[hider=Amina Mattar][center] [b][h1][color=b4e5f0]Amina Mattar[/color][/h1][/b] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/1RDFsgRP/e1339ac1ee31dbbe4df5ac77c647a7ce.jpg[/img][/center] [color=b4e5f0][b]"Vision over desire. Litany over fear."[/b][/color][/center] [center][h3][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7MwJ5WGA_A]♫[/url][/h3][/center] [color=gray][h3] O V E R V I E W[/h3] [/color] [color=b4e5f0][sub]N A M E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Amina Mattar[/indent] [color=b4e5f0][sub]A G E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]22[/indent] [color=b4e5f0][sub]G E N D E R[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Female[/indent] [color=b4e5f0][sub]A P P E A R A N C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Amina stands at 5’9” with a slim build. She has a degree of lean muscle that suggests she is physically active but no express effort at building strength. Her dark brown hair is cut at the shoulders and is often messy but not exceptionally so. Amina is incredibly light on her feet and often moves in unusually fluid movements. They aren’t languid by any means, but are absent of impulse and can seem weightless. In spite of intense dedication to meditation and religious study, she often holds a cheerful demeanour outside of such things. She typically wears loose and breathable outfits with light colours favoured. They offer little in the way of protection themselves but allow for ease of movement. Most apparel has been provided to her through the Monastery of Dreamers and looks nice but not overly expensive. Around her neck hangs a pendant of a golden sparrow that she received for her 16th birthday, it is the one piece of her old home she carries with her. [/indent] [color=b4e5f0][sub]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Amina is a friendly and generally welcoming person. She is extroverted but has a habit of quickly retreating to remote places for alone time.[/indent] [color=b4e5f0][sub]B A C K S T O R Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent]From the first moment they could remember, the children of the Mattar noble house knew that they were in competition with each other. They lived a life of splendour and wealth, but only one of them would be chosen as heir and train under their father. Given the example of their aunties and uncles, they knew that only one of them would keep the lifestyle they knew growing up while the others would fade to obscurity in the shadow of the chosen one. Saladin Mattar is a high-ranking board member of the Al Maham mining corporation operating in the Lawless Continent. He had received this position from his father who had received the position from his father before him. The company’s stronghold and headquarters lie in Saldoun so he would often be away working in the Lawless Continent for months at a time. On the rare occasion he would travel back to Carmaduur, they would have regular family outings. While they were pleasant, scrutinising eyes always felt present. The Mattar household lies two hours' walk north of Carmaron on the other side of the river. It is a lavish estate beside the ocean lake built from the extraordinary wealth the companies provide. The food was delivered and prepared by an in-house chef, the children of the household were educated by selected tutors, and nannies raised them due to their mother’s penchant for social events and luxury. The travel time to Carmaron didn’t entirely restrict the children from socialising, but they were entirely provided for at the estate so they saw little need to make the trip. Often they would spend weeks at a time in the estate or with their few neighbours and kept few friends. [hider=Siblings of the Mattar house] Amina Mattar - Current age 22 Amir Mattar - Current age 20 Fadi Mattar - Current age 18 Marisa Mattar - Current age 17 Furat Mattar - Current age 15 [/hider] Amina Mattar was the eldest of five siblings. There was comfort provided in the fact that, if she simply focused on her studies, she would be chosen as heiress based on her age. She had been content and confident in this up until she was 17, one year from being chosen. Fadi had emerged as an academic prodigy around his 13th birthday; this threatened her position greatly. In matters of finance, mathematics, and science, he had already surpassed Amir and was reaching Amina’s level at such a young age. There was no doubt in her mind that Fadi would become the heir. What she had spent her entire life building towards felt like it was slipping out of her grasp. Much like the other siblings, this was the one thing her life was pulling her towards, she couldn’t lose it. In the throws of bitter jealousy and fear of losing what she saw as her birthright, she had decided to poison Fadi. The preparations were made a week before their father was due back from Saldoun. A new assistant chef would add Blackwisp seeds to his dinner and the boy would pass peacefully in his sleep. On the eve of the assassination attempt, Amina sat beside Fadi’s bedside watching him sleep. She didn’t know what brought her to sit there, but she just wanted to look at him one last time. In the waking world, she could barely bring herself to look at him in the past few months. He was the monster that sought to tear [i]her[/i] future away. But looking at him then, he was no monster. He was her little brother. The boy she had grown up with for most of her life. They had swum together by the lake countless times. She had [i]taught[/i] him to swim. What had brought her heart to be so poisonous that she would even consider ending his life? It was clear to her that [i]she[/i] was the monster. She left his room disgusted with herself. Walking through the house to her room, her head spun. The walls of this place once held the feeling of greatness, a prestige she would inherit on her greatness