Luka blinked in shock as the swift transition from death to life and bar to diner came to an end. He quickly shook his head to get his mind back on task however. He looked to each of his newfound fellows sitting in the booth with him, his gaze lingering on Ashley the longest as he filed her answer to his question away for later. Then he turned his eyes upon the diner entire. Most of the guests that had been attending day two of his twelve day Christmas party had departed to rest up for day three. Of those that remained, only two held any real value to Luka. "Montague?" Luka spoke up. "The young master has need of me?" Luka's faithful butler inquired from the next booth over. "I do indeed." Luka replied with a nod. "Go and warm up the limo, if you'd be so kind." "At once, young master." Montague voiced compliance with a bow of his head, before departing to perform the task. "Calling it quits, Luka?" An androgynous figure who had been sitting next to Montague piped up curiously. "Usually you're the last one out." "I'm nowhere near done just yet, Jesse." Luka reassured his favorite fixer. "Just figured I'd give Montague an excuse to be elsewhere. He hides it well, but I know parties aren't really his thing. And who knows, perhaps a warm limo might be useful." Luka leaned closer to Jesse and quietly added "It's amazing how quickly things can escalate around here." "...It is?" Jesse asked with an arch of one eyebrow. A moment later, a look of understanding came to the fixer's face. "Indeed." Luka replied. "...Say, didn't you say you needed to make a call earlier?" "You're right." Jesse said while rising quickly to their feet. "I'll go do that now." "It's cold out." Luka commented as Jesse began moving towards the door. "Feel free to join Montague in the limo." "Thank you kindly." Jesse said before making their exit. "That takes care of that." Luka said before turning back to his boothmates, taking a sip of the coffee, and continuing. "Now then, do any of you want to delude yourselves into thinking that yours is the plan that will survive contact with the enemy or can we all agree that the Indy Ploy is the greatest thing ever and let the fun begin?"