[color=#1A1A3B][b][u][h1][sub][sub][sub]Farren[/sub][/sub][/sub][/h1][/u][/b][/color] would have sighed, but again there was no time, so ended up sharply exhaling as he surged into motion the very moment that Skinner began his reaping arc. This time, wise to the nature of the attack–and not the central target of it, Farren erupted into a quickstep, his rifle already fully reloaded. Moving almost perpendicular to where he predicted the natural boundary of the attack would be–based on having experienced it once already–Farren managed to just barely escape the clutching, sparking, tendrils of voltaic energy as they cascaded forth from Skinner’s motion. At about the same time, Farren bore witness to the Shopkeeper’s devastating potency, the rapidly extending beast-cutter practically flaying the air in a viscous whipping motion before it rendered cobble back into its a baser state. Though Farren’s eyes widened at the stunning sight, he didn’t stop moving, if negotiations were over, so be it. [color=#1A1A3B][b]“Leave ‘im alive!”[/b][/color] Farren barked as he broke into a dead sprint in a curving arc to circle around Skinner’s left side to come in behind and to the man’s left. As he ran, Farren flipped his rifle over his shoulder and into its harness in one smooth motion before he let that same left arm drop down and grasp his already lead-loaded blunderbuss, bringing it to bear before he began to fully close the distance between himself and Skinner.