So, I pretty much typed up an entire app for another character before deciding I'd probably rather use Kaison, since his team is gimmicky and fun. (The details of which I left out of his app, as a surprise) but eh, if [@Carlyle] thinks this character would fit the RP better, I wouldn't mind going with him either. [hider=Felix][center][img][/img] [img][/img][hider=Theme][youtube][/youtube][/hider][/center] [color=#BAD999][sub][color=#E8848A][[/color] [color=#7AB57B]𖡽[/color] [color=#E8848A]][/color] N A M E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Felix Conroy[/indent] [color=#BAD999][sub][color=#E8848A][[/color] [color=#7AB57B]𖡽[/color] [color=#E8848A]][/color] O C C U P A T I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Globe-trotting archaeologist of some renown, notable for his discovery and/or documentation of several ancient ruins and his published biological examinations of numerous legendary pokémon; considered one of the foremost experts on Hoenn's Regi trio, Hoenn's Eon Duo, Sinnoh's Lake Guardian's, Paldea's own Regi duo, Paldea's Four Treasures of Ruin, Rayquaza, Deoxys, and Regigigas.[/indent] [color=#BAD999][sub][color=#E8848A][[/color] [color=#7AB57B]𖡽[/color] [color=#E8848A]][/color] B A C K S T O R Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Born an only child and raised on the northern end of Hoenn's route 111, Felix grew up lacking any friends his age, and often had to find ways of playing all by himself. For better or for worse, Hoenn's only major desert was always just a short walk away, although the ash-covered route 113 and its devious lurking Skarmory wasn't a much better option. For as long as he could remember, he's always been drawn to the mystery of the desert's ruins, and as a matter of living there, his family had to get him go-goggles of his very own for the rare occasions when sandstorms blew out from the desert. He's been relying on one pair of go-goggles or another for so long that nowadays, he feels naked without them. Although he originally wasn't allowed to enter the desert without supervision, either from his parents or their pokémon, his proclivity to explore it day after day wore down their wariness until he was eventually running through it with just his own pokémon to keep him safe. The first, of course, came in the form of a Trapinch that he would play with on a regular basis. It followed him home one day, and soon enough they were inseparable. The second, a Surskit, he met during one of their trips to Mauville, having stopped along the way to visit the Winstrate family. He had been playing with Vito, Vito's Voltorb, and his Trapinch just outside, testing Trapinch's immunity to electric attacks when exposed to water, at his own request. They were doing so near the edge of a small lake just beside their house when a curious Surskit came along to investigate. A few hours of going back to normal games at Vito's request, Surskit in tow, and by the end Felix was begging his parents to let him keep his new friend, who seemed just as eager to get out of the tiny pond it inhabited. As he grew up, it was just the three of them for a long time. Surskit's water and bug attacks made the desert's ground types and cacnea a great place to train. Eventually, Trapinch evolved into Vibrava, then Flygon, while Surskit evolved into Masquerain. Now he was flying around the desert and visiting the odd ruins and elusive mirage tower rather frequently. It was just like when he would go sand surfing as a child, except a hundred feet up in the air, atop a dragon. He was forced to learn that Flygon and Masquerain shared an egg group, though, to his knowledge, no eggs came of it before they broke up. Things became awkward between them for a while after that but they eventually got over it and now Felix brings it up whenever he wants to embarrass them. With Flygon available to fly everywhere, a prestigious college in Mauville became a convenient option, and wouldn't you know it, a paper on the ruins on route 111 drew a lot of attention. Similar ruins had been found on route 120, though no one had bothered to do such a thorough examination on it. His career as an archaeologist started when he was invited to investigate Hoenn's Sky Pillar. He noticed then that the rock formations on route 134 were suspicious, though he didn't have a water pokémon to help him investigate at the time, and left it be. Although the one who sent the invite to Sky Pillar remained anonymous, when he got there, an ornery old lady agreed to let him in, albeit while glaring at him the whole time. Nonetheless, he was comfortable ignoring her while he went about documenting Sky Pillar's murals. After publication and a surprise visit to the combative woman seemingly guarding Sky Pillar to share the article with her, he was even given her stamp of approval, albeit lamenting her technological illiteracy until he showed her how to access articles on her phone, including his, on the Draconid people. Doing so took hours, and he's still not sure if she learned how to, properly. Soon enough he was pursuing opportunities to study ruins abroad. Naturally, a trip to Alola was at the top of his list of appealing destinations, with its many ruins and beautiful beaches. He even went diving off the coast of the island he can only remember as "the one that has the Ruins of Hope on it," using a rental pokémon service apparently common on the islands. Naturally, it was to visit a shipwreck, though he didn't expect to meet such a uniquely interesting pokémon there. He began traveling all over. Unova's Relic Castle and Dragonspiral Tower, Johto's Ruins of Alph, and even Paldea's Area Zero. (though that last one might not have been legal in retrospect - he was frustrated at the time by the inaccessible shrines scattered across the region.) Eventually he visited the Tanoby Ruins of Kanto's Sevii Islands, and while it wasn't a particularly notable trip, he found the first water pokémon he got along with there, Surskit notwithstanding. Mantine in tow, he next went to investigate the ruins of Hoenn's Route 134, and after an embarrassingly long time spend beseeching