[img]https://files.catbox.moe/9kfkwe.png[/img] He was pleased. As usual this was the most favorable result. His dearest friend, the prince was now setting a cunning trap no doubt, clearly the prince wanted to have some glory of his own. Ayel couldn't help but to nod in agreement with his own conclusion, for there was none better to properly judge his outlook on things than himself. And by some miracle aid from Aelios, the raisin-looking barbarian would be lord, Lord Coswain and the abominable cat-man had decided not to press their luck in pursuing Aelios most chosen child. Him. He felt abit relieved, he would have hated to have gotten blood splatter on his precious coat just because of some ruffians. No, that would definitely not do. But what would do, would be to go into his new cozy home-in-progress, uncork some good wine and eat some food in the warmth whilst knowing those good for nothing guardsmen would be running around looking for the barbarian people's princess. But this was of no concern to him. As long as he was in a good spot and his fellow nobles and the prince were well, everything would work out fine. Dawnhaven would become an Aurelian city in notime. There would be statues of him and Flynn everywhere, paintings, brands of wine named after them, instant successful songs about their exploits and riches. [color=f49ac2][i]'Ah coin!'[/i][/color] The nobleman thought aloud for anyone able to pick up on it. He was suprised however, that his return to the buildings had gotten as swift as it did, perhaps it was due to the great company he had on the way back. The best of company. He allowed himself a satisfied smirk and moved his troublesome lock from his face as he approached his mansion in the making. How grand it would be and the best vantage point in Dawnhaven once that despicable inn would be salvaged for some walls or stable. He had hand-picked the right kind of wood, the most expensive and decorated he could find. He couldn't allow anyone to mistake his home for being just about anyone. He was an important and useful figure in the newly established Aurelian outpost. Then he was rudely awakened from his thoughts as he heard chirping. Chirping? His eyes darted about. He knew those noises. It was those goddess forsakened small birds called tits. The kind which would fly about and chirp for hours in the early hours of the day. How he hated them. The despicable flying little primal things had the audacity to keep him from his beauty-sleep. He wrinkled his nose as he saw a bunch of them sitting at some outdoor decoration. Was his neighbour a sculptor? His eyes inspected the craftmanship of the sculptures. They were very well made. Quite exquisite. To the point he felt sweat forming at his forehead and neck despite being out in the cold. He momentarily almost felt like he was about to faint. He couldn't let his neighbour to have better decoration than him. Wait a moment? The nobleman's eyes narrowed and he looked over the sculptures. They were statues! Depicting him! [color=f49ac2][i]'Well… my neighbour has certainly a talent for good taste. Hmm.. odd… that one seems abit famil-'[/i][/color] Ayel's mouth opened wide in horror. [color=f49ac2][b]"AHHHH! Those are my statues! That's my limestone bust from the summer when I was twenty years of age! Get off that immediately you worm-devouring flying menaces!"[/b][/color] The nobleman ran into his plot of land which was now filled with his precious indoor statues, and those pesky birds were now perching upon them, and making droppings, and feasting on who knew what at them! He felt dirty, and the urge to throw up as he tried to collect himself. But he knew that was easier said than done. He was a great man. There was alot to collect. [color=f49ac2][b]"Get off that! Away with you! Move!"[/b][/color] He waved his hat towards the birds scaring most away but one really fat one. [color=f49ac2][b]"Do not tempt my patience you insufferable flying-pillowfilling!"[/b][/color] Ayel raised his hand and channeled his light magic. A lesson had to be learnt here. He took aim and stepped forwards. The beam of light shot out at the same time as the nobleman's expensive boot, slid upon the icy patch upon which it had unfortunately found itself. The nearby birdbath was to be blamed. Those flying rascals had shaken off their feathery little disguises on the ground and deviously made a trap. Ayel felt himself falling down into the snow with his back, seeing the fat little bird flying away chirping. It wasn't fair. But the ever-watchful, always aware and adaptable nobleman didn't have time to think about it as the arm of the statue had been taken cleanly off from his statue and was falling down towards him. It landed right next to him. A sigh of relief. And then horror. He had maimed his own statue. No. That filthy animal had made him do it. He could almost feel the snow melt below him as he was fuming, he got up to his feet quickly, cursing and cussing and grumbling, kicking some nearby snow away to momentarily vent. Then his eyes wandered up to the once flawless statue which was now missing an arm. [color=f49ac2][i]'Ahh.. why me? Hm? Now when I look at it. It does bring a little artistic feel to it without the arm. Oh yes! I am the right hand man of the prince! I can still salvage this. I shall take this arm and give it as a present to my dear friend, he will understand it's meaning no doubt.'[/i][/color] He placed his hat on his head and then allowed a slightly satisfied smile on his face. This was not a time to give in to despair after all. There was much work to be done and he was in the main role. Rightfully so. Ayel reached down to pick up the lost arm and then wandered over towards the door. [color=f49ac2][b]"But wait a second- I clearly gave those witless idiots clear orders that all things would be put inside. To remove the critter's grime from them will take weeks. Someone will have to answer for this!"