[hider=Walter Shaw] [center] [hider=Image] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/893c244df610f58ca0ec61a9e49dc872/c631e90d41e250f1-86/s1280x1920/761905a0585c3f3827384a21aedd3e59cf37abbb.png[/img] [/hider] [h1]Walter Shaw[/h1] [b]Age: 35[/b] | [b]Male[/b] | [b]Independent Contractor for Nocturnia PD[/b] [/center] [b]Description:[/b] While Walter is now known as a bit of a private eye in the district of Grey Square, he was once the proud owner of an antiques store. Unfortunately, as the rise of Gyfts gave powers to people who really shouldn't be trusted with a water gun his store became the target of local thugs when he refused to pay protection money. When Walter's own gyft allowed him to elude the thugs planned ambush, the thugs burned his store to the ground in an act of revenge shortly before the police arrived. Without his store to fund his life, he was briefly put to work as a private contractor for Leon's division by helping identify the origins of any objects that may have been of historical value or reference during the police officer's various busts. However, after being able to detect a cache of drugs that was sealed inside of each 'lucky cat' statue that had been uncovered during a drug bust, Leon has kept him on as a more permanent contractor for special cases in which the police need assistance. [b]Gyft:[/b] Vibrational Echolocation When Walter's skin comes into contact with a solid surface, he can send out a pulse that echoes out a distance of approximately sixty feet from the point of contact which travels along all objects in physical contact with the surface he has touched. Effectively, this gives him a brief 3d image of his surroundings. The more solid an object is, the better it shows in the image he retrieves from his gyft. So while wood, metal, and stone would give him a crisp image, loose dirt, water, and gel-like substances give him a poor image. While he does use this gyft to reveal secrets about his surroundings and can even sense where people are by the contact of their bodies with a solid surface, this power would do nothing reveal a subject or details that are floating or otherwise suspended in the air through non-physical methods. [/hider] [hider=Barbara Smoak] [center] [hider=Image] [img]https://dicecommunications.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Women-in-IT.png[/img] [/hider] [h1]Barbara Smoak[/h1] [b]Age: 23[/b] | [b]Female[/b] | [b]Work Study(Crime Scene Investigations) for Nocturnia Police[/b] [/center] [b]Description:[/b] A brilliant student at the College of Gyfted Studies, Barbara excels at the technological aspect of higher education, with a particular talent for Biophysics. Secretly, she dreams of being the person to unlock the origins of the Gyfts and why some people seem to have them and others don't. She has published two papers in the local science magazines, which has earned her the attention of Nocturnia PD. In exchange for participating in what Leon refers to as an 'extended work study', she is given a healthy(funding wise) scholarship and is often collaborated with when Gyfted persons are brought in on criminal charges. [b]Gyft:[/b] None [/hider]