[center][h2]The Great Bole II[/h2] Lvl 9 Goldlewis (73/90), Sectonia, [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Pit[/color], Lvl 7 [color=797979]Ganondorf[/color] [b]Word Count:[/b] 5261 (6 xp) [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLtrM79xR2k [/youtube][/center] With the guardian’s arms on their way over and the Corruptor on its way out, Goldlewis got moving. He leaped back to the arena’s right lane with the help of a magic airdash, then checked the area. Sectonia had the flying critters under control, so he was more worried about the arena itself. As the subtle sway of the plant matter beneath his feet could attest, this unusual battlefield hung from the ceiling, so too much damage to the fleshy red cage or interwoven veins could drop the whole thing. Since the Corruptor didn’t need to concern itself with falling, he’d feared that it would actively attempt to undermine the team during the fight, but no dice so far. For now, he and the others could focus on the guardian, and with all its limbs back now the golem was more armed and dangerous than ever. As the renewed titan turned its furious strength toward Pit and Ganondorf, enormous swords carving through the air, Goldlewis began to charge another shield so that the warlord could continue to tank. Pit was picking up the strategy now, or was pretty sure about it anyway. The temptation to just send seeking arrows at the real arena boss was still there, but going all out against its sentinel to draw it over seemed even more simple. And if he could trust Sectonia with getting rid of the little guys, then he could do just that and continue to focus on offense. He slipped underneath the swing of one of the guardian's free floating arms and once more leapt over the gap between lanes, this time directly at the titan. Halfway through his jump his bow disappeared from his grasp and the pair of orbitars took its place, swirling around him. The shields' rotation began to speed up just before Pit was about to make contact, and when the guardian raised one of its remaining arms to sweep out and intercept him the angel's orbitars shot forward as well. One met the stone arm of the guardian in a block, while the other smashed against the side of its glowing head to deliver a Shield Smite. [i]That should make things go a little faster,[/i] he thought. A grin formed on Pit's face, though it was quickly replaced by a look of surprise as the guardian swung its other arm up at him. The free orbitar circled around and wedged itself between the stone cleaver and Pit, struggling valiantly as it absorbed most of the impact but ultimately not able to prevent the angel from being flung back. He unfurled his wings to stop himself from going too far, landing precariously back in the middle lane he'd come from. That was fine - he traded out weapons again to fight off the arm that had chased him over with his bow. Ganondorf, too, had begun to see the strategy at play. He had his Phantom Steed still and could conceivably pursue the Corruptor with it. But to what end? Landing some strong hits on the creature only for the duration of his summon to end and send the warlord plummeting to his doom? Much to Ganondorf’s own chagrin, he had no choice but to play this battle by its intended rules. Still, he did observe a seeming weakness that the guardian had as he recalled the effectiveness of his lighting blast against its head. And while he avoided the swing of one of the arms after dismissing the Phantom Steed, Ganondorf then summoned a squad of Moblin archers. [color=797979]”Aim for the head!”[/color] He ordered, loud enough that the other Seekers could hear if they hadn’t noticed the same things that he had. [color=797979]”Lightning seems particularly effective on the metal one, use that to our advantage!”[/color] Then he looked for an opening and attempted to spear-throw his trident at the guardian’s head, hoping to recreate his previous attack against it from earlier. Even as it took multiple headshots, the guardian pushed forward with relentless fortitude. Heavy blades in hand, its four arms became a whirlwind of bone-crushing, tree-splitting stone as it stomped toward Ganondorf’s position, each enormous stride able to cover more ground than he or the Moblins could backpedal without a full-blown retreat. With its vitality newly restored by the Corruptor the huge golem was nigh unstoppable, putting Moblin after Moblin into the meat grinder. Goldlewis was quickly forced to retreat as well, since he couldn’t jump over or get around the guardian’s monumental lariat, and if he got stuck in blockstun he’d have to sacrifice all his hard-earned Tension for Faultless Defense, or else take an absurd amount of chip damage. Unfortunately, the veteran quickly found himself without anywhere to run. Once he reached the rightmost lane’s lower extremity in the arena’s bottom-right corner, the guardian’s onslaught meant that he could do nothing but jump ship to the center lane. At that point, though, Goldlewis realized he’d made a mistake–the Corruptor was not some mindless monstrosity after