[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZM5A9P4.jpeg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [color=dedede]Dear Prospect, It seems you have come to an impasse. Do your ambitions and goals outweigh your current capabilities? Do the avenues presented to you prevent you from becoming the person you envision? Whether by the recommendation of others, interest from the administrators, or the payment of entry fees, this letter has been granted to you as an opportunity to succeed where others simply accept their place in life. From the point of receiving this letter, the gates of our Academy in Arnmagne City are open to you but will close in exactly 20 days, disqualifying your entry. The exam has begun, good luck! Signed - Headmaster Guillame Yeol, Chief Councillor of Arnmange and the 13 Scholars[/color] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ra0hOMK.jpeg[/img][/center] [hr][b][u][h3]The State of the World[/h3][/u][/b] [color=dedede]This world is in a tumultuous time period, only abated by a treaty signed 6 months prior to our start date following the war for Port Marian. A succession crisis looms over Jianghu as the last emperor had many, many children and did not deem to name an heir. These children, backed by various factions, eunuchs, generals and peasant militias sought to claim the seat of heaven for themselves, but when all have the same idea, none can achieve such a lofty goal. Alas, it is the bastard son of the last that currently resides in the capital, whilst the other seek to consolidate their strength. But these are not the only political squabbles and problems that plague the world at current. To the south, the 'Lawless Continent' is plagued by greed, corruption and an infestation of company towns, monsters and brigades of 'Ashen' mercenaries that serve the highest bidder, all in service to try and achieve total economic dominance over the various port cities and most importantly of all, the Great Shard of Water, left behind after the planar convergence. Of course, that's not all. An iron fist looms from the northwest, crusading on armoured horseback with a great host to conquer and subjugate the sinners, and secure the shards of the world for themselves. And to the east, a greater darkness looms. Some say it is a continent of predators, being ruled by literal fiends who seek to farm and feast upon mortal flesh and blood. Others say that it is somehow worse. Alas, there are those that would seek not to remedy the great political strife of the realm, but secure fame and fortune for themselves by dealing with the unseen problems of the world. Adventurers, as is their formal title, have been given a license by the free city of Arnmagne to operate and assist those they see fit around the world, utilizing their great abilities to the benefit of many, or perhaps just themselves. Many people feel as if the governments of the warring states of the world have forgotten about them, but most still believe in the travellers that come their way to assist the great perils they face in such an unforgiving place.[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/6ZFry4m.jpeg[/img] [hr][b][u][h3]Setting Summary[/h3][/u] [/b] [color=dedede]This world is one of magic, with various strange creatures and beasts being found throughout various lands and climates. Micro and megafauna that vastly differ from what we might find on Earth, and abilities that push humans and others to far greater heights than would normally be possible granted through the use of magic, 'nen' and technology that can utilize strange and wonderous materials that again, we would not find in the real world. Despite the level of technology increasing throughout the world, it's still in a great state of divide between various warring nations and states. Outside of the usual political disputes that would dictate state-level behaviour in our world, there are two more motivators - "Shards" and "Ashen" 'Shards' are gigantic megastructures formed from the world itself, and in various religions, came about as a result of a great calamity that occurred hundreds of years ago that saw the elemental planes of the world sundered. In doing so, the world became 'whole' and rejoined, granting abundance to the continent and several other places. From these 'Shards', elemental crystals are yielded that allow far easier access to magic as casting foci, as well as boundless energy corresponding to the affinity. These can be used for a multitude of purposes i.e the crystals from the Shard of Wind allows the ships of a fleet to maneuver far greater due to air currents and the like. Ashen are both a people and a resource to many nations and companies, for they have been forsaken by the world and by the shards. They possess zero elemental affinity, almost as if they do not belong, and if many religions and scholarly types are to be believe, blight in their wake. Still, they are a people apart given as they possess abilities beyond the mortal ken. These have been named psionics, for the abilities are usually akin to people such as psychics, or espers. Telekinesis, telepathy, and many other such strange abilities manifest in them. These are often utilized by the highest bidder on the lawless continent.