The Crow catches sight of his target from the skies, and as he does so, feels the buzzing in the air increase. So many shiny things here! So much more than he previously realised! It's almost overwhelming as the Crow sees all the ways he could attempt to stop this man in his tracks. However, when he took a closer look at the individual in question, something about him drew the Crow's focus. Something shiny in one of the man's pockets. Suddenly, the goal he had been given by Ashley vanished from his mind as curiosity and pride in his newfound abilities took over. He motions with a talon as if he was trying to scoop something up, trying to hone in on that object in the man's pocket and pull it towards himself. [hider=OOC]Not sure what move I should use for this, if any at all? My first thoughts were either Challenge Fate or Snipe. Ultimately, I'll leave it to the GM.[/hider]