[h1][CENTER][color=0072bc]ARNVIDR FROST-WEAVER[/color][/CENTER][/h1] [hr] Arnvidr sighed as the group started to debate about the leader. As much as how the current Nords' romanticisation of the whole 'might make right' aspect of the old Nordic culture was overblown—There were still checks and balances, that was why the Moot existed. One did not simply become the High King after killing the incumbent king in a duel—there was something to be said of a clear-cut way to determine a leader. A test of martial prowess. Of course, it was not something he would suggest among this multicultural group. [color=0072bc]"We can discuss the leader AFTER we have agreed on our cover. It is true that we needn't find too complicated of a cover, as an overly complicated one would increase the risk of getting found out due to contradictory accounts of an overly convoluted story. But at the very least we need to agree on one reason for our travel. I still think that a merchant caravan is not a good cover. As I said, we do not carry enough wares to pose as a caravan. Furthermore, we would need to maintain our cover by actually selling something in Bruma lest we raise the question of 'why wouldn't a merchant caravan sell their wares at a major city?', which would slow us down. I think we should go with my proposal. A mercenary company is one of the few groups where such a diverse collection of people wouldn't be out of place. Furthermore, if asked, all of you can simply feign disinterest aside from 'Checking some Ayleid ruins'. It wouldn't be strange for mercenaries hired to guard a scholar to not be interested in the minutiae of the research. They're just there to do their job and collect their septims."[/color]