[h2]Heir to the Konpaku[/h2]


That's not true at all! It was an idea we'd all agreed on! In the first place, it's not as if I feel particularly bad about entering Kaku Seiga's place of residence. Wasn't she stealing it from someone already? Certainly, they were already dead, but that's beside the point! It was still taking ownership of a mausoleum that didn't belong to her in the first place!

---It [i]had[/i] been my idea to disable Miyako, but I'd specifically done it in a way that wouldn't harm her. Even if she could be mended from even the worst injuries.

I could have just cut her in half. It's not like that would have killed her, after all. It wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been.

---Putting all that aside, there's no way Yuyuko-sama would possibly agree to those conditions! Especially when it's a request from the Wicked Hermit Kaku Seiga!

"Yuyuko-sama would ne---"

Suddenly, the jiangshi has flown ahead of the others. Her talisman has been restored, and she's looking down at Fujiwara-san, Suguru-san, Carol-san, and myself.

"Stay out of the mausoleum!"

Her shout is loud enough to echo off the walls.


We're already in the mausoleum, though---

... Nevermind.

"Yuyuko-sama would never agree to that!"

I'll assert it firmly. She shouldn't even try it.


"So you didn't create that... thing, but instead it came from beneath the city?" Carol comments, looking as if she feels nothing about asserting I was the only one at fault, "That doesn't bode particularly well... hmmm."

[@DracoLunaris][@FujiwaraPhoenix][@Raineh Daze]


[h2]The Scarlet Devil[/h2]


If I hadn't been weakened, that cave-in wouldn't have mattered to me at all! I would have easily broken my way through it! Damn it!

Fists tightly curled at my sides, I can feel my wings flapping lightly, unconsciously, in an expression of my irritation.

Stupid, ugly, unpleasant undead, lurking in a stupid, unstable underground passageway! Whose idea was it to go lurking in such an unsightly place, anyway!?

And if you're going to use undead, at least try and make them aesthetically pleasing!

I hope the dumb idiot who was behind this got themselves crushed. It would serve them right.


I fold my arms, turning away from the others in annoyance.

"Well, since we [i]obviously[/i] can't explore that route anymore, I suppose we'll have to return. It was a really ugly, stupid tunnel anyway."

---Not that the aesthetics necessarily mattered when it came to figuring out what happened, but still!

I don't bother waiting for the others. I'm going to lead the way back to the guild whether they're ready or not.

[@Drifting Pollen][@Lugubrious][@Rezod92]