[color=#1A1A3B][b][u][h1][sub][sub][sub]Farren[/sub][/sub][/sub][/h1][/u][/b][/color] couldn’t help but grin at Skinner’s reaction as he allowed himself to openly enjoy the murderer’s frustration. However, it didn’t last long and was soon replaced by the clarion call of an unfamiliar bell–though one with a similar timbre to the one Pallid had once wielded. That single sound had Skinner freezing in place, but for Farren, it just made his amusement deepen. Ophelia had nearly arrived, and as if to accentuate that fact, he heard the mechanical shifting of gears followed immediately by the steady noise of the shifting chain and its many links. As Skinner’s confidence–and even irritation–vanished, Farren tilted his head slightly, his grin becoming a more lopsided smirk. [i]This guy[/i] was afraid of the Pthumerian of all people? Certainly, Pallid had been able to conjure all sorts of nightmarish things, but he had ultimately fallen rather easily, all considered. Though, Farren supposed that had he been alone he could not have done it. Then again…Skinner seemed far stronger than him–for now at least. At the same time, Farren found himself slightly galled, as realistically the conflict had more or less concluded…unless…. [center][i]A brief flash of paranoia shot through him, what if somehow Pallid–like them–had resurrected and it indeed was him descending that elevator. Farren’s eye twitched and he had the brief, sharp vision of turning as he drew a pistol and shot the chainlinks apart, causing the cage of the lift to plummet with its occupants trapped within.[/i][/center] Farren’s eyelid twitched a second, then third time, and he finished taking a breath. The intrusive imagery, the sound, the grinding of the link, the flash of gunfire and black powder, and the sickening crunch of bone and flesh as the elevator struck ground–warping with a terrible screech–all fled his mind almost as soon as they had entered it. Only an instant had passed, but he found that Skinner had dashed back and away from him. Having taken on a defensive posture, clear terror in his aspect, Farren took a step towards him and, as his leading right foot planted on the ground, he used his heel to skillfully kick the Piercing Rifle upwards and in a forward curving arc behind him. Farren snatched the rifle by reaching back over his shoulder in a flash, then brought it back down by his hip as he spoke, taking another step closer–continuing his [i]very[/i] slow approach. [color=#1A1A3B][b]“What, Pallid?”[/b][/color] Farren chuckled easily, almost mockingly, [color=#1A1A3B][b]“Yeah, decided to leave him alive, for a price,”[/b][/color] he lied, the words leaving his lips with ease that surprised him–as if they were actually true. Huh. No time to dig into that now. [color=#1A1A3B][b]“So, a Caryll Rune. That all? The strength of your blood still strikes me as more alluring,”[/b][/color] he added, almost surprised that those words were actually honest. As he spoke, Farren gripped the the Piercing Rifle at his left side with his middle, ring, and little fingers while he used his thumb and pointer to retrieve a lead bullet from the pouch at his hip and then insert it into the rifle.