[quote=@XxFellsingxX] The Crow catches sight of his target from the skies, and as he does so, feels the buzzing in the air increase. So many shiny things here! So much more than he previously realised! It's almost overwhelming as the Crow sees all the ways he could attempt to stop this man in his tracks. However, when he took a closer look at the individual in question, something about him drew the Crow's focus. Something shiny in one of the man's pockets. Suddenly, the goal he had been given by Ashley vanished from his mind as curiosity and pride in his newfound abilities took over. He motions with a talon as if he was trying to scoop something up, trying to hone in on that object in the man's pocket and pull it towards himself. [/quote] [center][color=#2a86d6][b]Strength[/b] - Positive - [i]You triumph through force[/i][/color][/center] [b]The Crow,[/b] if the pile of cutlery laying on the floor of Mario's is anything to judge by, your skill with your new power still falls short of your full potential. In this situation, though, that turns out not to matter. You beckon the shiny object you spotted within the man's jacket. It responds to your command as if it were Thor's hammer, being called by its rightful owner (and when you think about it, if this guy can't hold onto his stuff, don't you have a better claim to it anyway?) The force you exert throws the man off balance for a second--he can't have failed to notice the pull on his clothing--but whether by coincidence or corvid cunning, you timed your move just as a teenager brushes past your target, and you see him turn to bark an angry word rather than follow the object's flight up into the sky. What reaches your talon is a smallish leather wallet. It folds in half, but is currently inverted. The glint you saw was a shield-shaped object, painted in gold and inlaid with various other colors, silver predominating. You've seen these before, pinned to the clothing of strangely dressed humans, but you're not sure you've ever seen one carried in a wallet like this. Across the top, silver letters read [color=silver][b]IDLN[/b][/color]; another line curved along the bottom reads [b][color=silver]FIELD AGENT[/color][/b]. There's something in the other flap of the wallet, but you can't see it right away, because a cheap plastic smartphone has been attached to that flap with a thick rubber band. [hider=Game Stats] [color=purple][b][u]Phantom Clock:[/u][/b][/color] [color=green][b]1 PM[/b][/color] [b][u]Party Experience:[/u] 0[/b] [b][u]Fate Deck:[/u] 15/22[/b] [hider=Luka Durand] [b]Damage Track:[/b] Fresh [/hider] [hider=Emily Sanderson] [b]Damage Track:[/b] Fresh [b]Other:[/b] [list][*]-1 Forward[/list] [/hider] [hider=Ashley Whitlock] [b]Damage Track:[/b] Fresh [b]Ready For Anything:[/b][list] [*][color=#dbd05e][b]The Fool[/b] - [i]Neutral[/i] - You become who you are needed to be in this moment[/color] [*][color=#dbd05e][b]The Hermit[/b] - [i]Neutral[/i] - Your actions isolate you[/color] [*][s][color=#2a86d6][b]The World[/b] - [i]Positive[/i] - For a single moment, the world bends to your will[/color][/s][/list] [/hider] [hider=The Crow] [b]Damage Track:[/b] Fresh [/hider] [/hider]