Upon hearing Luka ask about Ashley's last name, she shot Luka a warning glare. Of course it went ignored. Emily even knew that Ashley didn't like talking about the people who shared her last name. That was a line Emily herself learned not to cross while sharing the dorm room with Ashley. But the conversation was quickly cut short when Santana spoke up, mentioning that they didn't have time, and snapped his fingers. Emily found herself gripping at her card and not letting go, as though she had been shocked and her fingers wouldn't listen when she thought of letting go of the card. She watches as the card takes form of a tarot card, the design bearing her likeness of her own appearance! One half of her is her normal self in jeans, shirt, hoodie, and sneakers, while the other half is that of a greek priestess! [I]Straddling between reality and imagination... Bridging, defining, and also making a clear line between the two... This is her...?![/I] She is brought back to her senses and found herself sitting at the booth in Mario's with Luka, Ashley, and the Crow...as though nothing had happened. She noticed the coffee left behind with a note, clearly indicating it was from Santana. Luka easily takes care of getting two people he knew out of the cafe, but there were still others here... When he mentioned the Indy Ploy and just having fun, she answers in sarcasm, "Only if you want to die again. I'm not so keen on that," While she would have helped the Crow with the caffeine, she became too focused on her thoughts and trying to figure out what to do. Thankfully, Ashley was able to help the Crow in her stead. Emily recalled the mentioned gifts that Santana mentioned, and upon thinking about it, she felt her mind divert its attention to her journal and pen that she carries around everywhere! Her eyes widened as she pulls out the journal and pen in question. The journal appears to be a small, black leather covered book on the surface, and her pen just a standard fountain pen, and that was all it was before she died. But...when Emily opened her journal, she finds that after her previous passage she had written, new words were appearing in beautiful cursive describing the present moment as the group speaks, not too unlike seeing how words appear in Tom Marvolo Riddle's Diary. Yes, the very words you are reading now appear in the journal! Emily could not help but gape in awe, and amazement upon realizing the possibilities! She looks around the cafe, and she whispers to the group, "I have an idea. Hopefully this can give us more time and room to prepare, and get innocent bystanders out of the way. Just stay quiet..." She proceeds to uncap the fountain pen, and the self-writing journal stops. She takes the point to the pages, and proceeds to write... "[I]In this quiet moment within Mario's, Head Waitress Diana feels the creeping sensation of danger lurking outside. Her intuition warns her not to ignore her senses. In order to heed this warning, she knows that she needs to close Mario's early and as quickly as possible. As she does so, she remains oblivious to the presence of Emily Sanderson, Ashley Whitlock, Luka Durand, and the Crow.[/I]" Emily then caps the pen again, and she watches as faint light dances across the words she just wrote before continuing to write on its own. She looks up and watches to see if her idea works, biting at her own thumbnail nervously. She knew it sounded crazy on the surface, but she felt as though her writing would actually work to influence things in their favor... [hider=OOC]Emily is using the move described below to essentially make the Cafe a place nobody is supposed to be in at this time, but the four of them would remain in there to combat the oncoming threat. If this doesn't work, let me know and I'll change my post accordingly. ^_^ [i][u][b]One-Man Band: Pick Locks, Hack Consoles from the Infiltrator Playbook[/b][/u] When you attempt to disarm a security system, pick a lock, or otherwise use finesse and subterfuge to get somewhere you’re not supposed to be, draw ELE, but ignore the Forecast of the card you play. [indent]*On a positive card, you sneak in without being detected. *On a neutral card, something is damaged or an alarm is raised, your choice. *On a negative card, something is damaged or an alarm is raised, GM’s choice.[/indent][/I] Also, if Emily could have a new tie, it would be... [b]4. I do not believe [color=7ea7d8]Luka[/color] should be trusted with a position of leadership.[/b][/hider]