[h3]Below Rebirth's Rise, Eastern outskirts of Yharnam – Farren and Torquil[/h3] The large, clawed fingers closed around Farren's right wrist, but though Farren made preemptive efforts to avoid having the sword wrested from his grip, no attempt was made at removing it. Skinner's hold on the wrist was tight and powerful enough to prevent Farren from moving his hand significantly, but quite notably – as Farren himself could attest to, having felt that very same hand practically crushing his shoulder – far from as strong as it could have been. It was an arresting grab with a hand that could easily have broken bones or even ripped the arm clean off. A faint tingle of electric currents could also be felt passing from those fingers and into Farren, but their intensity were so low that they barely even registered as uncomfortable, especially compared to the powerful surge he had just been exposed to. Skinner's right arm raised quickly to hold the topmost bone blade of the fist weapon against Farren's throat, but once again it stopped there, simply holding in place threateningly rather than slicing through his jugulars and air-pipe, if not downright beheading him. Being this close to Skinner and looking him straight in the eye, Farren might notice that Skinner's own skin was lightly sizzling, being continuously burned and regenerated by the lightning he was infused with. His hair and fur, alight with energy, also released slivers of smoke that filled the air with a terrible stench of burnt hair. For a second Skinner's eyes met Farren's, mirroring his fury and pain alike, before the murderer's focus shifted from Farren to Torquil, who was running to join the fight. “I told you to bloody [I]stop[/I]!” Skinner growled, tightening his grip on Farren's wrist enough to make it painful and increasing the pressure of the bone blade enough that its somewhat dull edge bit into his skin slightly. “Last chance, or I'll tear your damn arm off and shove it down your throat!”