and merit. Now they were like a vice on her mind, the jaws of a beast that would eat her entirely if she didn’t escape. That very night, she cancelled the assassination plot and left for Carmaron. She meets the Dreamers the next day. They preached of an insidious blight that threatened to consume Carmaduur. The companies chased a vain prosperity in the Lawless Continent without knowing its consequences and society had been taken in its promises lined with greed. Amina listened because she had felt it herself. Amina spent the next five years of her life at a Dreamer monastery in the mountains near Kafzabad. She studied their texts, participated in meditation and martial arts, and consumed the Breath of Dreams to grasp divine visions. During moving meditation, the commune moved as one, with many people moving in harmony toward one goal. She realised her folly in the warm embrace of community, she had only ever been living for herself. Sparing Fadi at the cost of her own ambition, dedicating her life to the monastery, these were the happiest times she had ever known. In her fifth year, she inhaled the Breath of Dreams and a vision came to her. She saw Carmaduur crumbling as it was swallowed by a darkness that had come from the Lawless Continent. Much like memories from any other dream, details were lacking, but she knew what she saw. It was the end of life as they knew it. When she came to, the monastery elders told her that she had shared the founder’s dream and there was little more she could do to serve the faith there. They ordered her to travel outward and gave her a letter. It was a letter for admission to the Arnmange City Academy. Despite the poor terms she had left on, Amina had one stop before she left Carmaduur: her family home. It had been five years since she had seen the place and she was starting to feel homesick in spite of it all. However, walking through Carmaron on the way to her family home, she picked up on the events that took place in her absence. Fadi had died in a household accident and Amir had been chosen as the heir to their father. There was nothing left for her in that place. Amina left for Armange City immediately. [/indent] [color=b4e5f0][sub]S T R E N G T H S[/sub][/color][hr][indent] [b]Friendly[/b] - Amina is quick to make friends from all different walks of life. Whether these are people you would want to be friends with is another matter. [b]Martial artist[/b] - She is incredibly dexterous and nimble resulting from martial practice. [b]Disciplined[/b] - She has a strong grasp over controlling her temptations and fears due to her teachings at the monastery. This doesn’t mean she is an unfeeling person, she will still go out, drink with everyone else, and have a good time. But it does show when needed. [/indent] [color=b4e5f0][sub]F L A W S[/sub][/color][hr][indent] [b]Follower[/b] - Amina has little faith in her judgement and decisions. She will often need to consult scripture. [b]Not Worldly[/b] - She has had little experience with deception or people with ulterior motives. She can often fall victim to a lie or a scam. [b]Broke[/b] - Despite growing up very wealthy, she doesn’t have any financial support from her family house. This also means she doesn’t know the concept of pinching pennies. Her talents let her scrape by, but she never seems to be able to save a significant sum of cash.[/indent] [color=gray][h3] A T T R I B U T E S[/h3] [/color] [color=b4e5f0][sub]C L A S S[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Some where between Monk and Cleric. Probably most resembling Way of Mercy Monk.[/indent] [color=b4e5f0][sub]P R O F E S S I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Amina is a promising acolyte for the Dreamers of Carmaduur.[/indent] [color=b4e5f0][sub]A B I L I T I E S[/sub][/color][hr][indent][b]Visions[/b] - By inducing herself into a semi-conscious state via the Breath of Dreams, Amina is able to see ‘prophetic’ visions. However, they are often cryptic and difficult to understand. [b]Nimble[/b] - Amina can dodge better than most people, she can climb better than most people, and so on. [b]Medicine[/b] - Amina has a grasp of medicine and healing. It is nothing so quick as to see use in a combat scenario, but she can attempt first aid or make medicines during downtime.[/indent] [color=b4e5f0][sub]E Q U I P M E N T[/sub][/color][hr] [indent][color=gray][i]A hookah & Breath of Dreams mixture[/i][/color] - The Breath of Dream is a liquid mixture that, when evaporated and inhaled through the lungs, will put a Dreamer in the state of seeing visions. Amina does not know the chemical makeup of this mixture and hasn’t asked. She only has a limited supply and it is rare to have access to some outside of Carmaduur but not impossible. [color=gray][i]A bo staff[/i][/color] - A bo staff made from sturdy but light wood. [color=gray][i]Basic medical supplies[/i][/color] - A small side pouch filled with bandages and basic medical herbs. [color=gray][i]An embarrassingly light coin pouch[/i][/color] - There’s about three cents in here.[/indent] [color=b4e5f0][sub]N E N[/sub][/color][hr][indent]I would like to play out the character a little more before deciding. But I am leaning toward Transmuter given that opens her up to Enhancement and Conjuration techniques as well.[/indent] [color=b4e5f0][sub]N O T E S[/sub][/color][hr][indent] [hider=Relationships] [color=lightgray][i]Saladin Mattar[/i][/color] - Her father and a high-rank board member of the Al Maham mining company. [color=lightgray][i]Amir Mattar[/i][/color] - Her younger brother, in tutorship under her father to become the family heir. [color=lightgray][i]Nuwaira Adel[/i][/color] - Her favourite elder at the monastery and one of the youngest at 46. Filled something of a motherly role during her time there but neither would admit it.[/hider] Amina uses [color=b4e5f0]B4E5F0[/color].[/indent][/hider]