wild pokémon to entertain his requests, brought a Relicanth and a Wailord to the ruins before releasing them. He couldn't leave such an obvious bread crumb trail in his report without following up on it, after all. Despite the Earthquake, seemingly nothing else happened, though since he was back in Hoenn, he figured he'd go and visit his family, maybe stop by the ruins on Route 111. Naturally, he immediately noticed the difference in the ruins he had spent so long examining, and, heading within, solving the puzzle within, he had a fateful encounter with the pokémon Regirock. Although catching Regirock was a difficult ordeal that nearly ended in disaster, he and his pokémon eventually managed to do so, and when he wrote of his findings about the ruins and Regirock, suddenly he was getting much more attention than before. Pokémon professors around the globe were clamoring for more information on such a mysterious pokémon, especially given the story behind finding it. His interest in ancient ruins didn't fade, but alongside it, an interest in legendary pokémon and their stories rose within him, and soon he began hunting them down. Route 120's ruins led to a battle with Registeel, and while he didn't feel the need to capture it this time, he still took his time giving it a physical examination after defeating it. Then he sprayed it down with a full restore before simply going on to examine the ruins it lived in while it watched on in confusion. This pattern continued, with alarming frequency. Regirock, as his first legendary find, was special, but most other legendaries didn't particularly interest him. Finding Regice's ruins was a harder task than defeating it at this point. A chance encounter with Latios became rather awkward as he had to explain to Latias that he was mainly trying to give it an examination on account of its rarity and notoriety. He returned to Sky Pillar to seek the legendary pokémon in the murals, only to find it in the middle of a clash with a Deoxys. Time after time, he found himself barely surviving by the skin of his teeth. He hadn't originally wanted to become a trainer; training was more a game for him to play with his pokémon in the desert as a child, but its importance in his career became greater and greater as he went on. If Rayquaza and Deoxys weren't so concerned with each other, he doubted his ability to handle that situation and come out alive. So, before he went on, he did a bit of consolidation of his gains, caught a Magneton while running an errand for Wattson, and began picking his team in preparation for different myths he pursued. Even with all of that, Sinnoh's Lake Guardians proved to be an especially deadly encounter. It was Azelf in particular that almost proved to be his demise; the fastest and perhaps trickiest of the Lake Guardians, he walked out of the cave in the middle of Lake Valor with a stalactite impaling his side. Catching Azelf was more a tactical matter than a conscious decision. He managed to survive, and through many more thankfully less life-threatening battles with his own team, managed to come to an understanding with Azelf. Snowpoint Temple proved an interesting topic of study, though there wasn't much mystery to it. Regigigas was just sleeping out in the open. Regirock told him all he needed to know about it, and the rest he could gleam through a physical examination. Eventually he returned to Paldea to continue his investigation of those damnably inaccessible shrines. After managing to undo one of the seals, he thought it'd be an in-and-out 15 minute adventure. Unfortunately, those things were hidden all over the place. He ran into a particularly talented Gimmighoul, though otherwise the trip was rather trying on his patience. When he finally unsealed the Firescourge Shrine, he was inclined to catch the thing, and would have if his Iron Moth wasn't rather overtly jealous of the idea of his spot on the team; a provider of literal firepower, being taken. After a trip to the Split-Decision Ruins, his business in Paldea was mostly done with for the time being, and as he thought to follow up on a rumor about Sinnoh's Mt. Coronet, he received an email invitation to Pokétopia's Island Resort. "Why not?" He thought. His vacation to Alola was pleasant enough. His pokémon certainly insisted he accept the invitation, though he had to warn them that he might leave early if it proved to be boring. He couldn't imagine Alola without the ruins, after all. [/indent] [color=#BAD999][sub][color=#E8848A][[/color] [color=#7AB57B]𖡽[/color] [color=#E8848A]][/color] P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Felix is an intense person, simultaneously excitable and serious. He has a no-nonsense demeanor that belies his hasty nature, and he generally cuts right through to the heart of matters, whether it be because they interest him or so that he can move past them. He is relentless when it comes to his goals, and while he can be patient, he strongly prefers decisive action. He often becomes laser-focused on subjects of his interest, to the exclusion of all else, and to the extent that his pokémon must frequently reel him in. While he may seem impulsive at times, he feels perfectly at-home camping in otherwise uncomfortable and inhospitable places, provided they bring him closer to his objectives. Felix has a habit of throwing caution to the wind, more concerned with satisfying his own curiosity than the risks that may be involved, though he is enough of a realist to know his own limitations. [/indent] [color=#BAD999][sub][color=#E8848A][[/color] [color=#7AB57B]𖡽[/color] [color=#E8848A]][/color] P O K È M O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][list][*][img][/img] Flygon [*][img][/img] Masquerain [*][img][/img] Dhelmise [*][img][/img] Iron Moth [*][img][/img] Mantine [*][img][/img] Azelf[/list][/indent] [color=#BAD999][sub][color=#E8848A][[/color] [color=#7AB57B]𖡽[/color] [color=#E8848A]][/color] P O K È M O N I N S T O R A G E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][list][*][img][/img] Gimmighoul [*][img][/img] Magnezone [*][img][/img] Regirock[/list] [/indent][/hider]