[center][h3][b][color=ff48a5]Mary Sue Sullivan[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://image.film.at/images/cfs_landscape_616w_347h/7106616/46-149344534.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=ff48a5]Location:[/color][/b]Coulson's Office [b][color=ff48a5]Skills: [/color][/b] [hr][hr][/center] An errant thought crossed Mary Sue's mind, that they [i]hadn't[/i] stopped a massacre from occurring, and that she was, largely, in a room full of strangers, save for Andy and Zari. Sure, they looked like Mary Sue's friends and classmates, but [i]those[/i] people died. That was clearly evidenced by the existence of Bonus Mary Sue, who she'd apparently taken the place of. She wondered idly what she was thinking about now, if she'd been shunted into another timeline, leading to an infinite regress of now displaced Mary Sues. She hoped that Mary Sue was doing better than she was now, but she somehow doubted it. Her attention was snapped back to the Coulson as Vicky said the most cogent thing she'd heard in a week. "She's right." Mary Sue said, almost coldly, "[color=ff48a5]Headmaster, the fact of the matter is, unless I'm [i]deeply[/i] wrong about how all this works, nobody was actually saved. You just don't have to deal with the consequences.[/color]" Mary Sue continued from where the girl had left off, an almost numbness coming over her. "[color=ff48a5][i]Some[/i] of us had to go back in time, but I should really say we [i]got[/i] to. When I came back, there was another me here, but I don't [i]remember[/i] meeting me, so that means [i]I[/i] didn't.[/color]" Her voice caught in her throat for a moment, before she continued on, a venom leaking into her words. "[color=ff48a5]Arcade killed everybody in this room, save for Andy, Zari, and myself, and you three. Shortly after, he probably killed a lot more people, maybe even you.[/color]" She glared pointedly at Coulson. A part of her honestly hoped Ser Nemo would pitch in here and tell her she was wrong, but she somehow doubted it. A part of her was upset at herself for doing this in front of Lady Nimue, a teacher who'd she [i]honestly[/i] had enjoyed. But every other part of her was filled with white hot anger. Her heartrate was rising, to the point that she almost couldn't see straight. This was all too much. "[color=ff48a5]A-and your response to all of that is [i]therapy[/i]. Everyone died, but it's fine, we can talk about it, go fight in the Contest of Champions! Burn the bodies to ash behind us, and never think about it again.[/color]" She put her head in her hands, shaking. "[color=ff48a5]You make me [b]sick[/b][/color]." And with that, she was done.