all. While its guardian fought, it positioned itself at the far end of the gap between the center and right lanes, and now its laser screamed forth. Goldlewis, Ganondorf, and what remained of his retinue were trapped between a mammoth meat grinder, crimson death, and the empty space beyond the delicate organic web that held the battlefield aloft. “Aw, hell.” Having been dealing with the fliers and keeping the adds off her group, Sectonia figured that’d be enough for them to focus on the main fight and not get caught in any obvious traps or ploys. She was mistaken as the Guardian and the Corruptor had worked together to get everyone in the same lane as the Corruptor began to charge up and fire his laser, to cover their escape from the Guardian’s attack. Well, she could at least swoop in and save one of them. Although considering their sizes, there was only really one choice, although she could help the other one out. She gave Goldlewis her chaos shield so he could take a hit before swooping down and grabbing Ganondorf. The king of darkness being in the sky essentially let him leap over the Guardian’s attack. What he did after that was his decision though. Much to the king’s own chagrin, there was precious little he could do at the moment. It would be a little while yet before he could summon Phantom Ganon, and the Moblins had already proved ineffective. And with no Warframe energy to use, that left the warlord with only his swords and trident. Dodging the free floating arm and hopping over to target the guardian's rear side, maybe get it to change direction in order to help his allies, had been Pit's latest intention before the Corruptor made its move. The sudden tunnel of energy engulfing the gap put a stop to that plan before it had even really begun. Now there was no way he could get over there to help until the giant laser between them fizzled out. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Are you guys okay?!"[/color] he shouted over. The guardian's separated arm came at him with a heavy slash while he was apparently distracted, but with a quick Thundering Sands Pit skated down his lane out of the way. Immediately afterward jumped up towards it, kicking against it away from him with both feet to shove it into the laser's path. Sadly, the beam had no more effect on the arm than it did against the guardian itself earlier. “Hey, wait!” With Ganondorf already protected by his Shield Charger, and a lot more mobile than Goldlewis thanks to his bullet jumps, he would have been a much better candidate to shield and leave behind in the veteran’s eyes, but instead Goldlewis found himself alone between a rock and a hard place while the warlord got airlifted to safety. “Consarn it all,” he grumbled through gritted teeth. Adrenaline pumped through his veins as he considered his options. He doubted that Burst would knock the guardian down, or that his armored Wild Assault could overpower the golem’s whirlwind advance. His strikers wouldn’t help, and even if he could coax out a new Mothman cannon in time, it could only carry him in short bursts. He couldn’t see or hear the others over the Corruptor’s beam, so there was only one ally he could rely on right now. “...UMA!” As if intuiting his intentions, the cryptid obeyed. His coffin cracked open, and from within reached elongated arms with a starry cyan texture, first one, then three, then five, then eight. Like the limbs of a spider they stretched out and seized the arena’s organic web. While some hands grabbed on, others reached higher, pulling the coffin into the air. Goldlewis held tight to its dangling chain and was soon hauled off his feet, ascending under the UMA’s power. By that time the guardian was on him, but thanks to Sectonia’s Chaos Shield (and his latest Shield Burst) he shrugged off a couple hits until he’d risen out of range. The trap was sprung, but nobody was home. “Hah! How’d ya like them apples!?” Goldlewis hollered as he slapped the coffin like he might a good friend’s shoulder. “Good work, partner!” The Corruptor’s laser petered out, and the fight was on. Goldlewis began by bidding the UMA to let go, then plummeting down onto the guardian from above with a [url=https://i.imgur.com/7lgU1pw.png]heavy coffin slam[/url] into repeated Behemoth Typhoons. His pummeling left the guardian dazed, its angry swipes just a little too slow as Goldlewis dropped down and rolled away behind it. Now it was the golem who was cornered, and before the Corruptor got going again, the Seekers had to seize this opportunity. The King of Evil, meanwhile, was beginning to really feel the frustration mounting. No less than two of the guardian’s arms were hounding him and preventing him from launching any attacks on the guardian itself. And with dwindling options, Ganondorf had switched his swords in the hopes of building up dark energy for an explosion attack later. But that also meant he was doing precious little in the way of short term damage to this thing. At one point he summoned both of his strikers - Riptor and Blast Hornet so that the former could spit a fireball at the