Are you still planning on running the Sorrow's Song RP? If not, I might go with a different character, or just present both of them and have you pick out whichever you like more. There are like 5 different characters I was thinking of using for this RP so it was a bit hard to decide. [hider=Kaison][center][img][/img] [img][/img][hider=Theme][youtube][/youtube][/hider][/center] [color=red][sub][color=white][[/color] ✧ [color=white]][/color] N A M E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Kaison Locke[/indent] [color=red][sub][color=white][[/color] ✧ [color=white]][/color] O C C U P A T I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Former Champion of Unova. Winner of League Conferences in Sinnoh, Unova and Alola.[/indent] [color=red][sub][color=white][[/color] ✧ [color=white]][/color] B A C K S T O R Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Kaison was born to a highly successful business magnate and his beautiful high school sweetheart. When Kaison was only two years old, his mother died giving birth to his younger brother. Consequently, his father developed depression and a drinking problem. Due to his young age, he was never familiar with his mother, and his relationship with his father has always been impersonal. His father threw himself upon his work, only to drink whenever he came home. Even so, his father was a drunkard; not neglectful, and he and his brother were generally raised by a series of babysitters and nannies. They accordingly had a lot of time to themselves, growing up, and often invented different games to play with each other. Although they had their fair share of video games from their father, they were drawn to the creative freedom of roleplaying games, and eventually branched out into making their own games. Kaison learned programming, while his brother learned digital art, and soon they had a pokémon-based video game of their own design. In trying to keep it true to life, Kaison did extensive research on pokémon, and so, when they were on vacation in Alola, and a cute little flower mantis came up to him, he took to pokémon training with surprising ease. Although a native of Unova, his father's need to travel made it practical, at the time, to start his journey in Sinnoh. Although typical in Unova to start a pokémon journey later in one's mid-teen years, his brother, copying the native Sinnoh trainers, made him feel pressured to get started immediately, and while they both did amazingly for their first circuit, Kaison managed to defeat his brother in the Pokémon League Conference before going on to win the whole thing. Unfortunately, their father was more concerned with meeting his own deadlines, and while staying on their own was technically an option, Kaison's brother was not yet ready to leave their father, and Kaison was not yet ready to say goodbye to his brother. They barely had time to celebrate his victory in Sinnoh before they were flying back to Unova. Trying to cheer him up, his brother suggested he take on the Unova League instead, and while he dismissed it at first, the seed of the idea had been planted. Beating the league circuit in his home region certainly held a certain allure, and he eventually decided to go on another journey, the one he felt he had missed out on by starting early, this time leaving his brother behind. While he enjoyed the company of his brother, his desire to stay in touch with their father meant he knew he would have to part ways with him sooner or later, and the journey he envisioned going on alone was a prime opportunity to get used to it. As the years went by, and he managed to win not only the Unova League conference, but the Unova Champion Circuit, he was left feeling a bit directionless. He certainly didn't care for politics, and declined to take up the Champion position, though it didn't stop people from attaching the title to his name. Deciding to take a break, he went on vacation to Alola once more, where he had met his starter in the first place. There, now a much bigger name in the Pokémon battling scene, he was invited by professor Kukui to take up a position in the Battle Tree, and, perhaps on a whim, he accepted, taking up residency on Alola until he felt that he was ready to continue reaching for yet grander heights. He found the Alolan League and their island challenges to be a breath of fresh air, though before taking on Alola's Champion League, he wanted to go back to take on the Sinnoh Champion League he had left behind years ago. Before even that, however, he received an invitation letter for an all-expenses-paid trip to Poketopia Foundation's new battle resort, on a ship sharing a name with his Escavalier, no less. That latter fact made him feel that he [i]had[/i] to entertain the offer, so he said his goodbyes to Kukui and the other friends he had made on Alola before setting off. [/indent] [color=red][sub][color=white][[/color] ✧ [color=white]][/color] P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Adventurous, light-hearted, and overall nonchalant, Kaison tends to not take things too seriously, and may come off as distant or insensitive in serious situations. He has a flawless poker face in the form of an unfaltering smile and a stoic disposition that hides any troubles he may or may not have. Although he leans towards idealistic, he has a strong sense of responsibility, and does his best to give things their due diligence even if told to leave well enough alone. He loves various forms of escapism and likes to employ outside-the-box strategies in battle.[/indent] [color=red][sub][color=white][[/color] ✧ [color=white]][/color] P O K È M O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][list][*][img][/img] Samsara the Lurantis [*][img][/img] Tartarus the Spiritomb [*][img][/img] Naraka the Infernape [*][img][/img] Elysium the Togekiss [*][img][/img] Nemesis the Lopunny [*][img][/img] Nihil the Smeargle[/list][/indent] [color=red][sub][color=white][[/color] ✧ [color=white]][/color] P O K È M O N I N S T O R A G E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][list][*][img][/img] Avalon the Escavalier [*][img][/img] Avici the Bronzong [*][img][/img] Téhōm the Wishiwashi[/list][/indent] [/hider]