[/color] [b][u][h3]Lore of Nations[/h3][/u] [/b] [hider=Lore] [color=dedede][hider=Tsardom of Svetoya]To the north of the great Empire of Jianghu, lays a river that forms the basis of an ever-growing, hungry nation. Since their founding, they have spread their reach from the Shard of Light to wherever the great Sveta river flows. So much life does this river give the name that the people saw fit to name their nation after its almost crystal clear waters, paradoxical of such a geographic landmark. Once they had finished the end, an expulsion of rampaging barbarians brought them to another frontier - the mountains, where the fort and city of Oreyev was founded to hold the current frontier. But they are not close to done. Instead, this nation founded their principles on a war against dragons for control of this land long ago. Some local legends say that Bahamut himself disavowed his draconic subjects, and allowed the Svetoyans mercy by granting them the arts of the Dragoon, warriors who dive from the sky and impale the back of the skulls of their winged opponents. Others say it was simply an ingenuity of smiths and the people, to be able to use the bones of the slain to make great weapons to take them down. Regardless, a strict military tradition shows that nobody should take an Imperial Dragoon lightly. But that is only one such principle that governs this nation currently. The other two - are the Church and Crown. There is an uneasy tripartite between the Tsar(itsa) and the Cardinals for the direction of the nation. Where there is godless barbarians to the north and east to civilize, the ruler sees a land divided, ripe for conquest and vengeance for the many times they were on the receiving end of a Jianghuan army. [/hider] [hider=Jianghu - East] Hao Shun currently occupies and rules a sizable portion of the east of Jianghu from the city of Mianzhou. Once a major flourishing agricultural sector, the area came into less repute when the fertility of Cao's Basin was seen for what it was, a bread basket for the entire kingdom. Since, the area has developed an identity for the production of fine silks and porcelains, trading these precious goods to the Svetoyans for fine metals in order to build up a military strong enough to take the kingdom. Of course, a fear lingers that perhaps they will be on the move and the northern generals will not feel the need to stop them should they come through Krehvbana Pass. [/hider] [hider=Jianghu - Cao's Basin] In the center of the empire lies a great swamp that had previously been the realm of many goblins, orcs and other such races. Studies were conducted upon the place and many scholars of the nation found that the soils properties were far greater than the rest of the kingdom. Small fiefs were set up and harvests grew exponentially, as did the population of humanoids in the area. Of course, these 'monsters' did not adapt to the new lifestyle and were summarily expelled from the nation, and a vast breadbasket grew in its wake. What the ruling class did not anticipate, however, is that civil strife was the perfect excuse to the millions of peasants living there. For too long had they given their grain for nothing, and now, they were free. Many pretenders to the throne came, but the peasants hid in the swamps that they'd known all their lives, and the armies got lost, drowned mysteriously, and were unable to hold such a vast amount of land. Plus, with no peasants to till the fields, there was naught they could do but leave. Shortly after, they would return and continue to feed themselves. Somebody is behind this, of course. A genius? Or a madman? Who would resist the power of armies with pitchforks, scythes and not much else?[/hider] [hider=Jianghu - Xuhai] The capital of the empire, and currently held onto by a man known as Cai Zhelan. In his early 20s, he came out of hiding in the midst of the succession crisis, winning the favour of the Eunuchs as the promised heir and has been declared as by such, but given as he was unknown, many doubt the legitimacy of this claim. Still, holding the capital and surrounding lands has proven to be quite an effective recourse for the man, and his grip on power grows by the day, regardless of the many dark rumour surrounding him. Alas, the capital itself is a tremendous metropolis, hosting people in the millions with a direct path to the Shard of Earth. Great walls protect it from invaders and it is almost self sufficient with the surrounding