[abbr=Well this seems like as good a song as any to share now. My memory might not be everything it used to be, but something about this obscure piece just makes me think of PMD. It's the strangest thing. If all goes according to plan, we may all be hearing more of this in the new year, and if the plan is good, I'll at least have a big smile whenever I do... Anyway, this is how I'm ending 2024, so I hope that you're doing well, stranger. Something tells me that I could've found a measure of fulfillment if we were to write together, but my obsessions demand a solution that I can't simply walk away from... Now then, farewell stranger. I know that it may seem that your burdens are hard to bear, but by all means try... try as one might, and I'll always believe in you. Take care.][youtube]https://youtu.be/NkmF9pl78Gc[/youtube][/abbr]