[Centre][H2][color=bc8dbf]Lord and lady Coswain[/color][/H2][/Centre] [Centre][H3][color=bc8dbf]Hunters Moon. Towards Forrest.[/color][/H3][/Centre] Lord Coswain was not a happy man to say the least as he reflected. the Fop had run…. Pranced…off like a worm and not even had the spine to help at all…much as he never trusted him to begin with.[color=6ecff6] “Then run faster, I do not know where this beast is. Get us some more help. ”[/color] The Prince ran off too, no guards, no word…no chain of command set up…what the frak else would he have to deal with? [color=6ecff6]“Leave him, if he dies he made his choice. I cannot save him from himself.”[/color] He growled towards the wolf / man thing. By the moon goddess, how he had ended up In this situation? How had his life got this wrong that he was having to rely on a Dubious yet… effective support, alone…vs a dangerous foe. By the goddess… and Persephone… she would not be happy with him and that woman knew how to tell him off after the last time he went against a blightborn solo… His couch…was less comfortable than the barracks bed recruits had it turned out. [color=6ecff6]“Fuck”[/color] He said but paused as he noticed the wolf cock it's head and look in a direction towards the forest and into the shadows. Then it began to move, it moved with a purpose. A aim… it was not an idle thing? Well man.. that was even more confusing. [color=6ecff6]“Hunt? Let's run this beast off. The least we can do is drive it back away from the town and innocents.”[/color] He said, feeling… He was talking to a man, wolf…thing. He had a goal at least and he knew he had to do this, however much his wife would glare at him like a Basilisk. He followed by raising the large sword to a guard and advanced behind, he just hoped the Goddess would be merciful to this mortal guard and protect the innocent. He was not that religious as such formally but right now if she was listening he really needed something on his side. [i]This was like his first command too much and he hoped it would not have the same body count, many years ago, faced with only the choice to go forward as he arrived at the siege of a Auralian border keep, a strong and resistant fortress. They had slowed to a point they could not dig ... .the rock was like iron. So they piled stone and earth, built their way forward as meandering lines of deep rock lines snaked forward, shielded from above and always dark, lit by shadows of light. They rushed forward, the order came as the flags rose signalling that they were the next wave. “Ready” He heard repeated from the small unit he commanded, having taken over after this group lost their own captain, and more. It was a hard command to take over. “Forward, We take the outer works. Charge” He gave the order as flaming oils burst against the walls side spewing Gresley smoke to try and give them a chance. The breach was lit from behind by the light of dawn, dusty jagged stone work rose as they began to run. Along with them the shout was repeated as other groups rushed along a wide front and multiple places where the catapults had broken the walls and strong points. They never took the fortress, it's walls shattered like a jagged mountain peak but the defenders for all their faults. Where a brave and determined foe, they held those killing slopes of rubble strained reddish brown for days. Both sides fell back in the end… the King's had agreed to end the conflict. But it had a bitter taste. That was the day he realised how pointless the two kingdoms battle could be. [/i] Back to the present he followed, shaking the old memory clear as the slanted light and angular shadow reminded him far too much of the shattered stone and siege works of his early life. He felt uncomfortable but would not let the fear take him. [color=6ecff6]“let's go find that feind”[/color] He said more to himself to boost his own mind, and his own resolve. [b]Mentions[/b] [@Fetzen][@The Muse][@Dezuel]