fiefs, providing quite a sizeable obstacle to overcome. [/hider] [hider=Jianghu - Wei] Wei Jian, considered the most legitimate child by many has taken up residence in Jinyang, a city that comes close in scale and opulence to the capital. Unfortunately for him, he had the downside of being away on a state visit when the news of the Emperor's death came, and he found himself unable to claim the crown jewel, but on the word of his many advisors, he captured the surrounding area. Unfortunately for him, however, many others had the same idea and he finds himself boxed in on all sides. Still, he continues to be aggressive, using his vast personal fortune to make plays across the nation and recruit himself foreign mercenaries, wherever he can find them. [/hider] [hider=Jianghu - Yuhan] The last wife of the emperor, Empress Dowager Yuhan Mei, has claimed the western portion of the nation following her late husbands death, in the name of her son, who is currently age 4. She has proven to be a wise and capable leader, managing to assemble many portions of the military to her side, and proving to be perhaps the most pragmatic of her counterparts, ruling from the city of Karahar. So far, she has been the most active , having positioned her armies northward across the border to perhaps... Expand in the midst of a succession crisis? Little stays her hand, not even the recent treaty that has most of the other contenders standing still. [/hider] [hider=Jianghu - Guanyu] The greatest living general of the military has decided to stake his own claim, or perhaps he no longer wishes to listen to the perfumed class of the south, he has rallied the northern banners and rides where his whims see fit, which now is far away from Krevhbana pass and the nation of Svetoya. Instead, it is to the west as of most recent, where a large raid taken on Port Marian saw his army enriched and his position with his men and fellow generals secured. Now, he waits patiently, perhaps to back a real candidate or perhaps to march on a weakened opponent. Still, the riches of the city have bought him plenty of time... [/hider] [hider=Arnmagne] Once part of Jianghu, the governors saw very little of interest in the peninsula, especially one so close to the lawless continent. There are many who did though, merchants, mages, and captains from Eshire and abroad. The peninsula of the city was purchased on a lease of one hundred years from the ruling dynasty and before long, a metropolis sprung up. Vast amounts of foreign gold was poured into the city, titles sold and it became a place of vast opportunity. Quickly, it outgrew its borders and a second, smaller settlement of Tseraviche came into being. Still, the government did not move, for the massive amount of wealth that these places brought to the nation outweighed a minor loss of prestige. The clock on the lease ticked closer and closer to the finish, and when it did, the empire happened upon a troublesome succession crisis. How fortunate indeed, for the city of opportunity to expand its borders further north, and declare itself a free state. And that is what they did. [/hider] [hider=Eshire] A nation that while small, strikes fear on the high seas. Their fleets are second to none, and they possess significant knowledge of the arcane. The people of Jianghu declare them to be a nation of devils, and they would not be entirely incorrect, as there is a significant tiefling populace on the isle, famed for their grey-white skin. They deal much like devils too, extracting many treaties at sea from lesser powers some would consider vastly unequal. As for how they're able to accomplish these feats, well, having the Shard of Wind on their isles is a good start. Their fleets move faster than any other, and with the addition of airships into their arsenal, their capacity for war only grows. They have found their home isles to be quite full as of late, and new lands are needed. But crisis as of late certainly provides opportunity... [/hider] [hider=Ixtaya] Far to the east of the world lies the continent of Ixtaya and the various 'nations' that inhabit it. Entry from outside is usually prohibited, but occasionally, the black galleons of their trade ship make port across the world, most typically on the isle of Saricheon. They purchase people and not much else, and give much in return. None have returned from their sale. Some say they are slaves, others say that they are sacrificed in dark rituals, and the worst rumours state that perhaps they are being fed upon by a predatory species. Yet, the merchants of the black ships are rife with smiles and unusually polite. Perhaps a little pale, given the supposed climate and rainforests that dot the nation. Perhaps, a little too charming... [/hider] [hider=Charlayan] Often cited as the nation of progress, the craftsman and thinkers of Eriul are second to