[quote=@Digmata] Ashley closed her eyes and began to 'feel' harder, what Emily did showed her that the future can change and such process is something she could feel so that makes her wonder. Could she see the future? There is only one way to find out. [/quote] [center][color=orange][b]Investigate[/b] Who's in control?[/color] - [color=#2a86d6][b]The World[/b] - Positive - [i]For a single moment, the world bends to your will[/i][/color][/center] [b]Ashley,[/b] you focus in on that sensation. At first, it's almost like deja vu; you have the feeling that you've seen all this play out before, in some half-remembered past time. Consciously reaching for that power, you begin to dial it in like a radio, seeking more clarity and farther reach. It starts fuzzy and indistinct. The sense of deja vu intensifies, and you begin to catch little scraps of images, impressions of sound. Then something [i]clicks[/i]--there's a second of vertigo--and you see... Well, it's still the diner. All of the staff and customers have cleared out, except for your table. Ashley, Luka, and The Crow are still discussing and/or arguing over the best course of action. So are you, for that matter, but the "you" that is doing the arguing isn't the same as the "you" that is doing the perceiving. Glancing at a nearby clock, you see that your vision has taken you only about two minutes in the future. Not very far, but apparently far enough, because no sooner do you have time to register the information than the door of the restaurant flies open, jingling the hanging bells and sending classified scattering across the floor. This time, though, you can see [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110927212230/megamitensei/images/5/5e/Jersey_Devil.jpg]the creature[/url] that comes through the door. Its strange, elongated body looks tall, but upon second glance, it probably only comes up to your chest. It stands on cloven hooves that support too-thin legs; its upper body and face are that of a goat, but the neck is far too long, and great bat wings extend from its back. It has hooved forelimbs as well, but it seems to be bipedal, though its hooves slip and slide on the diner's tile floor. It falls to the ground as it crashes in the diner, but immediately regains its footing and starts scrambling past the booths, making a break for the back of the restaurant. Its face is alien to you, but something in its expression and manner tells you that the creature is terrified and running from something. At the very least, it's definitely not the one in control here. Out the front window of the diner, you see someone running down the sidewalk towards the restaurant. You're not sure what draws your attention to him initially--it's New York City, someone running down the sidewalk isn't exactly unheard of--but your eyes are on him as he skids to a stop in front of the diner. He's wearing a basic, black suit and tie with a white shirt, off the rack rather than tailored. His dark hair is cut Marine-style, high and tight. His face is red from exertion, and several band-aids have been stuck to it to cover small cuts. As he slows to a stop, he makes a gun with one hand and holds it out. His hand, like his face, is covered in band-aids, and as he points it at the creature, you see something start to materialize behind him. Just before the vision ends, the apparition's head takes the form, looking over his shoulder; it is a small metal drum, smiley face painted on it with safety orange, and a lit fuse extending from the top. Then you blink, and you're back in the present. [hider=Game Stats] [color=purple][b][u]Phantom Clock:[/u] 1 PM[/b][/color] [hider=Luka Durand] [b]Damage Track:[/b] Fresh [/hider] [hider=Emily Sanderson] [b]Damage Track:[/b] Fresh [b]Other:[/b] [list][*]-1 Forward[/list] [/hider] [hider=Ashley Whitlock] [b]Damage Track:[/b] Fresh [b]Ready For Anything:[/b][list] [*][color=#dbd05e][b]The Fool[/b] - [i]Neutral[/i] - You become who you are needed to be in this moment[/color] [*][color=#dbd05e][b]The Hermit[/b] - [i]Neutral[/i] - Your actions isolate you[/color] [*][s][color=#2a86d6][b]The World[/b] - [i]Positive[/i] - For a single moment, the world bends to your will[/color][/s][/list] [/hider] [hider=The Crow] [b]Damage Track:[/b] Fresh [/hider] [/hider]