[h3]Below Rebirth's Rise, Eastern outskirts of Yharnam – Farren and Torquil[/h3] By the time Skinner had gotten a couple of mouthfuls of bloody flesh from the giant and straightened back up, he revealed himself to be completely restored... with the exception of the Blade of Mercy that was still embedded in his chest, which he finally pulled out with an impatient grunt. Despite all the damage he had taken, and despite the fact that Torquil and Farren both seemed mostly at full strength as well, Skinner did not seem discouraged in the least. In fact he seemed thrilled, eager and filled with restless energy, his bulky body bulging obscenely as he flexed his Hunter-muscles and licked his lips... Right up until he saw Farren seemingly conjure a sword out of thin air. Seeing that, Skinner's face immediately fell, his shoulders slumped, and all the energy that had filled him a second earlier seemed to vanish. “Shit.” The man's voice was unusually deep and bassy, and betrayed a degree of annoyance. “You're like that immortal rat. There's no point if you're just going to disappear when I kill you.”