[center][b] Hunters: New Blood [/b][/center] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/26/4c/5e/264c5e343758a7ec316e5e350e76eb8e.jpg[/img][/center] The supernatural, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and more. Everyone knows about them in some way, and most consider them myths and legends, nothing more. For how could these beings exist in modern times without anyone knowing they exist? Let alone having actually seen or met one and having people actually believe it. There has to be a logical explanation for the sightings and is all made up. Well, for one family, the Russells, mainly their children. They will discover not just that the supernatural exists but their family's role in it after they learn that their parents have gone missing. Gathering in their parents' home at the request of their uncle after being questioned by the police and soon discover their parents' legacy and embark on a quest to not only save their parents but take up their mantle of being hunters of the supernatural. Awakening what powers lie in their blood and traveling America to hunt those that seek harm to humanity and to save it from those that seek to dominate them. It will not be an easy task, and the road will be a long one. But they say that a family that fights together stays together. So starts their mission, and time will tell if they will prove to be up to the task. For both new and old threats are on the horizon and one, in particular, has plans for the Russells. [center]Rules: 1. Expected to follow standard site rules 2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc... 3. No OP characters 4. A max of one characters 5. Minimum of one paragraph[/center] [center][b]Overview[/b][/center] Hello and welcome to the rp. The rp is set in 2010, and the rp is about a family of former hunters that are forced into action after the family's parents go missing. After learning about it and being questioned by the police about it. The family's uncle asks them to come to their parents' house to discuss things. There they will learn about their family's secret, that they are hunters of the supernatural. But not just any hunters but ones gifted with abilities to give them an edge against the supernatural. Soon they discover the reason for their parents' going missing and not only start to rescue them but, in the process, become hunters in their own right and start hunting down hostile supernaturals and protect humanity from those supernaturals that seek to either harm or dominate humans. Traveling America while doing so. Now while there will be an overarching plot and story arcs for it. There will be a monster of the week style arcs in between the story arcs. Which I will be open to suggestions if anyone happens to have an idea they want to do. So with the focus being on a family of hunters, that means there will be limited slots. I am thinking at the moment about 3 main family chars and 2 cousins. However, due to story reasons. The cousins would have been brought up with the main family after said aunt and uncle were killed in mysterious circumstances. So a big household growing up and the cousins would be older than the main family kids. As for ages, the children should be. Generally, somewhere in their twenties, no one above thirty. Also, the kids grew up in Columbus, Nebraska, and this is where their parents' home is located. Also, the main family parents would be [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/92/21/31/9221318e064c0e3a0619816089725631.jpg]Richard[/url] and [url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/c6/54/86/c65486f674d26a5a0db4c15c1a8b3e47--middle-aged-women-middle-ages.jpg]Joan[/url], and the cousins from Richard's older sister, [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/7b/cd/40/7bcd40eba5f1ddb8880b692a51dcec26.jpg]Emily[/url], and her husband, [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/68/cb/21/68cb212905f170a6c3d2c18dfcfac73d.jpg]Owen[/url]. There is a third, Russell, the younger brother of Richard and Emily. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/3a/3d/42/3a3d42cdec23e6a3dc4c75e4856a1fa7--stage-make-up-middle-ages.jpg]Victor[/url], who has kids but is divorced and said kids are busy being hunters in Europe. Victor is a retired hunter who had little contact with Richard and his family due to a falling out they had after a hunt years ago. For the ages of the chars, the main family should be 20-25, cousins 26-29 for reference. [center][b]Abilities[/b][/center] For what abilities the Russells family has, here is it. Enhanced strength, enhanced agility/speed/reflexes, enhanced durability, enhanced healing, resistance to foreign influence, and innate fighting skills. Now, how strong these abilities are, here it is. For how strong a Russells is? One can lift an adult human up easily and throw them. They can hold their own against Vampires and others of similar range. How durable? They can handle being hit by a car with minor injuries and are resistant to blunt-force trauma. They are, however, not bulletproof or resistant to bladed weapons though they can take hits that would hinder normal humans. How fast? About beyond the speed/agility and reflexes of a normal human, and can move at great speeds but cannot outrun a car. An example of how fast the reflexed and speed, a Russell can step on a bear trap and react fast enough and be fast enough not to get caught in it. How good is their healing? One can heal all minor injuries in an instant, and it takes more time to heal the more severe the injury. The healing has its limits and can not regrow severed limbs. Bearing the most extreme of injuries like a bullet to the brain, decapitation, or severed limbs. The body will heal itself at a fast rate, and it just takes time. Also, enhanced healing does nothing with disease resistance, so the Russells are still affected by normal diseases. Resistance to foreign influence? Meaning that a Russell is resistant to mind control, suggestion, and other mind-altering effects and drugs. Their resistance is very high though it is possible for a powerful drug or user to influence or controls a Russell. It is rare that this happens. Innate fighting skills? Each Russell has innate fighting skills in both armed and unarmed combat. But though the skills are innate, they require little training to get used to and can rely on instincts to fight. Though in regards to armed combat, weapons such as swords or maces and other melee weapons is what a Russell can use instinctively. This does not extend to range weapons such as firearms though it has not stopped others like the Russells from using guns in their hunts. But the Russells' main family made efforts to stop their children and Emily's children from getting their abilities so they could be normal and live a normal life. A method only a few know of, and thus their abilities are dormant. But they will be activated soon into the rp. So that is it and if anyone has any questions, just say something. Also, I am looking for a co-op so if you are interested. Again just say something. Plus, I will be reserving a cousin spot so I will be accepting 1 more cousin spot. [hider=Character CS] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/280x280_RS/22/02/58/220258fb79deac8fc7d0a0dbc8d05675.jpg[/img] [b][u][color=white][h2] Name here [/h2][/color][/u][/b][/center] [b][u][color=white]Gender[/color][/u][/b] [indent][indent][color=A1A1A1][b] gender here [/b][/color][/indent][/indent] [b][u][color=white]Age[/color][/u][/b] [indent][indent][color=A1A1A1][b] age here [/b][/color][/indent][/indent] [b][u][color=white]Appearance[/color][/u][/b] [indent][indent][color=A1A1A1][b] appearance here [/b][/color][/indent][/indent] [b][u][color=white]Personality[/color][/u][/b] [indent][indent][color=A1A1A1][b] personality here [/b][/color][/indent][/indent] [b][u][color=white]Position in Family[/color][/u][/b] [indent][indent][color=A1A1A1][b] position in family here [/b][/color][/indent][/indent] [b][u][color=white]Skills[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] skills here [/b][/color][/indent] [b][u][color=white]Equipment[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] equipment here [/b][/color][/indent] [b][u][color=white]Background[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] background here [/b][/color][/indent] [/hider]