[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250102/1ff62a91d5487f33495f30ee0138065e.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fqdok2lXwAE9XFQ.jpg:large[/img][/center] [hr] Antar III Sector 5: Front Line Tar Yrra Expeditionary Zone Two fleet hierarchs inspect their ships and begin to transition into active operations. Fleet Hierarchs Kadak and Kajuto, they were born in the same clutch and have competed with each other for a long time. In the end their competitive drive against each other is what drove them both to excel in their pursuits. Both aimed to be part of the historic warrior caste and rise to be part of the command sub caste. However, that was in their youth, now they’ve seen combat against the Augustans in the last war along the scorched line. They’re tempered and hardened veterans of war. Both of them bear scars from the intense fleet combat during what they’d call the Firestorm wars. They themselves had the pleasure of meeting Augustan marines up close in boarding actions against their vessels. The Augustans could say whatever they’d like about the Lokoid, however, meeting one in person in close combat was another matter entirely. Four arms that were perfectly synchronized with each other, hyper awareness of their environment, their fleet footed agility around the tight corridors of their ship, and the lifetime's worth of fighting for their own survival against the standards of their society. There was no weakling Lokoid in the military, there were only those who survived or did not make the proverbial cut. The two met each other on the boarding platforms. It had been a year since their respective deployments. “Fleet Hierarch Kajuto, your deployment?” Kadak asked, looking towards his lifelong rival who now only had a prosthetic eye to salvage his sight. “The scorched line. Hunting is slim. Must clean the sector. Directive from the Hierarch council themselves.” Kajuto looks towards his large ship, an Annihilator Dreadnought outfitted with salvage facilities and foundries to pump out new materials that they could use for anything. The two chittered their chelicerae before Kadak reciprocated by revealing his tasking, “I take to the Ghost Nebula. Danger is guaranteed. Augustans present.” Now it was Kajuto’s turn to take in the state of his clutch brother as he turned to look at him, yes he too had prosthetics, two of his arms have either been replaced or partially modified because of the damages sustained to his body, “Augustan blood debt must be paid. Hunt well, clutch brother, and let the ichor flow.” As they were about to part ways, a cadre of well armed, heavily armored Lokoid approached them – Hunters. The two in-front, standing side-by-side, appeared to be Hunter officers. The one to the right spoke, “The 289th Tactical Hunter Taskforce “K’tanak” and 105th Tactical Hunter Taskforce “Nadak” have been assigned to assist you fleet Hierarchs. The 289th is assigned to Fleet Hierarch Kajuto and the 105th to Kadak.” Kajuto stared for a moment, before asking, “My deployment is routine salvage. Why assign hunter units to the scorched line?” The one to the left replied now, “Hierarch of war Daggoth and Hierarch of Commerce Kaloth find the presence of pirates in the scorched line unacceptable. Must minimize, must contain, must cleanse. The Hierarchs have placed piracy on zero tolerance. No negotiations. Only extermination.” As the two hierarchs looked out from a large station window, they could already see the six cruiser sized stealth ships that held a compact complement of two fighter squadrons and a ground deployment package of their S-80 squadrons and heavy gunships each. The Hunter’s stealth ships were capable of optical camouflage and it didn’t particularly have a high heat signature because of a new experimental drive mechanism that did away with heavy thrusters as its main method of propulsion – sublight alcubierre drives in addition to sensor masking and electronic warfare, it would be near impossible to detect with only the bending of light around the ship revealing its position to the naked eye. However, it still made use of thrusters as backups and the complete stealth wasn’t fool proof, there are still a number of ways that it could be detected, particularly when firing its single high powered beam cannon, opening its many high yield graviton torpedoes, or launching cluster missiles as it needs to momentarily drop some of its stealth mechanisms, particularly the sensor masking and electronic warfare systems to yield far more accurate firing solutions. That being said, the Lokoid have mitigated this risk by using datalinks to communicate enemy locations and calculate firing solutions without other ships having to drop their stealth – they were relatively new to the Lokoid arsenal. It seems the Hierarchs found these deployments as good opportunities to test the capabilities of their Hunter arsenal and hone the Hunters even further through actual combat. Most Hunters were veterans of the Firestorm wars, however, the new blood have yet to taste a true hunt. The Fleet Hierarchs know just as well as the Hunters themselves, the new blood must taste a true hunt before they can call themselves part of the Hunter’s cadre. Kajuto and Kadak acknowledge their Hunter brethren, “Let us hunt well.” To which the Hunters simply clicked their mandibles as a prompt reply. They each boarded their respective ships and shuttles and made preparations to get underway. The Lokoid were once again slowly going back on the march. [hider=New Hunter Toys] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c0945903-53ab-4cdd-a036-5b40fedb3cb7.jpg[/img] Stealth Cruiser [hr] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/4ff33f72-9882-4607-babb-4f37dbb6bec9.png[/img] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/8a870b32-e1ab-4925-9348-15a31b6d5740.png[/img] Hunter Power Armor [hr] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/a565540c-5d50-42cf-a9ce-88fd4a71b4e1.jpg[/img] [i]Super Cruise mode[/i] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/242d173c-1078-4105-a1ed-df041e5be21c.jpg[/img] [i]Attack mode[/i] Hunter Fighter Craft [hr] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/8aa9b627-8680-4b9b-a40a-ca0aed227e58.jpg[/img] Hunter Assault Dropship recreated from Downed Augustan Transports and redesigned for Lokoid standards. [/hider]