[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/241208/a04161052c56932d95d6bf9168fcef02.png[/img][/center][hr][i]The Eye of the Beholder[/i][hr]Nesna cocked her head slightly when Sya confirmed that she was, in fact, the proprietor. Yes, a most curious case indeed, that someone could own property and a business even as a blightborn—on Lunarian soil no less. What else was truly so different about Dawnhaven that even a particularly obvious blightborn such as this woman could be an innkeeper, a tavern keeper, and so forth? His Majesty was hardly inclined to allot blightborn the right to live, and yet here, on Lunarian soil, there was a cyclopian serpent-woman cheerily running an establishment which she presumably owned! And a [i]harem[/i]? Had she heard that correctly? A joke it may have been, but was this indeed what the lower classes tended towards? The servants at home had all been so refined and well-mannered; only that beastly thing who had married her mother had surpassed such speech. What an impression! Nesna tensed her jaw as Sya jested. How many of these patrons were sleeping with her, and why? Why would anyone [i]want[/i] to bed a blightborn? Were they so unconcerned with their own wellbeing, or were they simply indifferent or blind to the disgusting reali— Free food? The Prince had paid for it all? Well that explained it all, didn’t it. Definitely, it was a nice thing to do, but it was also unnervingly generous for a foreign monarch. And yet were it that he was merely showing off, he surely would have done more than paid for a single day. What a queer, queer place Dawnhaven was indeed! Nesna idly looked at the available rooms as she pulled her bag of earrings closer. [color=DDA0DD]‘No such luck,”[/color] she thought as she hovered her finger past the choicest of rooms, [color=DDA0DD]‘You’re still stuck with cupboards, Nesna. Why would you have imagined this would be any different?[/color] When Sya’s attention returned to her, Nesna placed her finger on Room 6. [color=DDA0DD]“Room number Six will do,”[/color] Nesna sighed. Her voice and expression gave off the impression that she was trying her best to be polite, though her smile had still disappeared back into her neutral, tired-looking resting face. She withdrew her hand from the map and reached into her bag of earrings, producing the golden studs she had previously offered to Zeph. She held out a gloved hand and offered them to Sya. [color=DDA0DD]“I trust this will suffice? As for the books, you may call me Nesna. That’s N E S N A. To eat, I would like the juiciest, most tender cut you have available. And to drink, I will have red wine—something fruity, mild, and preferably lower in alcohol content, as my constitution simply isn’t what it once was.”[/color] [b]Mentions[/b] [@PrinceAlexus]