guardian’s head while the latter sent out a volley of hornet drones with his Search Strike attack. Now that he knew everyone that had been stuck in the right lane behind the beam was alright, Pit resumed the fight against the guardian with vigor. Though at that point the arm he'd kicked away had floated back up completely unscathed, the angel focused his offense on the stone golem. When he fired his arrows he took a few seconds between each one, letting them build power before they shot over the lanes and struck against the automaton. Unless he wanted to add some fire to his attacks he didn't need to stand still, so he could duck and weave to keep out of the arm's reach while he loosed dash shots. Once they damaged the guardian enough it would collapse like it did before, right? So he wouldn't need to worry about evading for much longer anyway - a couple of close calls and eaten hits was nothing. Sectonia meanwhile, knowing the creatures had high defense, started throwing her void globules at the Guardian, their properties bypassing its defensive stats as the void clouds clinged and damaged it in small void explosions. Although she’d need to swap back to dealing with the air units before long, she could suppress some of them for now with a rain of holy swords. Once the corruptor exposed itself again, she had a few choice moves for that one. Powerful and precise shots and spells from Pit and Sectonia began to take their toll as Ganondorf and Goldlewis strove to keep the guardian busy. It was impossible to avoid every attack, especially with the golem’s remotely-controlled arms attacking from odd angles, but the frontliners kept at it with some help from the veteran’s regular shield bursts in lieu of any healing. Goldlewis could jump deceptively high when he employed a magic glyph as an airborne springboard, but his enemy loomed even larger, so he focused on bashing its knees with his battering ram of a coffin. “Hrrrah! Grrrrrah! Ha-ah!” Beneath the weight of each Behemoth Typhoon, hairline fissures spread and stone shards went flying. Ganondorf’s sword and spear gave him the wrong damage types when it came to crushing solid rock, but he backed up his might with magic, and combined with the veteran’s brutish blunt force the two were getting results even without a clean shot at the guardian’s head. For all its reach and power, this golem was a simple machine, and it was always going to be the Corruptor to throw a wrench in the works. Trusting the others to call out any danger, Goldlewis put everything he had into this brawl. Smash, backdash, run in, smash, block, block, smash! They were getting close–he could feel it. And this time, Goldlewis had a plan. “Ganondorf!” he called over the action. “When it goes down, gimme your strength!” This elicited a raised eyebrow from the Warlord, but he still nodded anyway after that. A moment later, one of Pit’s charged arrows sealed the deal. An ethereal clang resounded through the arena as corrupted magic burst from the guardian’s crystalline head, and for the second time it slumped down. Goldlewis wasted no time; he threw his coffin aside, then seized the guardian’s arm. “Now! HEAVE!” He pulled with all his might in an attempt to topple the top-heavy golem and send it into freefall over the edge. At that moment, though, the Corruptor arrived. Its loomed overhead and began to open its underside, ready to pump the guardian -and any nearby Seekers- full of crimson energy. Ganondorf didn’t exactly know how heavy this guardian was going to be. But he was certain no matter what its weight was, it was no match for the power of the Triforce. And so when the Gerudo seized guardian’s arm himself, the Triforce mark on his right hand glowed with more pronouncement as the King of Evil invoked his Triforce of Power. Then with tensed muscles he too gave a mighty heave, teeth gritted and eyes furrowing into a look of focus and concentration. Seeing what Goldlewis and Ganondorf were up to, Pit let out a short laugh. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Good idea!"[/color] Of course since the Corruptor could fly it could possibly just go down and pick its golem up and bring it back, but the Seekers would have found a way to be long gone by then if it happened. Since two of the Seekers were focusing on tossing the guardian over the side of the lane, it left just he and Sectonia to deal with the Corruptor. Pit had seen the beating the thing had taken the first time around so he knew he didn't have the pushing power to physically keep it away from the guardian. He'd have to leave that to the queen bee, if she was so inclined. Instead he'd try and make up for the loss in damage himself. For that he had to get closer, so he hopped back to the right lane behind the Corruptor, opposite his allies. He dismissed his bow as he did, summoning his Breaking Palm. The swirling rainbow orb flew into his skin just before he took position, and Pit steadied his firing arm with his free one. This close the power of the Palm's energy blasts would be near maximum, and their sheer output a marvel. Of course