"It's [i]the[/i] Crow," the Crow corrected Ashley, but he once again nodded. "But I will go search for this man. However, I will probably require a weapon more substantial than my claws and be-" As he's speaking, the buzzing in his mind starts to grow louder, more electrical... and now, his teammates would be able to hear it too. Suddenly, all the cutlery in the diner starts floating upwards before suddenly flying across the room towards the group. They stop inches before making contact with anyone. The Crow looks at them, at first thinking this was the work of whoever had killed them... but then he felt some kind weird sensation within himself. Like something in his core was pulling the cutlery towards him. He raised a wing, pointing up, which caused all the cutlery to move to that spot, correlating in a cluster of wicked, shining points. "Huh..." the Crow tilted his head to the side. "Well, I probably don't need [i]that[/i] many-" As he said this, the ball fell to the ground with a loud clatter, save one lone steak knife which remained suspended in the air. "Er, yeah, that... that'll do." He reached out towards it and the knife came floating over to him. He grabbed in his beak. "I'll be right back!" he said... or at least, he tried to say. Then he flew out of the diner, knife still in beak, and began surveying for the man in question. [hider=OOC]Guess I should draw to investigate?[/hider]