[h3]Below Rebirth's Rise, Eastern outskirts of Yharnam – Farren and Torquil[/h3] Half-excited that he had actually done something helpful for once and half-terrified over how horrendously Farren had gotten wounded, Torquil forced himself to concentrate on the urgent matter at hand. Skinner, despite having gotten cut, stabbed, chopped and now had a blade thrust into his forehead – not all the way to the hilt, but deep enough that it probably tasted brain – was still standing. His large left hand jerkily rose to the improvised horn in his forehead, grasped it and roughly dislodged it from his skull. Torquil took half a step back and started winding up for another blow with his axe while trying to figure out where to aim it. Nothing seemed to really affect this monster all that much; even now, the wound in Skinner's forehead was closing before his very eyes, and all the damage Farren had desperately managed to do while being grappled had already healed. This man's regenerative potential had to be truly immense. Torquil wished he knew how to most effectively deplete that potential, but given that he did not know, all he could really do was to try to inflict wounds that would hinder his opponent for a moment before they mended themselves. Angling his strike lower this time, Torquil swung his axe horizontally from right to left and lodged its blade deep in the right side of Skinner's abdomen. Then Torquil blinked confusedly, as he felt something hit him in the head even though nothing hit him... only for that feeling to be followed up half a second later by Skinner's enormous bestial left hand raking through the air behind him blindly. Mercifully Torquil happened to be too close to be in the path of the claws, but even catching the palm of that swing had enough blunt force behind it to sweep Torquil off his feet and throw him to the ground. Aside from that, though, it did not hurt [I]that[/I] much; he got lucky. While Farren was working on saving his life and Torquil was still reeling from the blow to his head, Skinner stumbled away from both of them and over to the dead church giant that lay just a few meters away. Without even an instant's hesitation he thrust both hands into the side of the giant's abdomen only to spread his hands to the side and tear a big hole right into the creature's steaming, bloody guts. And again without hesitation, Skinner buried his face into the giant's intestines, seemingly content to ignore Farren and Torquil for the moment.