[/b][/color] He said aloud and now with renewed anger opened the door into his home. [color=f49ac2][b]"Who is the thickheaded pigsty-born goatfarmer who disobeyed my-"[/b][/color] He began as his ever judging eyes set into the main hall, where there now stood a round table with six chairs around it. Not only that but there were people sitting in them. His workers. His builders were having a pause in their labor. The sight shocked him and left his mouth gaping and his eyes widened. He had not given them permission to have that, or to defile his fine furniture with their unwashed and uncleanliness. Then to his horror he saw something which made the hair on his neck stand. [color=f6989d][b]"Fair greetings to you brother dearest~"[/b][/color] [color=f49ac2][b]"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"[/b][/color] The nobleman's cry was loud and he quickly went out the way he came, slamming the door behind him and he felt his heartbeat thud in his chest, his breathing fast and heavy, he grasped at his neck to pull down the collar of his shirt. He couldn't breathe. The stinging pain in his throat from his rather undistinguished cry of terror. He leaned his back against the door. [color=f49ac2][i]'What is she doing here?! Why now of all times?! Arghh! Wait… this is my home!'[/i][/color] The darkhaired man shook his head quickly and gathered what courage he had in his body and swallowed deeply as he opened the door and set his eyes on the builders. [color=f49ac2][b]"Get. OUT! Get out all of you! Out! Out! Get out!"[/b][/color] He moved forwards fast as the builders quickly stood up from their chairs and gathered their belongings and excused themselves to Anora and scurried past Ayel with hasty steps. The nobleman felt how his face was getting warm, had one of his veins just burst? He was erupting. [color=f49ac2][b]"What is the meaning of this, sister?!"[/b][/color] Ayel yelled loudly and pointed to the builders leaving and then to the assortment of tea and cookies and- dirty plates? They had feasted in his home while he was away! [color=f6989d][b]"Ayel, brother dearest, what is wrong this time? Calm down, there's not need to yell like that.~"[/b][/color] Anora said as she took a sip from her teacup, holding unto the matching little plate with her other hand. [color=f49ac2][b]"What's wrong?! Outside my home are my limited edition, my precious life-investments on display for the peasantry and used as perching grounds for some fowl flying flappers! And in here you are doing -this- with commoners?! Why must you hurt me so? Have I ever truly done anything to deserve this? Class mixing is wrong! It's as wrong as the prince marrying that vicious snake-tongued barbarian or giving some coin for charity!"[/b][/color] Ayel lamented loudly as he put his hat on a hanger and his coat soon following. He then took a few moments to breathe and lean forwards with his hands on his knees. He had to collect himself. A noble was always to show control and refinement. And he knew that deep within he was the most refined of them all. [color=f6989d][b]"It was I who told them to leave the statues out there. I was thinking you would be happy in allowing the citizens of Dawnhaven to look at them while you are not around? Don't you want to be admired, brother dearest? How can they admire them if they are in this building?~ Besides I was the one who invited them for tea and some cookies. Sadly I couldn't offer them my own brand of tea or pastries this time, I haven't had the time to make that just yet.~ Why is class and wealth so important to you, Ayel? Do you really think that coin alone makes you noble?"[/b][/color] Anora asked and put down her teacup and plate on the table, her expression serious and with a stare so fierce it made the nobleman freeze at the spot. [color=f49ac2][b]"I- I- Of course I think- I know we are better, but not just because of the coin, it's heritage, it's history… it's our blood! Ahh…? Letting the commoners admire my finely made statues? Hmm… I can see how that could spark plenty of jealousy. Mmm.. yes… I think you may be unto something sister dearest. I shall pardon your mishandling of my busts and statues this time. But I will not allow any more common rabble to defile the greatness that is to be a historical building in the future. Also why are your bags in my home?"[/b][/color] Ayel glanced around and then met her eyes and he saw her smiling. She was smiling. She was smiling?! [color=f49ac2][b]"Oh... oh no, no no… I will not be an inn or a shelter for-"[/b][/color] Ayel began but was quickly interupted by his younger sister. [color=f6989d][b]"Would you rather have your sister live at the inn across your home? I think word would travel quickly.~"[/b][/color] Anora smiled softly, and took a bite out of a cookie, wiping her mouth shortly afterwards with a napkin. [color=f49ac2][b]"You- You… I.. I have reconsidered. You are hereby required to stay at my residence, for I will not have it be known or be part of the local gossip that one of our prestigious family would be staying in a glorified stable!"[/b][/color] The Marquess scoffed and crossed his arms. [color=f6989d][b]"In that case, I shall make myself at home. Also I will be inviting two ladies for tea soon.~"[/b][/color] Anora proclaimed and rose up from her seat, taking hold of her umbrella as she walked up near Ayel, putting the end of the umbrella against the floor with a thud. [color=f49ac2][b]"Careful! That wood isn't cheap! Ladies? What ladies? Nobles?"[/b][/color] Ayel's eyebrow perked. Perhaps he could influence the local nobles to make a petition to the prince about good changes. [color=f6989d][b]"Lady Aurora Halliwell, she is of an Aurelian merchant family. Also a friend of hers. Lady Storm.~"[/b][/color] Anora giggled slightly at mentioning her two guests. [color=f49ac2][b]"Halliwell? Sounds awfully familiar. Hm. Very well. I permit you to invite some ladies. Goddess knows that we need every noble about to clean up this -mess-."[/b][/color] Ayel waved his hand dismissively. [color=f49ac2][b]"Now excuse me, I have some very important thing to do."[/b][/color] He grabbed one of his finer bottles of wine and a glass and went away to sit down to drink some and look at the mirror.