[h3]Below Rebirth's Rise, Eastern outskirts of Yharnam[/h3] Growling in his throat, slowly backing away while trying to look at everything at once while keeping his guard up, Skinner did not respond to Farren's words... not least because by the time he had finished speaking, the elevator had reached the bottom and its folding doors opened. Immediately – literally within a fraction of a second of the doors had opening enough for there to be room – the Shopkeeper stepped out of there, turned ninety degrees to his left and unfailingly faced directly in Skinner's direction. They cocked their head. And sprinted straight at him. “Leave me alone!” Skinner roared, throwing his right arm wide for a second, accumulating a major surge of electricity and then performing a reaping slash at the air in front of him, unleashing another wave of lightning that spread out across the street in front of him, straight toward Farren, Torquil and the Shopkeeper. The Shopkeeper did not so much as slow down and simply took the lightning head-on. A second later they moved past Farren and, as they did so, threw up both arms over their head to seemingly grasp the air... only for a transformed Beast Cutter to spontaneously manifest in their hands with a flash of blue light. They swung forward and downward in a violent arc, causing the large blade-segments connected by wire to get flung ahead at blinding speeds. Skinner only barely managed to quickstep out of the way before the blade-segment at the tip of the whip – reaching nearly five meters from the Shopkeeper – slammed into the street with enough force to shatter stone and embed itself deep into the ground. But rather than try to recover their weapon, the Shopkeeper merely let go, upon which the Beast Cutter vanished in another flash. “Wait! Stop!” Skinner pleaded. But the Shopkeeper was already running again.