Added a little description on the MSR in the first OOC post. Andre, please remind me tto create something for Ravenfell after the 2nd. :> [hider=The MSR] [color=goldenrod][h2]The Most Serene Republic[/h2][/color] [table][row][cell][img][/img][/cell][cell][img][/img][/cell][cell][img][/img][/cell][/row][/table] On the other side of the sea lies the Most Serene Republic, or the MSR. Their entire way of life is shaped around the Bones of the sea, a type of coral that is harvested in the republic's lagoon. This harvesting is left in the hands of the Keeper of the Light in her Lighthouse, surrounded by her acolytes. The Keeper of the Light acts more like a war chief or Minister of War, deciding when and how the nation goes to war. The Keeper of the Light works with the Council of Brothers and the Assembly, however it is the Council of Brothers that gives order to the Brotherhood and enforces the law, and the Assembly that makes laws. The Council of Brothers is a small handful of exceptionally wealthy and noble Brothers that oversee the judicial rule of the republic like a shogun. The Assembly is made up of wealthy merchants, focused on the legislative rule of the republic. The MSR is made up of ancient stone structures with unique architecture on a mix of floating islands and physical land that dot the lagoon. The weather is tropical in the MSR, allowing perfect temperatures for coral reefs to flourish. Their lagoon is home to a plethora of fish and crustacean species, which are fished. When it comes to the ultimate power structure, the republic works more like a military government, with the Keeper of the Light having final say in all international discussions. The Council of Brothers have the final say in internal law-enforcement, while the Assembly as the final say in changes to those laws. The MSR is about 70 squares away from Hathforth. [/hider]