[color=6644ff]"You are reaching to assert your will over that which exists in the negative,"[/color] Jack explained, watching her attempt. [color=6644ff]"Where there is Nothingness, you are giving it shape. That is something that will require time to master."[/color] Whenever Jack spoke, walked or so much as waved a hand before him, the house they lived in had a way of shuddering. Those who could call this place home became inseparable from it. From the moment this world welcomed Annika, it was one and the same with her. This is an extension of hers and Jack's souls. The act of using Umbramancy involved pulling on that connection in the same way one leveraged their ability to close their fingers into a fist. [color=6644ff]"I remember when I was only a few years older than you are now... I spent weeks simply learning to see [i]through[/i] the shadows, shaping them was unthinkable."[/color]