[table][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/WQjDp9F.png[/img][/cell][cell][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240501/f05a736427987502b04e7512136c14ae.png[/img][/cell][/row] [row][cell][sub]Location: Elara's Home > Royal Home[/sub][/cell][/row][/table]Flynn listened intently as Elara spoke, his brows furrowing deeply. Images of the unknown faces he'd left Amaya with before his departure flashed in his mind. Which of them had done this? None of them had appeared outwardly blight-born. Was it someone entirely different? Unease twisted in his stomach. When she mentioned Amaya being injected with the blight-born’s blood, a look of disgust flickered across his face. He cast a glance at Amaya, lying motionless on the floor, a wave of worry sweeping over him. What had the blood done to her? Blight-born were completely unpredictable. There was no telling what it could do to her now or in the future. [color=337d71]“I can’t lose her either,”[/color] he said quietly, barely registering the familiarity of Elara calling him by name, too consumed by his thoughts and the sight of Amaya before him. Turning his attention back to his wife, he studied her face again, as if he expected her to cry out in pain at any moment. [color=337d71]"I won’t let this happen again,"[/color] he said, though he didn’t know if he fully believed the words himself. What could one man, even a prince, do to protect her in a world as unpredictable and dangerous as this? But he did know he would do everything in his power to keep her safe. He had to. He had brought her out here to try and save her life, not let her die at the hands of a blight-born. A part of him cursed himself for ever leaving her side. He should have brought her with him to see the Priestess. Though he wouldn’t have felt right trying to control Amaya in such a way, at least she would have been safe. If she had remained at his side, this could have been avoided. [color=337d71][i]‘Damn it.’[/i][/color] he thought bitterly, guilt squeezing his heart. Gently, as if she might break under his touch, Flynn slid his arms beneath Amaya’s limp frame and effortlessly lifted her into a princess carry. Holding her close to his chest, he stood to his full height, her head resting against his chest. She didn’t move, and the worry in his face deepened. [color=337d71]“I’m going to take her home to rest.”[/color] he said firmly, leaving no room for argument, his decision final. Turning to Elara, his green eyes met her pale blue ones, the intensity in his gaze mirroring hers. [color=337d71]“You did well, Elara.”[/color] he said, his voice sincere. [color=337d71]“Thank you for keeping her safe.”[/color] Adjusting Amaya slightly in his arms, he gestured with his head toward the door. [color=337d71]“Could you open it for me, please?”[/color] As she opened the door, Flynn stepped out into the chill and glanced back. [color=337d71]“Find Eris Hightower, the lead Sage. She lives just west of here. In the tower. Tell her to come to our home, could you?”[/color] he asked, the request coming off a bit more like an order. Before leaving, their eyes met one last time and Flynn gave Elara nod, a silent acknowledgement of her efforts. He didn’t know how, but he’d find a way to repay Elara for this. Somehow. Stepping out into the snow-dusted streets, Flynn tightened his hold on Amaya as she stirred. Unconsciously, she shifted closer to him, her face pressing into his chest as if seeking his warmth. Flynn glanced down at her, taken aback at her sudden movement—one more intimate than she had ever granted him in the past. Pushing the emotion aside, he focused on her safety and comfort. Drawing upon his dwindling mana reserves, he summoned a thin barrier of warmth that enveloped them both, shielding her from the biting winter air and the snowflakes that drifted down around them. As he neared their home, a guard spotted him and immediately straightened. The soldier’s face was a mixture of shock and confusion, his eyes darting to the Princess and then back to the Prince. [color=FA8072]“Your Highness! What can I do?”[/color] [color=337d71]“Open the door.”[/color] Flynn commanded as he walked past the armored man. The guard obeyed without hesitation, moving quickly and holding the door open wide. Stepping inside, Flynn said over his shoulder, [color=337d71]“Get a fire going and light the candles.”[/color] [color=FA8072]“Yes, sir.”[/color] The guard responded, rushing to fulfill his orders and disappearing toward the living room. Flynn didn’t stop. He carried Amaya up the stairs to her room, his foot nudging the door open. Stepping inside, he glanced around the room, dim and quiet. A space he had rarely ever entered. Carefully, he lowered her down onto the bed, her head resting on the pillow. For a moment, he sat on the edge of the bed, his green eyes scanning her face. She seemed peaceful, but the dark stain on her sleeve was a stark reminder of what had happened. His jaw clenched. Whoever the blight-born was, he’d find them. And they’d pay. With a shaky breath, Flynn adjusted the blankets around her. His expression softened as he whispered, [color=337d71]“I’m sorry…”[/color] [hr] [Sub][b]Interactions:[/b] Elara [@Qia], Amaya [@c3p-0h][/sub]