it wasn't until he actually fired that Pit realized that going through two back to back battles without healing might be starting to take its toll on him. The barrages of light he released didn't come as quickly as they could have, but it was still fast and intense. And it would have to do. Sectonia meanwhile, with the Corruptor open to attack once again, began to attack it in earnest. Hopefully this would be the last time they’d need to do anything to this thing with this round of attacks. And as such, much to her dislike, she had to get in close to deal as much damage as she could to this thing. And as annoying as it was, she’d have to intercept this thing. At least being so close to it, a lot of her more close range stuff that she had been using on the flying minions would now be affecting the Corruptor. Her death pulses, tesla charges, the occasional bolt from healing herself, her heartstopper aura, and her much more difficult to dodge attacks such as her lightning and point blank large Rings of Light. She was done with this fight, and really done with most of this tree’s shenanigans at this point. Although being in the way of the Corruptor and the Guardian, made her the main target of the Corruptor’s attacks. Between the two of them, Sectonia and Pit put the Corruptor’s impressive durability to the test. Luminous rings and arcs filled the air in a majestic lightshow, each splash of deadly radiance illuminating the Qliphoth’s gloomy interior. Their target creaked like felled timber beneath the weight of their brilliant onslaught, physically repelled from its destination, but that wasn’t all they achieved. While Pit’s light rays boasted excellent homing abilities, Sectonia’s light rings expanded outward in all directions, which meant they eventually came into contact with the suspended arena’s organic lattice. Her power sheared through the plant matter with much greater ease than it did the Corruptor’s hardy wooden exterior, and after just a few seconds, enough had given way that the whole arena was beginning to rock dangerously. Luckily, the other half of the team wouldn’t take very long. Ganondorf was right: despite the guardian’s impressive bulk, the Triforce of Power -with more than a little help from Goldlewis- reigned supreme. Once they maneuvered the disabled golem enough, its own bodyweight took over, and the whole thing toppled over the edge toward the abyss. “Hah!” Goldlewis shouted after it, his muscled aching as his chest heaved from the exertion. “Serves ya right, ya doggone-!” His taunt gave way to a panicked grunt as the floor beneath him shuddered violently. For a terrifying moment he fought to steady himself, slowly backpedaling from the edge. He looked up toward the resplendent lightshow as Pit and Sectonia continued to chip away at the Corruptor. He realized what was happening, as well as something else: that the monster’s vulnerable underside was closing up now that its guardian was gone, and the Seekers were about to lose their best way to deal damage to it. If this battlefield fell apart beneath them, this fight would be a hell of a lot harder, so he knew he had to act now. “UMA!” Goldlewis roared as he kicked his coffin. The lid popped open, and the veteran reached in to pull out his new [url=https://i.imgur.com/TiOIjzV.png]Yowie harpoon gun[/url]. He took aim, then fired up into the Corruptor’s guts. “Hrrrrrrgh!” Planting his feet, Goldlewis held fast, determined to neither let the monster get away nor close up. “Take it down! Now!” With very little time to process what was happening, Ganondorf simply had to assume that Goldlewis noticed something and acted as well. He summoned his trident to his hand and threw it, hoping to skewer the Corruptor’s underside and give it a good blast of lightning for good measure. Alright right up close and attacking, Pit kept at it even as the lane they were standing on was jostled dangerously. With a shout he mustered up what extra energy he had to push the Breaking Palm into firing more, firing faster, as the fusillade of light continued to blast up into the Corruptor's only vulnerable point. With everyone throwing in their big attacks at the Corruptor, Sectonia decided that it had to be injured quite a bit now and used Reaper’s Scythe on it, conjuring a scythe of death out of the air which swung at the Corruptor, Sectonia using the windup of the scythe to throw one last void globule at the creature to deal a bit more damage before the scythe hit. Locked in place and subjected to a withering barrage of attacks, many dealt directly to its vulnerable insides, the Corruptor could only last so long. A deep, resounding howl issued from it as it bucked suddenly. Its root-like tentacles gave one final, violent thrash, then went limp, and as its gravity-defying magic gave out, the Corruptor began to fall from the sky. “We got it!” Goldlewis exclaimed, though he couldn’t celebrate too much, since he could immediately see where this was heading. He hurried to wrench out the Yowie’s harpoon by the cable, then get everything stowed away before the massive corpse made