[color=#1A1A3B][b][u][h1][sub][sub][sub]Farren[/sub][/sub][/sub][/h1][/u][/b][/color] was too stunned to act as the Shopkeeper slammed down his kirkhammer, but he recovered moments after, embracing the reality he’d ended up in with surprising swiftness. [color=#1A1A3B][b]“Good fucking riddance,”[/b][/color] Farren said, before he spat on the man’s headless corpse. Taking his foot off the man, Farren holstered his blunderbuss and knelt down and picked up the roughshod Beast Claw that Skinner had once wielded. He looked the crude implement over with distaste, but ultimately he gestured towards the ground and after a moment the Messengers rose from the damaged cobblestones and took the weapon away for him as they disappeared to wherever they truly dwelled. Despite his earlier gesture of disgust, Farren offered a silent prayer while he was on one knee and as he did it was almost like something answered him. It was like experiencing an entire hour, or perhaps a day, in the space of a single instant, without any of the benefit of time to process what occurred. In the next instant he took in a sharp breath–not quite a gasp–and his eyes snapped open as if he’d been roused forcefully from a nightmare. A sense of understanding washed through his mind, but bereft of what context had allowed him to glean it. Farren frowned, for it felt like…a warbling, like a whisper, a vibration in his mind and with it came a sort of…symbol. Brow still furrowed, he muttered to himself, [color=#1A1A3B][b]“...a Rune?”[/b][/color] Strange, but he supposed at least this way they had not lost the opportunity to learn it from the man. Farren thought it better that Skinner–or whatever his true name had been–was gone. He’d been a menace for quite some time and the idea of his continued existence had put a sour taste upon his tongue, one that only now he felt fading. Shaking his head slightly, Farren finally pushed to his feet, giving the Moonborn Hunter a nod of respect for his swift action. The man was even more fierce than the rumors said–a rare thing indeed for rumors tended towards exaggeration. [color=#1A1A3B][b]“Any chance that trick of yours is teachable? The one with the flash of light…”[/b][/color] the azure-eyed Hunter asked, cracking a small grin, despite the grisly scene at their feet.