none. Their nation was the one to pioneer the airships that dot the skies of this world, and many more such inventions. Alas, the nation was not outfitted for war, and a two pronged assault from their neighbours and the infamous Guanyu Xieren took and sacked the city of Port Marian, imposing heavy tariffs upon it in a treaty and departing. The nation lies wartorn and has recently overthrew their monarchy in a fit of protest. What lies next for the country is uncertain, but there are those that would seek to restore it to its once former glory. [/hider] [hider=The Riverlands] The many nations surrounding the lake of Pijevo west of Jianghu have been in a constant feud for land and rights, claiming ancestral ties to a few kilometres of land to achieve their dream states. Alas, there is a constant feud between the nations, only held together by a flimsy peace pact and a overwhelming fear of their northern(and now eastern) neighbours given the latter's recently aggressive moves. Still, if there is one bright side, the city of Atheli thrives from trade to the lawless continent and the arrival of merchants from Port Marian, but that has dwindled of recent times and the barons of the various nations have found other ways to fill their pockets, primarily through chemistry and bio-engineering, a recently discovered field. [/hider] [hider=The Twin Shogunates] A land shut-off from the main continent outside of heavily restricted trade policy. This place has been the war ground between two major shogunates in recent history. In the current technological stage, this place has fallen behind due to excessive caution on foreign imports. However, there is a mysticism unspoiled by global advancement. It has become a point of interest for scholars when rumors spread of New World creatures finding home in the reclusive lands. [/hider] [hider=The Broken Fingers] An array of small islands to the western reaches, they stand as the closest ports to the New World. The population is an odd mix of native islanders, smugglers, pirates, and races who migrated from the New World long ago. They live in odd harmony at large because of the strict rules put in place by the pirate class. [/hider] [hider=The Eisereg and Mananhei] A kingdom divided in two by religious and cultural lines. In their mountainous homeland lies a religious centre where no weapons are allowed and proven warriors can find rest. The plains are a place of war and stretch out to the conquered lands beyond. Every soldier of the Eisereg horde has their weapons and armour passed down from the generation before them and has a horse to ride. They view it as their divine right to conquer neighbouring lands, recruit more to their army, and send tributes of food and resources back to the homeland. The Ashen once had a presence in these lands. They resided in the western reaches of the homeland. When the Ash had caught up and began blighting the lands, the Eisereg quickly began to see the Ashen as little more than a corruption and removed them by sword. It was one of the only times blood was shed in the homelands. Since then, however, there has been a phenomenon where portions of their populace have shared a lesser form of the Ashen’s psychic ability. The Eisereg see these abilities as a blight and shunned those afflicted from their society. [/hider] [hider=The Lawless Continent] A barren land barely capable of supporting life conceals valuable resources beneath the sand with the crown jewel being a Shard in the centre of it all. It is a hotly contested land pulled at by the whims of Middle Eastern companies who wanted sole dominance over the deserts. The Ashen have called this place their home and have become valued soldiers in the corporate war due to their inability to benefit from the shards and dependence on the companies’ food and water imports. In recent history, there was a company that had the potential to unite the lawless lands. A massacre staged in their headquarters brought an end to that dream and the potential of peace for the Ashen. [/hider] [hider=Carmaduur] A nation with immense wealth pouring into it from the lawless continent and other corporate objectives abroad. The companies hold immense sway over the republic and have been granted rightful respect and influence for the golden age they have brought. Excessive wealth has also allowed for a great leap forward for culture and art as many have been given financial ground to pursue such feats. However, an emerging religious group has denounced the companies. Known as the Dreamers, the higher members of their sect have foreseen that the actions in the lawless continent with the Ashen devils as the downfall of the Carmaduur. They seek an end to the republic, a retraction from the lawless continent, and the crowning of a king. [/hider] [hider=Rel Gharnat] A smaller nation caught between major powers of