Just as everyone was introducing themselves, Santana seemed to think that pleasantries had gone on long enough. After a brief shock of pain, the Crow blinked to find himself once again in a completely different place. This time, however, the place was somewhat familiar to him. "Huh," he said, a little surprised. "Never been on this side of the windows before." He looked around him for a moment before noticing the coffee on the table. "Ooh, what's this?" He flutter up onto the table and put his beak into the liquid... only to immediately withdraw at the both the mixture of intense heat and bitterness it gave him. "BLERRRGH!" he said, shaking his head. "You humans drink this stuff? Preposterous!" He shook himself again before looking at his newfound teammates... and suddenly felt quite odd. He'd barely taken a sip of the dark liquid but it seemed it was already having an effect on his small form. He heard and understood Luka's words, but for him they seemed to be in slow motion. In fact, everything seemed to be slow motion for him. He himself however... "Waitwhat?" he said, his words coming out quickly without him pausing for breath. "Whyareyoualltalkinglikethat? Whatshappening?" His left eye starts twitching as the caffeine starts to take effect.