[h3]Below Rebirth's Rise, Eastern outskirts of Yharnam – Farren and Torquil[/h3] “There's a good lad,” Skinner growled sarcastically, shooting another ominous glare at Torquil as he hesitantly followed Farren's orders and stopped his charge. “You'll have to excuse me for not letting you go right away, but I have this strange feeling that you'd still try to kill me if I did. I've already had one Hunter coming back each time I killed her, hounding me endlessly; I'd rather not do that again. So let's talk. See if we can't work something out here that'll let us go our separate ways.” [h3]Rebirth's Rise, Eastern outskirts of Yharnam – Ophelia[/h3] It was about at this time that Ophelia, having quickened her pace to a sprint when she heard Farren shoot his blunderbuss, arrived at the top of the elevator. By this time the folding doors were already open and the elevator itself was waiting to accept her, and if she were to glance past it and the metal handrail at the edge of the plateau, she would be able to spot the standoff below. Torquil standing just five meters or so from the others, shield raised and axe at the ready, while Farren was held in the grip of a man even bigger than him, clad in strange tatters and with a body that looked to be half-human, half-beast. The creature below was gripping Farren's sword-arm with a large, bestial left hand, while its right hand was held up, a bladed fist-weapon of some kind pressed threateningly to Farren's throat. She could not hear what they were saying from this distance.