[h1][centre][color=a2d39c]Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper[/color][/centre][/h1] [h2][centre][color=a2d39c]Eye of Beholder”[/color][/centre][/h2] [centre][color=a2d39c][b] Onions are cute, Sya has a Crush?[/b][/color] [/centre] [centre][color=a2d39c][b] Now with 50% more blood alcohol content. Sloshed snakes can slither too[/b][/color][/centre] The Bar had been busy all day and likely.would not calm for awhile. Sya had barely finished helping out with Nyla when more came. More people, her glance saw one whom face definitely did not match the human norm, another blightborn and one who had like her been more affected than most. thanks to her… evolution Sya ability to blend in was kinda useless, robes and hoods did not hide the fact you were now a Lamia. She really had no other direction than to face it directly and handle it that way. Her life had taken turns that she probably should not have been able to survive or keep any sanity yet somehow she was still here and we'll she just hoped that someone would see past her shell to see the yolk and people who would not be scared to be her friends or partner. A woman after a room? She looked noting her eyes, wings even? A very woman? Who had been forced to the edge by her changes? Sya could understand her and probably her plight. [color=c4df9b]“I do, My name is Ssssya and I keep this Inn. Welcome to the Eye of the Beholder. We have a few Rooms left.” [/color] Sya had not even had a chance to return the book back under the counter where she recorded the guests! Her singular eye noted she seemed to be dressed well and despite the 4 eyes, Sya herself did not fear the woman as she was just another poor soul who the blight had taken in all likelihood. [color=c4df9b]“Gold, labour, coin or my hareem membership are all fine by me asss payment.”[/color] Sya laughed with a cheeky grin, not meaning the last and making it clear with her tone. [color=c4df9b]“Food and drink are free today, Prince's feast, in honour of the storms breaking. It's the first day of our new bakery too.”[/color] She said with clear pride in the achievement. She gestured with her hand to point and glittering blue scales copied the movement without difficulty pointing to the baked goods that had been recently topped up with a fresh batch. [color=c4df9b]“Anywaysss, let's get you sorted. These are free at present, I need a name for the book missds. Room 9 might suit, it's quieter and near the back stairs if you come in late.”[/color] A small pale hand gestured to the map of the Inn showing which rooms were currently unoccupied and it was under half. She chose her words carefully but knew the blightborn might need to feed and so and came through the main bar. might not be iddeal. Much as she disliked harming people, they all needed to live and some of them were more controversial than others. She turned to face the guard as she let the woman decide, he seemed to be an honest and decent sort as the guards went. He had not tried to insult Sya and treated her with the least basic respect as a person so she was inclined to be more generous with him. Not all of them extended her that curtsey as a “monster” but there was very much a woman under the cyclopean features, elf-like ears and the snake's tail that caused a trip hazzed behind the bar. [color=c4df9b]“Good” [/color]she nodded and gestured to the small bottles of the shine of Selene that sat as samples. [color=c4df9b]“Thatsss for later when you're off duty, Borderland shine, very ssstrong. Samples.. for now. Is Dunatal dark ale good, you know?”[/color] His warning to the mason was probably a good thing, she did not need the drama if he really was out there having his way with multiple women and them or their partners starting a dispute. [color=c4df9b]“Too few of us know how”[/color] She said with a sadder tinge to her large blue eye before she caught it and returned to the more confident mood normally found of the Innkeeper. The white haired woman waved to her as she left and Sya returned the gesture a little surprised but glad that the woman was being so sociable to her. Even now after months here Sya was still awed and little unfamiliar how people seemed to tolerate those who had been bitter enemies only months prior. [color=c4df9b]“Doorssss open till late, be safe and stay warm, miss. Do up your coat!”[/color] The dark haired innkeeper said to the departing woman in purple with the contrasting white hair. Sya said the last bit not wanting her customers to come to harm…after all. Dead people cannot pay the bills! Across the bar negotiations seemed to be going very well and lively. The man and Barbarian seemed to shake on an agreement and lean closer, good, if he was in a decent mood and making money he might be more in a decent mood to offer Sya terms that were reasonable too. She never one to be a dull edge that was for sure, she had learned to always use what you see and to keep your eyes open. Her father had been a good business man just in a rather small pond, a very small.pond as the lands they had called home were rarely on the main trade routes. [b]Mentions[/b] [@Dark Light][@BlackRoseSiren][@enmuni][@c3p-0h][@The Muse]