chopping at his right arm; he seemed to be ignoring the Blades of Mercy and focusing entirely on the kill. Farren would feel a floaty impact of something hitting the left side of his ribcage, just below his armpit. While all of this was happening, Torquil started circling around the other two counterclockwise, trying to get into a position where he could hit Skinner without hitting Farren. Half a breath pulled in, filling his lungs, even as the sensations of impending attacks came into his awareness. As his right blade pierced Skinner's chest he acted upon them. Unable to move away with his shoulder locked in place by the bestial claws grinding against his bones, Farren instead let go of both his weapons and kicked his left foot, pushing his left side backwards as his right remained largely in place. Reorienting his body this way put his head and neck in a different position relative to where Skinner had been intent upon closing his teeth. Of course, it did mean he left one blade behind, impaled into the man's chest. Farren did manage to shift his right hand onto the grip of the other Blade of Mercy at which point he tried to begin a swing, attempting to slice the blade against bone and through the flesh of Skinner's arm. He kept that motion up until the blade would come down in a chop towards the side of the man's head and neck. Skinner let out a dissatisfied grunt when Farren, in a burst of primitive survival instinct, decided to sacrifice his right shoulder to get his throat away from his opponent's teeth. Twisting like that in the grip of the bestial hand would undoubtedly be excruciatingly painful as skin, tendon and muscle cut and ripped and bone bent and cracked, sending rivulets of blood down the front and back of Farren's body. Even so he did manage to get away from Skinner's teeth, at least. Reorienting his body like that naturally also changed the angle of his torso relative to the incoming attack from Skinner's right hand. Rather than hitting where Farren's premonition had told him it would, the long bladed fist weapon now instead hit and pierced into the front of his chest, where it plunged in and found its way to one of Farren's lungs. Rather than do anything about Farren's attempts to continue to attack him directly, Farren would instead now become very aware that Skinner had anchored himself with both hands - his bestial hand in Farren's shoulder and his fist weapon in Farren's chest - as he felt both of those anchor points abruptly pulling upward, and Skinner quite simply just picked Farren high off the ground, holding him up over his head. Farren's entire orientation abruptly changing would likely change his intended course of action. Torquil watched this with eyes wide in disbelief, but kept circling and raised his axe to strike. A primal growl left his throat, half the pained grunt of a man and the sound of an injured beast as he tore apart his own shoulder to partially evade Skinner's assault. Then his feet left the ground and Farren's eyes widened slightly, but with nothing in his left hand, that hand already near his waist, he acted. In an instant, Farren pulled the blunderbuss from its hook at his hip, levered it up and unloaded its shot directly into Skinner's face in a rapid motion only a Hunter could manage. In an instant marked by a muzzle flash and another loud gunshot, Skinner's face was turned into a bloody mess... though even torn to shreds, even with both eyeballs destroyed, his grin returned as his flesh regenerated. Because even blinded, he could still do what he wanted to do next. Skinner's bestial hand tightened its grip on Farren even further, holding him in place, while he felt the right hand start dragging the blades to Farren's left, cutting through more of his organs and prying open his ribcage. With little recourse left to him--and with his body screaming from the agony of having his chest violently pried open, shoulder destroyed, and various bones shattered or pulled asunder--Farren did the last thing he could think of. He pulled his right arm in practically against his collarbone, his closed fist still clutching the Blade of mercy as it came up over his left shoulder, the tip pointed forwards. This put his arm above Skinner's where he was clutching Farren's ribcage. Farren realized he was practically howling and wasn't sure if it was more from pain, defiance, or rage. His voice was ragged and hoarse from his deflated, ravaged lung, but he did what little he could acting off almost pure adrenaline by that point. Short as the blade was, Skinner was close and it proved a boon as Farren aimed at the center of where the man's forehead had been before he'd blown it apart and then he slammed the tip of the blade forth. It cut through the tiny space between them almost soundlessly, its tip aimed to penetrate Skinner's skull and skewer his brain. The Blade of Mercy stabbed into Skinner's forehead, and finally his grin faltered. Farren would feel the force trying to rip him apart slacken somewhat and, just half a second after, Skinner's entire body abruptly jolted forward as Torquil lodged his Hunter's Axe in his back. With a low groan, Skinner clumsily chucked Farren forward and toward the elevator, relinquishing the grip of his left hand and retracting his fist weapon. Farren experienced very little of what happened, just felt the pain slightly slacken, then the whistle of air, before a violent jerk as he struck something. That jerk--in a way--was a godsend, even though it had him hissing and groaning from the intense pain. Adrenaline continued to pump through him, even as blood poured from his wounds. Gritting his teeth hard, Farren dug the fingers of his right hand into his thigh and swallowed hard as he moved his left hand to his belt and clumsily fished in his pouch for a blood vial. After a few tries, Farren got ahold of a vial and moved just his eyes rather than his head so he could see one of his legs. He positioned the needle-end of the vial above his thigh and then stabbed it down through his clothes and into his flesh. With how much pain he was in elsewhere, he didn't even feel it.