Was just going to quote my post I was working on it in, but figured a new post would work just as well [@Rhona W] [hider=Karishma Jha] [color=bc8dbf][u][b]Name:[/b][/u][/color] [indent][color=a1a1a1]Karishma "Kari" Jha[/color][/indent] [color=bc8dbf][u][b]Age:[/b][/u][/color] [indent][color=a1a1a1] 38 - 7/9/1987[/color][/indent] [color=bc8dbf][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u][/color] [indent][color=a1a1a1]Female[/color][/indent] [color=bc8dbf][u][b]Nationality:[/b][/u][/color] [indent][color=a1a1a1]United States[/color][/indent] [color=bc8dbf][u][b]Primary Role:[/b][/u][/color] [indent][color=a1a1a1]Breacher[/color][/indent] [color=bc8dbf][u][b]Secondary Role:[/b][/u][/color] [indent][color=a1a1a1]Demolitions/Tech Specialist(Though very specialized)[/color][/indent] [color=bc8dbf][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u][/color] [hider=Appearance][center][img]https://safebooru.org//samples/4365/sample_3c29ef6a572d828623b6e4e7418e950bf9777348.jpg?4553924[/img][/center][/hider] [indent][color=a1a1a1]A patchwork of jagged scars across the arms, a wry grin partially split by yet another across the face and a general indifference to even the most intense of violence around her. She is every bit what one expects at face value from a woman devoted to the Corps. The kind of casual attitude and demeanor, not caring what others think of her and generally keeping to "combat dress". Karishma is just over five feet of kick-ass carefully cultivated into a toned package, a subtle strength of the body that she likes to make obvious only when absolutely necessary. She keeps her hair short and more tomboyish of late after a rather unfortunate accident that left her forearms and face scarred, but does still have a bit of a fashionable sense at times wearing it in a neat bob or a pixie cut when trying to look "nice". Though she generally prefers to look quite the opposite, wearing more comfortable and casual clothing that is easy to move in and kick ass in, having fully embraced the life of a door-kicker as it were.[/color][/indent] [color=bc8dbf][u][b]Bio:[/b][/u][/color] [hider=Background Data][indent][color=a1a1a1]A clash of glasses, the rowdy bar-songs and soon the sounds of fighting as inevitable as two branches meeting always were just to be followed by more drinking and more bar-songs. Years ago when she was still in high school, not a single one of her classmates would have envisioned Karishma Jha as being in the center of this kind of group. Back then she had been a brilliant rising star, first in class at everything she put her mind towards and seen by many as the most likely of their class to succeed. Despite it being small town Wyoming in the nineties, it was still a point of pride for herself and her immigrant parents who felt as if they were truly living the American Dream. They were loved and respected within their community, they had blossoming careers and their daughter was looking towards much the same. Then in her final year in high school, things very nearly looked to come to a halt. An administrative error one person called it, a consequence of rural life from another, and outright confusion by yet another. Her application for scholarship had ended up being passed over, while she had been accepted into the school of her choosing. With her future ahead of her but severely lacking the finances to actually achieve it, her parents took the few months leading to her graduation to find every option possible. Her father being a born-again Christian, of course approached the dilemma as many people like him did. By praying for an angel to come and help his daughter, the nicest one possible. And three days later that angel arrived in the form of a United States Marine Corps recruiter doing his rounds. This is where most people think Karishma changed, looking towards the GI bill to fund her college and career, likely to simply use it as far as she needed and then not look back. Most people would be wrong though. As Karishma entered into the Corps, did her first tour of duty then the second and began her college courses, it became readily apparent that this was who she was. Principally there was the idea that she chose the military as a last option, but really... Karishma had always been the kind of person to choose the most direct and likely to succeed