The weight of everything had kept Zane pretty much adhered to this singular spot; curled up in a ball with his arms wrapped around his knees next to a bulkhead beam in the cargo bay. The entire day was replaying over and over in his head. He'd killed a man for someone he never even knew, assisted in a heist against an Imperial ship, left his brother behind on that gods-forsaken planet - all in the span of a few hours. And now, he was on a ship barreling through hyperspace to some other system that was likely lightyears away from the only family he still had. The youth held onto the sleeves of his stolen Imperial engineer's uniform with a white-knuckled grip, unable to do anything but sit there and think. To anyone else, it must have looked like he was frozen in shock or fear; but in reality, he was trying desperately to come to terms with everything that had taken place and doing his best to formulate some sort of strategy to press forward. When Aellyn had walked in, her boots thudding against the grates of the cargo bay floor, he was broken from his thoughts as he listened to her words. Her words of praise nearly rang hollow - Zane didn't feel like he had done anything worth the accolade. Still, there was something in her affirmation that rang true. He had to move forward. It was likely the only thing left to do at this point. Picking his head up, he looked to her and managed to mutter out a single word, [color=cyan]"Thanks..."[/color] It was the first word he'd spoken since yelling at the walls of the cargo bay before. His voice was dry, and his lungs felt as though they were aching and burning from breathing the recycled air; as though they were being disinfected from the decade of breathing the harsh air of Lotho Minor. As a matter of fact, his entire body suddenly began feeling the effects of having done so much over the span of the day - running from Dorbek's "gang", pulling the heist...after all of that, the adrenaline of it all was finally wearing off. Pulling himself up, he stood to his feet and knocked the dust off his jumpers. He realized then that - despite every part of his body aching from head to toe - he was feeling particularly-light. It didn't really dawn on him until now, but it must have been because the artificial gravity of the ship was set lower than that of the full weight of Lotho's gravitational pull. Taking a deep breath, and exhaling all of the worries from his body, he took a look around at the cargo hold with a new sense of wonder. He was really here now. Back in outer space. [color=cyan]"I guess it's high-time I stop mopin' and get on with things..."[/color]