the world. It has a large demographic of ‘monstrous’ races who were historically ousted by Jianghu from east the but flee the Eisereg from the west. The current nation holds strong due to a considerable military force and a highly regarded tactician leader known as president for life. [/hider][/color] [/hider] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/9RKLdDl.jpeg[/img][/center] [hr][b][u][h3]Welcome[/h3][/u][/b] [color=dedede]Welcome interest checkers! I'm here today to invite you to an idea that's been floating around my head for quite some time and inspired by a number of my various favourite pieces of fiction including but not limited to - Hunter X Hunter, Dungeons and Dragons, Final Fantasy and innumerable pieces of fantasy literature. Speaking of such - the main borrowers I've taken are Nen given its versatility as a 'power system' and 'classes' from D&D. These provide a rough framework of your characters skillset as a potential fighter(and magic/abilities exist in tandem with Nen, not as an extension of it. If you have not seen the show, here is a brief video that explains how it works. [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7i7EywSy_U[/youtube][/center] I've decided to use this powersystem because [b][u]A.[/u][/b] Coming up with my own is a lot of unnecessary work that I'm not interested in pursuing and [b][u]B.[/u][/b] I think it's something that will be interesting for me as the DM and allow people to create the characters/abilities they'd like to experiment with. I also find it's hard to powergame with such a system in place, as abilities are often very conditional in a rock/paper/scissors kind of way. As for DND classes and such, do not feel limited with your options. If you have a direction for your character that exists outside of the scope that can be modelled, feel free to simply write as such and explain what it is. Here is an example character sheet to work off.[/color] [hider=John Hunter][center] [b][h1][color=FFCC55]John Hunter[/color][/h1][/b] [hider=Art][/hider] [color=ffcc55][b]Quote[/b][/color][/center] [color=gray][h3] O V E R V I E W[/h3] [/color] [color=ffcc55][sub]N A M E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]x[/indent] [color=ffcc55][sub]A G E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]x[/indent] [color=ffcc55][sub]G E N D E R[/sub][/color][hr][indent]x[/indent] [color=ffcc55][sub]A P P E A R A N C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]x - There is a preference for fantasy style art, but anime art can work if you're struggling.[/indent] [color=ffcc55][sub]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent]x - A brief overview is fine, I find people tend to find who their characters are when they are in the roleplay itself.[/indent] [color=ffcc55][sub]B A C K S T O R Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent]x - It doesn't have to be long, but try to make it contain relevance[/indent] [color=ffcc55][sub]S T R E N G T H S[/sub][/color][hr][indent]x - What are some things your character is good at? [/indent] [color=ffcc55][sub]F L A W S[/sub][/color][hr][indent]x - Everyone has faults, and no-one is perfect. Try to put at least three, as it tends to make a more interesting character[/indent] [color=gray][h3] A T T R I B U T E S[/h3] [/color] [color=ffcc55][sub]C L A S S[/sub][/color][hr][indent]x - Think DND classes i.e Fighter, Paladin, Wizard. If you have something in mind that isn't that, feel free to place it and explain it. It's simply an overview of what sort of archetype your character would fulfill in battle.[/indent] [color=ffcc55][sub]P R O F E S S I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent]x - What did your character do before they accepted the invitation?[/indent] [color=ffcc55][sub]A B I L I T I E S[/sub][/color][hr][indent]x - Beyond the Nen abilities that your character will develop, do they have any unusual/hidden talents? Are they far stronger than an average person? Do they have an excellent sense of smell? Perhaps they're incredibly sneaky?[/indent] [color=ffcc55][sub]E Q U I P M E N T[/sub][/color][hr] [indent][color=gray][i]x[/i][/color] - Thing![/indent] [color=ffcc55][sub]N E N[/sub][/color][hr][indent]x - Your character will develop their abilities throughout the roleplay, but this is moreso what archetype are they, and what do you suppose would a completed ability look like? The sky is the limit, just be mindful that you're not stretching the limits of the system/world.[/indent] [color=ffcc55][sub]N O T E S[/sub][/color][hr][indent] [hider=Relationships] [color=lightgray][i]name[/i][/color] - description.[/hider] John Hunter uses [color=ffcc55]FFCC55[/color].[/indent][/hider] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/upp5ovp.jpeg[/img][/center] [color=dedede]Here is a link to the discord --->[/color] https://discord.gg/pZ9SWhZjkS