option possible. It wasn't that she took shortcuts, or the easy way. Just as she does now, she carefully considers all of her options and takes the most direct route possible. But one way or another, Karishma entered into the Corps and treated Basic Training as she had done everything else up to that point. With the seriousness and amount of effort it required, but not that much seriousness. Within a couple weeks she already garnered a reputation as the kind of girl that was not afraid of a little competition, knew to keep things professional in front of the Gunney, but would absolutely not back down when confronted. Respect isn't given, it is earned as it comes to pass in the military, and she would end up earning hers by the end of basic and the start of her first tour. Which, despite still being in the depths of Operation Enduring Freedom, went relatively without too many incidents. Much the same went by for her second tour, and into the next as she began to look towards actually using that GI bill. At a certain point though, while kicking in a door and filling a room with double-ought, Karishma came to a realization. A realization that she was actually enjoying herself. Now, she did follow up with the base psych-officer, just to make sure this wasn't anything to be concerned about, but it did begin her down the path of a career Marine. Her parents were questionably okay with this when she came back to celebrate the completion of her degrees back home between tours, but it was something that left her feeling a sense of purpose and fulfillment, so they supported her in every way they could. That was at least until she went back again in 2010 with training as an EOD tech, utilizing some of her degrees in her military career. She had worked a little bit off and on in support of EOD before this, but now she had actively pursued the new MOS and started to assist in a more support-based role during OEF. More than once she had been shot at in the line of duty, and a couple times one of her own unit had taken a bullet, but her luck had always held out in avoiding anything too serious. That was until a rather warm day in the middle of 2010 when she waddled out in the bomb suit and started work on an IED that had been discovered in a high-traffic area. Most of the nearby homes and roadway had been evacuated, so there had been no concern for collateral during her work but still she had been working carefully on attempting to extricate the explosive material and disable to device. That was when for a brief moment over the radio her CO heard that chilling tone. "Fuck" Her memory remains a little foggy on what exactly happened, either her glove had caught on a wire or something shifted in the wrecked vehicle, or it had been remotely activated. No matter the reason though, she had been "tits deep" as she called it in the guts of the vehicle and up to her elbows in the IED one moment, and embedded in some Afghan's living room the next with much of her front half on fire. Thanks to the suit she hadn't outright died, but her arms had been shredded and the visor of the helmet had very nearly carved part of her face from her skull. In the end thanks to the excellence of highly motivated Marine surgeons, she ended up actually living through the entire ordeal and getting an extended leave from it. An extended leave that was heavily implied to lead into an honorable discharge as initial outlooks pointed towards her not being able to walk without aid afterwards, much less have use of her arms again. Then in 2013, two years after her wounding she was back on base and going through qualifications to prove herself competent enough to not only return to duty, but to get a sort of sidegrade promotion out of it. Thus began her more... Discreet career as it were. The following years saw Karishma exceeding all expectations of her, joining into Force Recon and proving to be as devoted to the Corps as any other Marine past or present. It was actually her former CO who recommended her for Force Recon after seeing her return, commenting that "the girl has more Marine in her than any man in the Corps". Which for a moment had a bit of a solemn and respectful tone, until it was Karishma herself from the back with "Phrasing". And that becomes much of what Karishma Jha is. She's a motivated, dedicated Marine who is as much