[center] [h1][color=c1196b]πŸ…°πŸ†‚πŸ†ƒπŸ…΄πŸ†πŸ…ΈπŸ…ΎπŸ…½[/color][/h1] & [h2]β“€β“‘β“˜β“’β“—[/h2] [/center] [hr] [color=808080] "[color=c1196b]If people want to play these games, [i]I will play games[/i],[/color]" Asterion huffed out while pacing back and forth in his office. Krish was silent along with Kaela and Elara. While Zarek and Varek were outside guarding the office doors and checking with the ground floor guards if there were anyone else in the immediate area of the Kairo Skypscraper. A fainter cough to attempt to clear the heaviness in the air could be heard, "[color=ffffff]I believe Kaele should leave if you are going to say something too important ~[/color]" the auburn haired woman with big blue doe eyes faintly spoke as she looked over to the neutral character of the room. The redheaded woman glared though she wasn't able to say anything before Asterion flicked his hand up and held it up as if to say stop. "[color=c1196b]No one needs to leave, now shut up Elara,[/color]" he stammered his words in deeper thought while he paced around. Krish followed each step and movement of his friend with his eyes while Elara and Kaela were eyeing each other. They didn't get alone very well because Elara didn't trust how neutral and possibly unloyal Kaela could be. "[color=ffffff]Have you thought about hiring more quiet individuals? Possibly ones that do not complain as much?[/color]" Kaela decided to be a little bit of a smart ass about the whole ordeal. Elara scuffed her breath in protest, "[color=ffffff]How ab---[/color]" she was cut short with a growl. "[color=c1196b]Can you two please be quiet or [b]LEAVE!?[/b] [b]Please.[/b] Just leave. I am thinking. I told you that once why do you both think I need to stay that again?[/color]" Asterion was trying to figure out why two individuals were going straight for his tower and nightclub. If they were apart of the same company or not. He began to rub his temples while he continued to pace while closing his eyes for a second. The arburn haired woman stood up, "[color=ffffff]If you are going to raise your voice like that, I will,[/color]" she had a prissiness to her voice as she flipped her hair around and left the room. Purposefully slamming the office door. "[color=c1196b]E! --- mhm...[/color]" he went to shout her name but he bit his tongue to not hear her complain even more than she will later about him raising his voice. Kaela rolled her eyes. Krish sat there like this was a normal Tuesday afternoon. Asterion waved his hand, "[color=c1196b]You too, Kaela. Please,[/color]" his voice was softer for a second with sounding overly stressed. By this point, a thumb was on the one side of his forehead while his fingers were on the other side while he stood by the large bay windows of his office. Without a word, Kaela got up and left, and he pinched the bridge of his nose. Rubbing at the bridge for a few seconds before he heard the door close all the way. "[color=ffffff]They always remind me why it's nicer to be single, aye?[/color]" Krish tried to lighten the mood. The darker haired man standing by the bay windows let go of the bridge of his nose as his eyes flopped to the side to look at his friend. "[color=c1196b]You are single because you thought it was a good idea to date three girls that worked here all at the same time and girls talk, Krish,[/color]" Asterion straightened himself while looking forward to the city while shaking his head with a roll of his eyes. Krish stood up and gestured his hands out, "[color=ffffff]And why are you single then boss? Maybe think of something else than work for a hot minute and you could find someone to destress you,[/color]" Krish came over and poked Asterion on the cheek. "[color=c1196b]Do not touch me,[/color]" Asterion sideyed his best friend. The redheaded man gestured his hands up as if to declare defeat or he wouldn't do it anymore. Asterion walked away from the windows and away from Krish to sit down at his desk. Looking at the laptop that was still open and noticing a notification for his emails. "[color=c1196b]I think we should plow into 93rd and without mercy, dive into Newport,[/color]" he spoke half mindedly as he opened the email to read it. [indent] You're a lucky winner! There are certain, shall we say, β€˜gems’ in the city. Gems ripe for the taking. Heavy Crossguard is one of those such locations. There is a certain warehouse in the heart of Heavy Crossguard that is home to a biker gang. Yes, it's true they're subsidized by yet another big player in the city. But what I want to draw your attention to is the hoard of wealth they literally sit on. Mainly, they have stacks of crates of Sugarcrush, a new drug. And they have a motherlode of stolen materials, such as artifacts from outside the Wall, and rare pieces of art. Even a few slot machines. Vintage wines. Now, you could search Heavy Crossguard for days on end, trying to find this one particular warehouse. Or. You could wire a transfer of $10,000 (1 Wealth) to Nocturnia Bank Account Number 35721 003 472951, and I'll tell you exactly where that warehouse is. Before I forget, you'll want to actually fast. These goods are going to be moved in three days, where someone else will cash them in for money. I would prefer that someone is you. Looking forward to your continued patronage, -C [/indent] Asterion sat there while reading, getting very quiet, and not even absorbing anything around him. He didn't know if Krish was going off on one of his rants and being chattier than the girls. Shaking his head, "[color=c1196b]Read this shit,[/color]" he gestured to his screen. Krish was on one of his rants though he broke out of it and quickly moved over to Asterion while leaning on the comfy chair behind the big guy's desk. "[color=ffffff]What?[/color]" he seemed curious while he began to read the email right away. "[color=ffffff]This person must think the leaders of Nocturnia are idiots... who would fall for that crap? That has to be a trap, right?[/color]" Krish looked over to Asterion to confirm that his suspicions weren't wrong that it could be a possible trap. "[color=c1196b]I think it is a trap. I will not be surprised if others fall for it. We will be focusing on 93rd for the time being but before that, let's go visit our friends, shall we?[/color]" Asterion's midnight blue eyes flicked up to Krish with a smirk to his lips. Krish grinned, "[color=ffffff]We shall. I almost forgot about those two,[/color]" he seemed excited to remember that had two individuals to have some fun with. Asterion stood up, closing his laptop, and following Krish out of the office to go down the hall to a room where their two friends - the bomb lunatic and the lock picker were located - and when the door opened. Krish and Asterion stepped into the room. They were both tied to chairs in an excessive way, bound, and gagged to stay quiet. "[color=c1196b][i]Hello sweethearts~[/i][/color]" The lights flicked on which caused Hailey and the military man to be emphasized in a glow while the rest of the room was dark. And the door closed heavily behind him without any help. [/color] [hr] Mentions: 93rd Street & Newport Interactions: Hailey & military man [@Estylwen]