impact. When it slammed down into the arena’s surface, the damaged organic web gave way, and the whole right lane began to crumble. Its fall kickstarted a dangerous chain reaction that would take the center and left lanes -not to mention the Seekers who couldn’t fly- with it. Goldlewis, at least, could double jump high enough to grab hold of the root lattice above where Sectonia damaged it. The UMA reached out of his coffin to lock its arms around the veteran’s shoulders, which meant he could use both hands to haul himself up. It was no easy feat given his inordinate bulk, but despite his injuries and extra baggage, Goldlewis just barely managed. One possessed of two handholds and footholds, he could finally relax somewhat. Though his team was still in a precarious position, they were alive, and that was all he could ask. Pit had wanted to just flop onto his back and take a breath after the Corruptor was defeated, but when it fell and took out the only solid ground in the area he found himself scrambling to get to safety. A stumble prevented him from getting the best footing before he jumped, so when he did he didn't go as high as he could have. His wings pushed him towards the nearest section of the fungal lattice that was still relatively intact, it was going to be a real close call reaching it - at least until he felt something snatch him out of the air, and he blinked over his shoulder to find Sectonia having picked him up before he plummeted. Only a little embarrassed, Pit smiled sheepishly at her and flashed her a victorious V-sign in thanks. Sectonia didn’t reply one way or another, more so just done with this whole fight than anything, although in her head she was a bit confused as to why Pit couldn’t fly with his wings. She did hear him mumbling about needing power from his goddess at one point in Skyworld, but that is kind of sad if true. Reaching a lattice was a simple enough affair for Ganondorf as well. The bullet jump skill he had long since obtained from Oberon Prime was enough for him to launch himself into an initial leap before using the double part of the skill to make up the remaining distance. For a spirit he had obtained quite a while ago in the Under, the warframe in question and its related abilities had proven themselves to be quite useful to the Gerudo. He made a mental note to look into expanding his Warframe abilities somehow if at all possible. He’d grown quite fond of making use of them. A few seconds into watching the wreckage of the arena and the disintegrating corpse of the Corruptor plummet into the depths of the Qliphoth, the Seekers received one more surprise in the form of random reward cards. Some weren’t exactly in the most convenient spot for this right now, so with the added incentive of getting a move on before any more of the lattice broke off, the four needed to make their choice. [hider=For Goldlewis][b]Dazzling Display[/b] - your attacks have a 20% chance to make your foe miss 20% of the time for 9 seconds [b]Divine Construct: Metastatic Field[/b] - when someone you shielded is attacked, deals damage equal to 280% of the shield’s pre-attack value to the attacker, though this cannot defeat an enemy [b]Revenge Bullets[/b] - return weak projectiles toward sender, and take 20% less damage from projectiles plus explosions[/hider] [hider=For Sectonia][b]Perfect Image[/b] - in each encounter, you deal 15% more damage until hit, and if you take no more for 15 seconds, you regain this [b]Exposed Brain Matter[/b] - basic melee attacks release a magic pulse targeting a random nearby enemy that deal 30% of the attack’s damage [b]Shotgun Shoulders[/b] - your projectiles with random patterns will now bounce after hitting solid surfaces up to two times, getting faster with each bounce[/hider] [hider=For Pit][b]Support Fire[/b] - when landing an attack, your heart fires a weak, seeking spirit arrow at the same target [b]Arrow Shades Bow[/b] - when attacking a target right after an ally, your own damage is boosted by 10% of that ally’s attack until that target is hit by someone else [b]Impact Wrists[/b] - enemies (or corpses) you launch deal much more damage on impact[/hider] [hider=For Ganondorf][b]Scorchberry Charm[/b] - you can pin this to a minion to halve its health but double its attack [b]Reflection[/b] - once per encounter, survive a killing blow at 1% HP [b]Mortal Coil[/b] - once every 3 seconds, you can empower your spear with dark energy, which will allow you to reel it (and all targets it hits) toward you once thrown[/hider] Given his current situation, Goldlewis continued to hold on with both hands until he’d made his decision, and he did not take long to decide. Dazzling Display seemed, ironically, lackluster, but both of the others were tempting. After a moment he opted to go with a second shield-related bonus to add a little more punch to his defensive abilities through immediate retaliation. He hoped that the payback damage would apply to his block as well, but he wasn’t going to count on that. Once he tapped the card for Metastatic Field, he heard the clang of hammers and the