a crayon muncher as any other door-kicker in the Corps. But there's a surprising and vicious intelligence behind those eyes that makes it clear that she can use every bit of knowledge and experience she has gathered in the last twenty years to violently disassemble a building on command. With or without enemy combatants inside. Of course since becoming a "Spook" as it were, she has had a few rough moments, especially during a pair of operations that not only saw her first and only HALO jump, but also brought her to a damning realization about her line of work. [i]"The world sleeps peacefully because rough men and women stand ready to do violence on their behalf."[/i][/color][/indent][/hider] [color=bc8dbf][u][b]Service History:[/b][/u][/color] [indent][color=a1a1a1]- 2004: Enlisted USMC Basic Infantry - 2005: Second tour USMC, begins courses while on active duty - 2008: Completion of Mechanical and Structural Engineering degrees while in service and advancement to E-5 - 2009: Shift into EOD and a look towards CSO training - 2010: Active assignments as EOD tech - 2011: Put on leave after near-fatal wounding in the line of duty, takes time to complete Nuclear Science and Engineering degrees over the course of the year - 2013: Full recovery from prior injuries, completion of CSO training and shift into Force Recon at recommendation of prior commander - 2014: Military Free Fall training completion, advancement into E-8 - 2015: Operation - Wildfire - 2015: Operation - Revenant - 2016: Extended leave post Operation Revenant - 2020: Extended leave ends, return to active duty - 2025: Assignment to Spearhead[/color][/indent] [color=bc8dbf][u][b]Primary Weapon:[/b][/u][/color] [indent][color=a1a1a1]Benelli M4 - Standard/Primary Loadout - 12-gauge - Ghost Ring sights - Breaching Compensator[/color][/indent] [indent][color=a1a1a1]Saiga 12K-040 Taktika - Alternate Loadout - 12-gauge - Ghost Ring sights - Breaching Compensator - 30 round drum[/color][/indent] [indent][color=a1a1a1]Winchester Model 1897 - Alternate Loadout/Personal - Freedom - Potentially a War-Crime - Two-Point sling - Bayonet[/color][/indent] [indent][color=a1a1a1]H&KMP7A1 - Standard/Primary Loadout - Zeiss RSA Reflex Red dot sight - H&K OEM Suppressor[/color][/indent] [indent][color=a1a1a1]H&K416/M27IAR - Alternate Loadout - Trijicon VCOG sight - KAC Suppressor - H&K AG36 40mm grenade launcher[/color][/indent] [indent][color=a1a1a1]M32A1 MGL - Alternate Loadout - M2A1 Reflex Sight[/color][/indent] [color=bc8dbf][u][b]Sidearm:[/b][/u][/color] [indent][color=a1a1a1]Beretta M9 Service Pistol - Primary Sidearm[/color][/indent] [indent][color=a1a1a1]FN Five-Seven - Personal Sidearm[/color][/indent] [indent][color=a1a1a1]Gerber Tactical Tomahawk - Cerakote Blade - Steel prybar - Hammerhead - MOLLE Sheathe[/color][/indent] [color=bc8dbf][u][b]Other gear/weapons/equipment:[/b][/u][/color] [indent][color=a1a1a1]Karishma's Breach bag - Standard/Primary Loadout - Halligan, matte black finish - Ding-Dong Breaching tool, matte black finish - THE PIG - Thermal pens - 80 feet of detcord - Single-use refillable cutting torches(2)[/color][/indent] [indent][color=a1a1a1]Ammunition Loadout: ( Can vary depending on mission ) - 12g Frangible ( x24 ) - 12g Slug ( x24 ) - 12g 00 Buck ( x36 ) - 40mm HE ( x12 ) - 40mm HEAT ( x8 ) - 40mm XM1060 Thermobaric ( x4 ) - 40mm Illumination ( x4 ) - 40mm Dual-purpose ( x4 )[/color][/indent] [color=bc8dbf][u][b]Other useful information:[/b][/u][/color] [indent][color=a1a1a1]Family/Friends - Both parents still live in Wyoming, the state that doesn't exist. - Supposedly has a partner and child back home. Open betting pool back at MARSOC over who was brave enough. - Never misses her former CO's 4th of July cookout. - Also never misses the high school reunion, no matter how awkward it always is for everyone else. - Voted as the best secret Santa on base, even if she doesn't actually celebrate Personal tidbits - Practicing Hindu - Is not a Vegan, which confuses some - Has a tatoo of Shiva across her back - Has the most baffling of reading habits - Swears by nine millimeter Likes - Rainy, cold weather - Rural living - Isekai anime. As bad as they are. She knows they are bad. - Hard rock, smooth liquor and a night at the bar with the bois. Dislikes - Sand - Heat - The Deftones - A sturdy door[/color][/indent][/hider]