[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjEwNi5iNzE5ZGQuUm5KbGVXRWdRMjlzYkdsdWN3LCwuMA,,/cavatine-demo.regular.webp[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ch1u8vW.png[/img][/center] [right][code]Downtown North District: 09:21[/code][/right] Freya was shocked when the monster began its rampage. She was useless in this situation unless she somehow distracted the beast, giving her a fifteen-minute window to bake something with her magic and then having someone else force-feed it to the monster, thus causing it to explode outwards in a violent rain of blood and viscera. Freya looked at the ragtag group and knew instantly that there were far too many South Siders here for any sort of plan requiring thinking to work. No. No Freya would need to take charge. Freya would need to defend her shop. And Freya knew just how to do that. In the back room, a singular baseball bat was infused with Orange Lux and it yearned to be used. It was a trinket she bought on a cheap vacation up in Harbin. The bat would be able to banish the soul of whomever, or whatever it hit in a single swing. Freya thought for a brief second if it was actually magic or if it was simply a scam she fell for. On one hand the man looked strong, sturdy, and capable of producing such an artificat but on the other she did accidentally hit several people on the way to the airport with the bat and none of them died. Still, if there was a chance it could protect herself from the monster….and the others, it was something she needed to grab. Someone had just returned from her backroom with salt in hand so she knew she could find the time. As the monster sprung it’s attack on one of the patrons Freya ducked into the backroom, accidentaly tripped on her own foot, fell face first into the hard floor before darkness. Several moments later Freya’s eyes blinked open again. An intense headache greeted her and she groaned as she pushed herself back to her feet. She had no clue how long she was out, nor why she was in the backroom. She looked around and saw the door to the front of the store. That’s right! It was the start of the workday! Freya knew she was supposed to be outfront. And she knew she remembered seeing some south siders in the lobby. And she knew she was the only person working the front today. Who would stop them from stealing her stuff? Who would keep them from making her place dirty? Freya stumbled towards the door, pushed it open, walked through, and then saw the dead monster on the ground and the group standing around discussing what happened. [color=9370D8]“What are you…….What did you………..”[/color] ‘South Siders’ Freya thought to herself, [color=9370D8]“What happened to my bakery?”[/color] Her voice was slightly slured, and one of her iris’s were blown while the other was normal sized.