[center][h1][color=f7941d]Kiffar, the Unbound[/color][/h1] [h3]Weynon Priory[/h3][/center] Kiffar groaned as the others continued to fuss over such silly things as plans. So intricate, so complicated- and, he felt, entirely unnecessary, particularly given their discussion was infringing on his time to nap and lounge. More ideas were floated, and he could taste the fringes of tension in the air, certain this would fall into arguments and raised voices if things didn't come to a conclusion soon. He might enjoy that, in truth... But seeing who would fight who could wait for when he wasn't quite so sleepy. The Legionnaire took his leave, just in the tail of Sylruna and Sindri, and Kiffar rolled to sit upright on the pew with an irritable chuff. Even seated, he towered well over the eye lines of most in the room, movement alone often enough to draw attention to him. [color=f7941d]"Kiffar does not believe the Legion Stomper intends to return. You all bicker too much, and this one is deprived of rest. Since the thinkers cannot think as one, Kiffar says that Kiffar is the leader, and that the Nord is the victor of words. Coin-Violence suits many here, and is simple. This works for Kiffar. It is decided, yes? Kiffar will accept challenges to his leadership after he has had a nap."[/color] He pushed himself fully upright with a weary sigh, the pew groaning as if in relief once he was free of it. Apparently done with the conversation one way or another, yet too agitated to return to his planned rest, the Khajiiti stretched out, and made way for the door, stooping down to step outside, a flicker of his tail given in lieu of a wave for the others. [color=f7941d]"We meet with the rising sun at this door to collect our things, yes? This one will find another place to rest until then."[/color]