[center][h2][color=60cf11]Céline[/color][/h2][/center] [sub]Location: Aelios’ Temple[/sub] [hr] Celine’s eyes went wide with horror as Ivor pushed his way past Ranni and down the aisle and like Ranni she tried to stop the man’s advance. She only stopped once Ranni’s sister emerged from the opening with Gadez, announcing his arrest. Once again Celine’s eyes opened wide with shock as she watched the man calmly escorted out of the temple. She didn’t know him, not really, they only spent a brief time together, stuck during the blizzard. Whatever interactions they had together were limited, his verbiage flowery and even with her abilities, he was difficult to read; a true enigma. Even now he seemed far too calm for someone being arrested, it felt unusual and left an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. Mysteries like that could wait though as she turned her attention back to the hallway, looking past Ivor’s massive frame to find Tingara dwarfed behind it. Initially there was a sense of relief, it seemed Ranni’s sister was correct in her statement and from here, physically she seemed fine. That was when the emotions hit her, underneath Tia’s demure appearance, a roaring tidal wave was raging forward, calling Celine like a siren to a sailor. She felt shaky, nausea started rolling over her in waves like a rising tide along a beach, threatening to take her tumbling into that swirling sea. Celine tried to fight it, tried to catch herself in this moment so as not to fall into that tide; Celine reached out a hand. [color=5946b2][i]"We might be similar. I can... hear my sister's thoughts, I think."[/i][/color] It was quick, desperate, but Ranni was there next to her, she could maybe help, maybe ground Celine. Her grip tightened around Ranni’s hand, enough to say, ‘please don’t let go’. [color=5946b2][i]"We've both been... changed by our afflictions. Nothing seems too insane, least we can do is support one another."[/i][/color] Did she truly believe that? Maybe now was the time to put that to the test. [color=60cf11]“Please…”[/color] Celine’s eyes found their way to Ranni’s, [color=60cf11]“it’s not safe for me..not safe for Tia if I’m here, please, help me outside.”[/color] Ranni looked concerned, even through the turmoil of emotions, being this close to Ranni, she could feel the anxiety of leaving Tia alone with a stranger. [color=60cf11]“I don’t know Ivor well, but he seems to be good natured…”[/color] she breathed through the nausea, [color=60cf11]“she’ll be safer with him here than with me.”[/color] A momentary pause, a brief gaze towards Tia’s direction and then a nod as Ranni’s own grip tightened, helping Celine to cross the temple’s threshold. [hr] [sub]mentions Tia[@c3p-0h], Gadez [@Dezuel]; speaking with: Ranni[@Queen Arya][/sub] [hr][hr] [center][h2][color=9a45dc]Ivor, The Wild[/color][/h2][/center] [sub]Location: Aelios’ Temple[/sub] [hr] Ivor watched as multiple figures emerged from the room. First, a man he did not recognize who greeted him with a nod and the same woman he offered the fish to now clad in armor. Ivor checked behind him, double taking only to realize it was someone else who looked the same. Thinking back he remembered someone had stepped away from the brazier, but he hadn't registered who as he was too enamored with the grandeur of the temple. Turning his attention towards the doctor, she seemed alarmed as the man passed by her and wondered if she knew him. Once the main doors echoed closed and silence returned to the temple, Ivor wondered if he should pursue after them, be another pair of eyes to a potentially dangerous man. Such thoughts, however, were put to rest when heavy, dull thuds approached him. Looking down towards the source of the noise, he saw a small woman, holding a staff that seemed far too weighty for her to bear, yet she held it upright all the same. She wore garbs similar to the priestess he spoke with earlier, yet they seemed intricate. In his village shaman leaders often wore a large headdress to signify their status. While the woman before him did not don such an item, he wondered if her status outranked that of her counterpart in the main chamber. The woman gave him a small bow and not wanting to be rude, Ivor returned her bow with the same gesture he gave the other priestess. Balling his fist to his face, he spoke, [color=9a45dc]“Bless you, you are not injured, yes?”[/color] Lowering his fist he looked the woman over, noting that although startled, she seemed unharmed. Despite being told that no doctors were needed, it was good for him to confirm such a statement with his own eyes. Lowering himself down to one knee to be closer to her level and slightly less intimidating he gave a big smile and stated, [color=9a45dc]“I am Ivor, good to be meeting you Miss Priestess.”[/color] Ivor looked back towards the other two and frowned as he saw Ranni escorting Celine towards the entrancing. Getting up and doubling back he called to them, [color=9a45dc]“Miss Ceiling! Miss Priestess!”[/color] With a weak hand Celine waved back to Ivor, stopping briefly enough to turn and say, [color=60cf11]“Ivor, stay here with Tia, stay with the priestess.”[/color] With that, the two left the building leaving Ivor somewhat perplexed, but understanding something serious had happened and he was given a task. Turning back to look at the priestess with the weighty staff Ivor smiled, [color=9a45dc]“I’m sure they are alright, just need small moment, maybe?”[/color] Ivor shrugged, looking around the temple and witnessing his fish on the floor. A frown and a cuss in his native tongue, Ivor approached the tribute and picked it up off the floor, brushing away any errant dust or debris. Priestess Ranni had offered to take care of his offering, but the ensuing chaos likely caused the whole thing to slip from her mind. Turning towards the woman back in the hallway a thought came to Ivor, Celine did say this woman was also a priestess, maybe she’d be willing to help. [color=9a45dc]“Excuse me, Miss priestess, this is for the goddess,”[/color] his gaze averted from hers and downward slightly, [color=9a45dc]“it got dropped…I hope goddess will not be mad with Ivor.”[/color] [hr] [sub]Mentions: Dyna [@Queen Arya], Gadez [@Dezuel]; Interacting with: Tia [@c3p-0h], Ranni [@Queen Arya][/sub]