[@PrinceAlexus][@c3p-0h][@enmuni] [color=goldenrod][u][h2]Aliseth[/h2][/u][/COLOR][hr][COLOR=#C0C0C0]Between a rock and a hard place[/COLOR] [hr] [color=goldenrod]""[/color] A low tired groan escaped from between the guards dry lips. He didn't even turn to acknowledge the Lunarian mason beside him. Impatient fingers drumming across the bar as he spoke. With pursed lips he remain silent, choosing not to engage in that verbal sparring match. Instead his eyes were focused on the serpentine cyclops behind the bar, unable to keep his inquisitive gaze from examining her peculiar form. He had heard of the tavern owner but never had he met her before, not that he could remember anyway. He had seen people transformed by the blight, but never to this extent, and yet somehow, she moved around so casually, freely, carefree. Letting out a soft sigh he reply with a kind smile. [color=goldenrod]"One drink will not see me drunk."[/color] He assured her with a little nod, [color=goldenrod]"And you have my word I'll all too gladly arrest this man at first hints of a fight."[/color] There was a faint hint of joviality to his voice, even as his eyes finally veer away from Sya and land on Elios, carrying with them the weight of a promising threat. Aliseth understood clearly what the blightborn meant when she said the commander didn't like her. It was likely an understatement. Surely the bias man had subtly done all he could to harass and even rob her of this dwelling. It was likely the same reason none of the guards had explored the avenue Aliseth was about to. Drink in hand, he took a measured sip of the dark ale and was just about to call for the inn keepers attention when another caught it first. '[i]Her....[/i]' The sudden displeasure evident on his face and in the roll of his eyes. The blightborn's mere voice inciting a heavy grimace. With a quick glance Aliseth scanned the tavern expecting to see someone else, but not finding them he turned his back to the four-eyed, winged blightborn and unintentionally gave the smug stone mason his entire attention. [color=goldenrod]"Sorry, you were saying?"[/color] Aliseth hadn't enough groans or sighs for this situation and raised the drink to his lips once again. There was no measurement to his next gulping sip.