[center][h3]Nieve — Mages' Guild[/h3][/center] With little to show for their efforts, the group of travelers chose to make their way back to the Mages' Guild to report the results of their little trip. Though now short a member of their entourage, the trio (and the fae child still in Anne's care) had made their return without drawing [i]too[/i] much attention to themselves. The remnants of the rock dust scattered about on their clothing would have stood out a bit, unfortunately enough. Once the group had entered the building, it didn't take particularly long for Serena to come down and greet them. With the requested goods missing and the traces of [i]something[/i] having gone awry fairly evident to see on them, though, the princess seemed to take a moment to wonder [i]what[/i] could have happened to leave them all like this. "Complications, I presume?" she asked before beckoning the group to follow her back to the room she had been experimenting in before. "Please, fill me in on the details." [@VitaVitaAR][@Drifting Pollen][@Rezod92]