shrill scratch of crystal against stone. Through his vision flashed the image of an amber colossus the size of a planet, but before he could even focus, the vision was gone. With no time to lose, Goldlewis began to maneuver his way along the latticed curtain toward the nearest intact bloodstream in the hopes of using it to reach firmer footing. “Guh…doggone it…these old bones are achin’...somethin’ fierce…” In Pit's choices, the first card seemed like it would only be a little useful, adding incremental damage when he was already fighting. Not to mention he could just fire seeking arrows himself. The last card looked a little more fun and slightly more useful, but if he was reading the middle card correctly (which, in fairness, he may not have been since reading was still kind of new to him) then so long as he wasn't fighting alone, he could constantly be doing more damage. [i]This one's the best pick, right? Argh I wish I could ask someone for advice![/i] Of course he had someone specific in mind, but since that wasn't an option he just reached out to take the card marked [i]Arrow Shades Bow.[/i] Though it wasn't Lady Palutena, Pit did see some sort of [url=https://i.imgur.com/Zvw6Jj1.png]divine being[/url], part chariot and part charioteer, accompanied by the sound of an arrow being fired from a mighty bow filling his ears. The vision lasted for only a brief moment, and then it was gone while the interior of the hollow they'd been fighting in filtered back into view. That must have been what Captain Falcon mentioned before. Sectonia looked at her choices, and while they all looked pretty useful, making her projectiles even more difficult to dodge or even do multiple hits seemed like the best idea, even if the 15% extra damage was very tempting. So she got the Shotgun Shoulders, now making it that her projectiles were much more difficult to handle. Once again, Ganondorf was faced with a choice between three different floating cards. The first one was not suitable for himself due to the cost of cutting health in half, but perhaps for Phantom Ganon it would be useful? The second card sounded like something that could prove a useful wildcard in a pinch, but something about taking that card rubbed his pride the wrong way. As though taking it would be admitting that he - the Great King of Evil - could ever be felled that quickly by any foe. As such, Ganondorf’s attention finally fell to the third card. Dark magic was something he was already intimately familiar with, and an ability that would allow him to use his trident like a harpoon to pull foes into reach of a follow up attack such as the circular lighting trident throw? Yes, such a thing could certainly prove useful. In the end, he chose the third card - Mortal Coil. And just like before, the isolation faded and he found himself among his allies again. [color=797979]”Hmph, another challenge and more power for us as a result.”[/color] He said with a grimace. Normally a man like him would be all too eager to expand his power. But something about the nature of this still bugged him. [color=797979]”And yet I can’t help but wonder why. Is the tree trying to stop us or aid us? Because it appears to be doing both.”[/color] “This hellhole’s been infested by all kinds o’ crap. Like some kinda breedin’ ground for undead horrors.” Finally, the veteran’s climb across the fungal jungle gym ended next to one of the Qliphoth veins. With the lanes demolished and much of the lattice torn away, only the bloodstreams remained as anchor points for what remained of the structure. Goldlewis propped himself up and took a second to rest, since anyone with a cutting implement would have a much easier time getting in. “Dunno if the tree’s winnin’ or all the godawful parasites, but whichever one ain’t probably don’t mind a little help dealin’ with whichever one is.” Pit wasn't at all nonplussed about the random rewards, especially after experiencing that vision. He shrugged his shoulders and offered another perspective. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I think some gods are just rooting for us and giving us stuff for a job well done. They get bored super easily and end up always messing around with the overworld."[/color] [color=92278f]”This reminds me of the, ugh… basement. That gave us rewards as well. If this power was offered by the spirits of the bosses it would make more sense than what's going on here. The only thing I can think of is that after the void out, all the ‘good’ of the area has coelesed in here, manifesting itself when a boss dies to help us free it or something.”[/color] Sectonia said, agreeing with Ganondorf on how strange this was and trying to figure out an explanation. [color=797979]”Hmph, the Basement…”[/color] Ganondorf mused. [color=797979]“...I’d nearly forgotten about that accursed place. But now that you mention it, yes, it did similarly do something like this, didn’t it?”[/color] At the same time he took one of his swords and began to use it to cut open the vein in order to give the Seekers their way out and into whatever the next trial would be.