I more or less agree with Zeroth. An overarching narrative, or perhaps episodic narratives, would help direct players in a world that is otherwise somewhat empty and directionless, and more development of the setting (in fairness this is just an interest check) would help as well. I think I'd like to make a new character for this RP and have them hunt down specific legendary Pokemon; maybe do Regi puzzles or check out the remains of Sinnoh lakes, or maybe just look for the remains of a so-called time machine in the Paldea region in hopes of [s]using it to catch paradox Pokemon[/s] doing something about the whole apocalypse thing, but it feels a bit presumptuous to be having my character drive the plot of the entire RP, and if they aren't, (which I don't expect them to) then something should probably be offering to take their place for other characters. Base camps/shelters/towns of survivors would also be useful, providing many opportunities for characters to do things. Quest boards, if you cared to include them and add to them, could essentially serve as writing prompts, with rewards (goods and services) from the camps/shelters/towns potentially driving the character progression side of things. There's no league anymore, so there's not much to aspire to unless something is there to take its place as well, even if that something is just bad guys.