[quote=@ctrlsaltdel] [b]Emily,[/b] you don't have to wait long to see the results. Diana was already standing behind the counter and looking out at the street, enjoying a rare moment of quiet to people-watch the early morning crowd. Her calm, contemplative expression tightens up by degrees, starting at the her eyebrows working its way down to her jaw. She's an older woman--a career waitress, who has worked in New York City since she in her twenties. She has learned over the years to trust her intuition when it tells her there's danger nearby. Closing the restaurant isn't technically her call, and she'll probably catch hell for it, but she's a fundamentally decent person, and it's not like it'll be the first time she's been fired. Still, she knows that the rest of the staff probably won't have her confidence... "Gas leak!" Her voice rings out over the murmur of conversation, and just about everyone in the restaurant turns to look at her. "Everyone, you need to leave! There's a gas leak!" She starts herding her fellow waitstaff out from behind the counter, to the point where she almost shoves a young woman half her age into the lobby. "You two, get the customers out! I'll check back of house!" Diana squares her shoulders and marches into the kitchen; distantly, you can hear her animated conversation with the line cooks. At the same time, a middle-aged waiter and the young woman Diana had manhandled from behind the counter follow her instructions with equal levels of confusion and alacrity. You can tell that within a couple of minutes, the restaurant will be empty of everyone except your party. As they evacuate, neither the staff nor the patrons pay any attention to your party; it is as if they have forgotten you are in the restaurant. However, you do not remain unaffected. You feel the psychic feedback as a rippling sensation running down your arm from your Eidolon, and when it reaches your head, you are filled with the same sense of danger and foreboding you inflicted in the waitress. You're distracted by the sudden urge to flee with everyone else; [b][color=orange]take -1 forward.[/color][/b] [/quote] Ashley watched as Emily began writing at her notebook at first she initially thought that she had a plan that she needs to list down for them only to 'feel' something is being changed. Like the world has a script it is meant to follow. But as every single person leave out of blue, she can see the script slowly change, as the actors began to leave and stage is about to set. Is this the gift that is given to Emily by Santana? If it is then this feeling was her gift. Ashley closed her eyes and began to 'feel' harder, what Emily did showed her that the future can change and such process is something she could feel so that makes her wonder. Could she see the future? There is only one way to find out. [hider=My Hider] Whatever action you decided this move is, I use Ready for Anything so that the card used will be The World Arcana [/hider]